To dog or not to dog… 🐶🐶: My partner and I are... - Thyroid UK

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To dog or not to dog… 🐶🐶

104 Replies

My partner and I are thinking about getting 2 small rescue mix breed puppies. We don’t have children and we don’t have big financial worries, so we are in a good position to get the dogs in all aspects outside of my health.

I am still quite badly hypo, but feel it might do me good to have something outside myself to worry about… I wondered whether anyone has any insight into how getting a pet has affected their life while still feeling hypo symptomatic - whether it was too much or whether it actually helped.

Would love to hear some feedback!

Pics for your enjoyment of our potential little rescues…

104 Replies

Peggy - rescue pup #2

RiverWye profile image
RiverWye in reply to

one dog is a companion, two dogs are a pack. My advice would be just have one until you have trained it. Then decide. C

in reply to RiverWye

thanks for your reply, that’s a good point… and has been mentioned by others so we do need to consider the pack mentality. I’m also near the wye, wondering if I know you! I’ve send you a direct message 🙂

Batty1 profile image
Batty1 in reply to

I don’t agree 2 dogs are fantastic as long as the owner isn’t a nasty person or a spastic person because the dogs will take on the owners personality …. My sister has 2 rescue dogs and because shes is spastic both her dogs feed off her personality and this is true she has never owned a dog that wasn’t spastic, its all her …… Yes occasionally you just get that one dog thats just has problems for no apparent reason then you need to look at a possible medical issue or behavioral.

Im a yes for 2 dogs as long as they aren’t massive in size.

Pippah45 profile image
Pippah45 in reply to

I second what RiverWye has said - and don't get litter sisters/brothers they are worse than a pack! Much more difficult to train. Start with one. I normally have two or three dogs and am down to one at the moment will get another rescue sometime. An older rescue can be good too.

Just arrived at first indoor home.
Charlie-Farley profile image

They look gorgeous! We had a rescue who was my sanity when in the latter stages of my caring role for my mum and was there to lick my tears away when I was later diagnosed as hypo and grossly under medicated and at my worst. Sadly lost him last year and we will not be getting another until we have moved settled done a bit of travelling. We worshipped our little chap - he gave us so much love and empathy

Rescue dog in the driving seat of car
in reply to Charlie-Farley

He’s beautiful, what a cutie and so lovely you had him when you needed him.. we’ve always had dogs in my family but I’ve never had one of my own… I really hope I can step up and take care of them and they don’t become something I dread 🤞would your dog still be a blessing if you still had him or would it stress you out having him and being unwell? X

Charlie-Farley profile image
Charlie-Farley in reply to

He had myelopathy Relentless

A cruel disease I certainly would not put him through. It would have been an undignified end, not befitting of him. He was distressed at the early stages and once we realised his accidents of the previous few weeks were not simply a dicky tum we knew what we had to do. He went peacefully. Hubby and I have never regretted letting go. Wish I could have saved my parents from their medicalised suffering. Both had their demises unnecessarily extended by doctors. I call it the Shipman effect - they are all terrified of someone popping off on their watch, so they pump the eldery and infirm full of AB's and pass the parcel, so as not to get a forfeit, very often firing them off into hospital.

1tuppence profile image
1tuppence in reply to Charlie-Farley

Hugs Charlie. Looks a poppet. Hard to say Goodbye isn't it? The price of love. xx

Charlie-Farley profile image
Charlie-Farley in reply to 1tuppence

Yes it is 1tuppence but 10 years caring for Mum (7 for Dad) made the decision easy when it came. I would never put a dog through what my parents went through 😱 People just are not allowed to pass quietly anymore - its obscenely medicalised and not for the patient's benefit.🙄

That said, our boy was wrongly diagnosed with a brain tumour at the rescue centre as he was so stressed. He got better in the centre and then put up for fostering as they didn't know how long he might last. He was 6 when we took him on and he made it to 10 and a bit before the myelopathy kicked in. The most chilled out dog we have ever had - Mr Mellow.😍

Hashiboy profile image
Hashiboy in reply to Charlie-Farley

That's a great pic

Charlie-Farley profile image
Charlie-Farley in reply to Hashiboy

He was very photogenic and his fur was baby soft so a real life plushy pup all the way. God we miss him ….

Hashiboy profile image
Hashiboy in reply to Charlie-Farley

Condolences on the loss of your parents and your lovely dog Charlie-Farley sounds like a very tough time

Charlie-Farley profile image
Charlie-Farley in reply to Hashiboy

Thank you Hashiboy

Yes it was but we all have them at one time or another. 🤗❤️

SarahJane1471 profile image

😍they are wonderful but remember you have to walk them and that can be tough. I’m lucky I live next to fields.

Meg my Border/Cairn terrier
in reply to SarahJane1471

luckily we live at the bottom of a mountain but yes… the walking of them is concerning me a bit. Does it help you to have a reason to get up and get going? X

Charlie-Farley profile image
Charlie-Farley in reply to

It did me! I had a reason to walk. I call walking without a dog walking without purpose - I have to walk hubby now!😜

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to

Yep, nothing like a little pleading face to get you out there, these 2 little cuties look like snugglers or pocket warmers rather than great trekkers.... indoor games are just as rewarding or bimbling around the garden with them zooming around with their head in a flower pot is always a great game 🤗

1tuppence profile image

Poppy ...Light of my Life :-)

Have you had dogs before? They are bringers of Love, Love on 4 legs. Poppy was 8 weeks old when she came home with hubby and me. We'd had dogs throughout our marriage, mostly rescue dogs and all of them brought us joy. Poppy was the second young puppy, and it was many years since we had had our first and only other puppy.

Puppies are adorable.... they also require quite a lot of training and attention. I was hypo but untreated and undiagnosed.... and not as poorly as I became, so we were able to take her for country walks. We had a huge garden where she could safely roam, so whilst I was at my poorliest, outside garden exercises like daily walks weren't essential. Hope that may help?

Lovely Poppy.
in reply to 1tuppence

yes that’s very helpful, I think we are going to need to fence in our garden so that I can let them roam without guilt. I am really hoping it will motivate me to stop ruminating so much over myself and give me something to nurture ❤️ Poppy is gorgeous

1tuppence profile image
1tuppence in reply to

What I should have added is that this past year...(Poppy is now 8..oh Lord! almost 9)..... when I've been struggling due to mixed brands, bad backwards fall, getting the right brand and right amount, having Poppy to take care of has definitely been a positive focus. I may not feel I want to take her for a walk.... and some days couldn't...there are options. Safely fenced garden for fresh air, exercise and different environment, also friendly neighbours who have helped with a "Poppy Walk". There are people who will take dogs for a walk for a fee too. I'm very lucky to live near to a safe place I can take her, where if I can't walk far I can sit and throw her ball for her to run and run...she loves chasing the sling ball. It means she gets good exercise if I'm not up to walking. It also means that despite not feeling I want to take her, I do, because I know she loves it, and I love to see her happiness. ... we both get some big pluses :-)

One thing that definitely worked in our favour was bringing Poppy home in early summer. House training was easier as we were able to make use of having the door to the garden open in good weather.

SarahJane1471 profile image

TBH I my first dog I had was in 2005 when I had my 2nd acute PTSD episode. He made me get out of bed every morning. But that was many years before hypo symptoms. Meg is 18 months old. Some days it really is tough, I walk through treacle and struggle, but I live alone so she is wonderful company. My best friend walks her in the evenings because I’m “done” by 3pm everyday. Honestly, I’d think about the bread, how much attention they need and if two dogs are a lot to take on. 🤷‍♀️. Puppies are hard work 🙈………but I still luv em!🤣

in reply to SarahJane1471

they’ll be 4 months by the time they get here on the “happy bus” 😂 that they will be sent over in… so maybe some of the tiring puppiness will be a bit gone. Apparently they are prone to “rehoming depression” so I felt like it might be kinder to have 2 for their comfort ❤️ But yes, 2 is a lot. Luckily I have my partner who is fantastic hypo support so I think he’ll do the “I’m done” walk. Thank you so much for your insight, it’s made me feel like I am actually ready for it 🙂

SarahJane1471 profile image
SarahJane1471 in reply to

I agree with SeasideSusie s comment below 👇. What breed are they?

in reply to SarahJane1471

it’s hard to say, apparently whenever the dogs from this shelter have had DNA tests it’s about 25 breeds mixed, their mum is very mixed and the dad is unknown. I think they have some chi, some collie and some coconis… but in total I have no idea. Yes susie just gave great advice!

SarahJane1471 profile image
SarahJane1471 in reply to

just thinking of the size they will grow in to. 🤷‍♀️. Susie makes a very good point of 2 being VERY hard work, all puppies experience loss from their siblings and mother. That’s the love their new owners provide 😍.

in reply to SarahJane1471

yes it’s good point. The shelter guess they will grow to be “small” /5kg but it’s certainly a lottery! I definitely don’t think I’ll be short on love ❤️🥹 but the energy bit is a tiny bit worrying. I think it will be a good change for me… hopefully x thank you for sharing that with me x

SarahJane1471 profile image
SarahJane1471 in reply to

nothing like puppy love ❤️. But it’s like looking after a toddler…..exhausting. I’d imagine 2x equals double exhaustion. But you have your partners help. That’s also a lot of dog poop 💩 to pick up 🙈

Honeybee66 profile image
Honeybee66 in reply to

Hi relentlessearch

We rescued our pup in november, he too came over on the ‘happybus’, im guessing its probably the same rescue centre?. Best thing i did, aside from the fact he is gorgeous and a bundle of energy, i dont have time to think about how im feeling and yes it does give you a purpose and getting out in the fresh air for walks. Great way to meet new people and have a chat even if its about the dogs or the weather!!

Good luck☘️… they look really cute.

Rufus on our walk in the woods
in reply to Honeybee66

Oh my goodness me I recognise Rufus!! It’s the same company I’m sure of it! My partner and I are contemplating a road trip to collect in person… <3 

Honeybee66 profile image
Honeybee66 in reply to

precious pups from Bulgaria😀🐾. We love him to bits. Amazing, im sure you wont regret your devision x

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to

When the kids little one arrived on the Happy Bus all she really wanted was a quiet time indoors, it took a good few months before she settled in to the idea that walks were fun, has since became a terrorist with a little training from my 2! Like you say the mixed up breeding just makes them a really nice all round mutt which is just what the kids wanted, also you get ongoing support from the charity and usually a whatsapp group with others on the same happy bus, I was really impressed.

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to

Don't worry once the cute puppy bit is over the hideous rebellious teenage years kick in around 7-10 months 🤣

A timeout crate works great....if only you could do the same with kids 😉

The upside of puppies is you hopefully aren't having to deal with them having been traumatized by humans... as so many of the ones in rehoming centres 😩 but you will have no idea of their nature or breed traits whether they be scent hounds, territorial, thieves, ball obsessed, slight psychos, loners, shy, gregarious, ability to turn a deaf ear etc... or maybe cuddle bundles who just want to be princesses and carried everywhere 🐶..... or like mine a little bit of everything and some!

Either way, young or old you won't see their true colours for 6 months+

BlueMoon65 profile image
BlueMoon65 in reply to

I’ve had a chronic CFS and have hypo plus Menière’s Syndrome, but having dogs has been a massive comfort, and, as you and others point out, it can can also motivate us. We had rescue dogs before…in 2020 we adopted an older dog from Romania, and she has been a very close friend and companion. The love is something real when the world is bonkers, and when we feel low with hypo, that can be tremendously supportive. Our Hannah had whelped several times, but with good nutrition and care, she soon developed into a very active girl! We had thought of getting another to keep her company, but this proved unnecessary. However, if these pups are siblings, there are two ways of looking at the situation. Whilst we should beware of sentimentalising our dogs, it occurs to me that they will grow together and exercise through their play, provided you have a secure fence. And we have friends who adopted sibling Staffies, which were absolutely fine regarding their behaviour. Does the charity you’re using offer fostering for the dogs prior to adoption? Ours did, and that can give you deeper insight into their temperament. If you are ‘collecting straight from the Happy Van’, you an find some very solid advice about training from a man called Stan Rawlinson, the Dog Listener, online. His free newsletter and other resources are very helpful. Beware of ‘Dog Trainers’ who charge copious amounts and sometimes use bizarre methods, IMHO…. All good wishes with your dog(s)! 🐾

SeasideSusie profile image

One puppy is hard work. Two puppies are very hard work, they will be relentless in their play (but gorgeous when asleep :) ).

To start with they'll need only short walks every day so that wont be too taxing, but it will be the constant watching their every move, ensuring they don't chew your furniture, rugs and anything else they can get their mouths on when teething, mopping up puddles and poos whilst toilet training them, etc, that will exhaust you.

Training them separately is best otherwise they'll ignore you and concentrate on playing/fighting with their partner in crime!

Also time away from each other so they're not totally dependent on each other.

You will need patience by the bucket load and then some.

Try and teach them to toilet in one specific place in your garden, they'll dig up your flower beds (some plants are poisonous to dogs) and dog urine basically kills your lawn.

Get them to puppy training classes as soon as you can.

All said with love from a life long dog lover/owner who currently has an almost 13 year old who has some doggy dementia. She is my last dog as I am now of an age where a new dog would outlive me and I think that would be very cruel for the dog.

If you decide to go ahead, they will bring you joy and unconditional love. Enjoy 😊🐶

in reply to SeasideSusie

that’s amazingly helpful, thank you so much! 🙏🏻

islandlass profile image
islandlass in reply to


Seaside susie makes valid points - but - as some body who once helped in rescuing dogs, folk like you are a Godsend to rescue centers. It looks as if these puppies are a smaller breed, hard to tell from photo, would need training from the start, read up on this and ask anybody around who are doggy folk for advice. Whilst they are young and not potty trained try a playpen - the old fashioned type not the modern round ones - 2 puppies, toys, cover on floor for any accidents etc - puppy heaven. You get on with whatever without worry. Puppies nearlyalways empty bladder when they wake up from a nap, time to put them where they should deposit. A space in garden where you can keep clean etc from the beginning will pay off long term. Once saw an area in a garden, where we were rehoming, fenced around on 3 sides and their mature dog gaily trotting in and using his bathroom, they kept it spotless, no odours whatsoever - it was a very hot day into the bargain.

I lost my last rescue dog during lockdown, little old collie who had been badly tortured by drug abusers, some issues but we worked through them, what a sweetie he turned out to be, this when I was very bad with PA and hypo etc. He kept me sane and motivated to exercise however limited it was, if I couldn't walk him I used my fenced in garden to play with his chuck ball thrower and puffed him out well and truly. Please don't panic - if you need any help seek out your local dog training club and you will find more advice and help than you can imagine. As they are puppies they are pretty unlikely to have behaviour issues other than normal ones.

Sorry for long speech but you sound like somebody who would give a good home to one of the many dogs in need of one, what you gain will more than compensate, buckle up, hope you can take a big love bomb that will last for years. Like seaside susie, I won't have another because of my age, it would be a rescue and one abandonment in its life is enough. Still reach for the lead to go walkies!!!

BlueMoon65 profile image
BlueMoon65 in reply to islandlass

Your deep compassion and understanding may mean an old dog that nobody wants may be sent your way! A friend told me of a lady of 78 who adopted an older dog from her charity - both benefited so much from their mutual love! X

islandlass profile image
islandlass in reply to BlueMoon65

81 this end - naughty, naughty - don't tempt me.

Pippah45 profile image
Pippah45 in reply to islandlass

Older dogs are very rewarding. I have been rescuing since the mid 80s and started with really troublesome Red Zone rescues. Finally a bit over a year ago Daisy came my way from Kennels as she was too old to breed from - 6 then. She has been a great joy and the easiest rescue so far. The first day I had to persuade her it was OK to come in the house to get her dinner. I do have to be very careful is I have a broom in my hand as she has clearly been beaten but apart from that she is a joy even when she chews things she shouldn't!

One big tip for rescuing any dog - don't feel sorry for it. They live in the present and if you feel sorry for it they think you are weak and will soon take advantage. Always be firm with lots of love.

islandlass profile image
islandlass in reply to Pippah45

I know poo up walls - terrified out of their minds - on and on. Would happily take one on last legs, have done before and gave them the best days of their lives but now my health is nose diving and know I could not cope, frustration does not begin to describe my feelings. I hope this tread will open up ways for folk to consider adopting. Ones with serious behaviour problems are for the experience handlers but so many are such sweeties if given a chance. They really are medicine on four legs and so unjudgemental.

Agree - no feeling sorry for them, security and buckets full of love, good food and a cosy nest plus lots of good doggie when they get something right. Never realised how many dog lovers belonged to this forum, encouraging to me anyway.

Pippah45 profile image
Pippah45 in reply to islandlass

Not up the walls - but all over the Caravan Floor on maybe our first camping trip! It's the first time I have trodden in it I think in all those years! Sorry your health isn't going well. More than Hypo? I have Polymyalgia and GCA as well as Hashi's . I am thinking of fostering another - get it on it's feet with confidence for a new life. Of course fosters can go back too if my health lets me down. My first foster was supposed to be short term a Rottie x GSD and was with me 12 years!

islandlass profile image
islandlass in reply to Pippah45

Hope you had slippers on!!!!

Pippah45 profile image
Pippah45 in reply to islandlass

Unfortunately not! 🤢 But it was the first time in many years!

waveylines profile image
waveylines in reply to

I would chat to the rescue home. I live alone & my little dog is now 11 1/2yrs old & is such great her loads. . I deliberately chose a low energy breed. Its important to establish if those pups are likely to be high energy dogs. My lovely dog doesn't need long walks (30mins) and on days I'm very tired is happy poodling round my large garden. She loves cuddles...her main aim in life! She doesn't like to be left for long please consider this. My son has a lovely dog too.....but they chose a high energy breed....& he needs long walks twice per day as they are both sporty & very active. Also gorgeous gentle temperament but too much for me!

Personally Id only have one puppy at a time. It's hard to toilet train 2 puppies as they tend to ignore you & form their own pack. Getting through puppyhood is amazing but hard work. You are constantly watching them eg do they need to go out for a wee etc, what are they chewing & keeping them entertained. You will be up/down all the time for the first few months. And time for training and socialising is extremely important as well as you do need a certain level of energy. I don't think I could have coped with two at once. My breeder recommended a two year gap. I've stuck to one!

And yes she's always there, unconditional love & is great company when I've gone through illnesses.

So ny advice is pick wisely. Let the rescue centre know your needs. They shouldn't want to match you with a dog that's inappropriate for you.

Alternatively you could by pass this and choose an adult rescue dog. There are many reasons for having to give up a dog. Change in financial circumstances, divorce or illhealth for example. Many are lovely loved dogs who need another lovely owner. Check history carefully.

Pippah45 profile image
Pippah45 in reply to waveylines

I agree about researching the breeds. MSN keeps showing up what breeds of dog are suitable for who etc. Retired Greyhounds are very low maintenance. They don't need much exercise

waveylines profile image
waveylines in reply to Pippah45

Hadn't realised that retired Greyhounds didn't need much exercise. Interesting.

Pippah45 profile image
Pippah45 in reply to waveylines

Yes I have looked into it - they are very peaceful creatures - laid back unless they see a rabbit! I spoke to a couple who had one and she said her grand children were very disappointed hers wouldn't play ball or anything like that! If I didn't need a "guard dog" I would have looked into it more closely but I live alone and isolated. Actually Daisy is a failed Guard dog in her first home which I am assuming is where she got beaten but at least as a German Shep she looks the part! Also I have had several dogs that really did guard so have a reputation! There are Greyhound rescue places all over and I think they say 20 minutes twice a day. Daisy doesn't get that except chasing her own toys. My first German Shepherd needed a new hip very young (I suspect a brush with a protective Nanny goat caused it) but I asked my vet how to avoid it with her daughter and he said "never walk her". The daughter lived to 16.5 years and her hips were good until the last couple of years.

diamondial profile image
diamondial in reply to SeasideSusie

As a dog owner of nearly 50 years - although currently dogless as still trying to come to terms with the loss of our last dog just over a year ago, I was going to say exactly the same as you SeasideSusie .

Buddy195 profile image

Dogs are wonderful companions and are a huge part of my family. To be sure that a dog is for you, I’d consider first dog walking for a charity or friend to see how you manage, especially in adverse weather. I’d also think carefully about adopting 2 dogs, as this could potentially be more stressful than just one. If you’ve not had a puppy before (they can be very hard work!) I’d also consider adopting an older dog or a less energetic breed, especially if you don’t have the stamina for daily long walks.

SarahJane1471 profile image
SarahJane1471 in reply to Buddy195

very good point. And the Dogs Trust ( and other dog shelters in the UK) are inundated with dogs from the Lockdown dog craze 🤷‍♀️

TiggerMe profile image

If you like wearing odd socks, often a little damp or chewed, all of your home with a little added hair, holes in your garden, no room on the sofa, muddy paw prints everywhere, never being allowed to pee without company, little gifts, dodgy whiffs, not going out or on holidays unless dog friendly, talking to other random dog folk a lot.... it's much like being a parent but so much better..... absolutely you will feel loved, puppies are a nightmare but everyone should go through it once.... 2 puppies will stay young at heart and terrorise you endlessly, but lessen the guilt if you leave them behind ever.... small ones are often the best manipulators! But once you are fully trained it's easy 😍

At least with the little ones destroying the garden is fine if you don't fancy a walk, very happy to make their own mischief...

Home without a dog..... ☹

Much like children they hold the ability to make or break a relationship 🫤

They are the best therapy 💖

Nothing worth doing is easy and it sounds like you have considered this more than most people do before having children.... it's a team game and you are going into it with open eye.... it likely won't be perfect but that's the fun of it 🤗

My 2 left and kids Romanian Devil, quiet 20 mins in the garden, guilty faces, v muddy paws
SarahJane1471 profile image
SarahJane1471 in reply to TiggerMe


Indigourchin profile image

Dogs can be lovely but they are also demanding and of course the more loved they are the harder it is to feel you are not giving them allthe attention you could, should you be ill or some other life demand come your way, or you want to travel. . My friend whose dog died two years sgo still regularly comments that however much the dog is missed she doesn’t miss having to stay up to take it out, and won’t be getting another. Dog food and excrement are also problem given their environmental impact. Maybe start by volunteering to walk someone else’s dog. Good luck

Hennerton profile image

Don’t hesitate. It will change your life for the better and I am sure there is something therapeutic in stroking an animal and looking into its eyes, filled with gratitude for its wonderful home.

Nevertheless, you need to sort out your medication woes and get yourself on a proper dose. Have you been seeing anyone about this?

As for

kyoto49 profile image

I have 2 rescue dogs, my Spanish boy came 9 years ago. My Romanian rescue got off the happy bus 14 months ago aged 5 months. She came very timid and its taken huge efforts and socialisation to get her to where she is now, a less timid and in the main beautiful happy girl. Im hugely supportive of rescuing!

In terms of my hypo, I find when I'm feeling at my worst that walking my guys is actually a positive and I always feel better when I drag myself out. Its counter intuitive but the more tired I am the more walking helps.

Good luck and if I can advise on the Rommie rescue side of things feel free to message

Black dog

Hi. You write that you are still quite badly hypo. That would be a concern to me. Bear in mind that if you are hypo you may be too tired to walk them properly. One walk a day if you have a garden will probably be enough, or even missing a day or two. But wouldn’t it be better to - if possible - optimise your health first? Please excuse me if I am, in my ignorance of your test results etc, being presumptuous.

Tomorrow my son’s Ridgeback comes to stay with us. I will have to monitor how my thyroid is working, and hers because she was also hypo. Her hair fell out and she was slow and sluggish. I recognised the symptoms and my son took her to the vet. The result is she is on levothyroxine for dogs her hair has returned as has her energy.

A dog is a man/woman’s best friend. A man/woman is a dog’s only friend. Worth bearing in mind.

If you can meet the dogs’ needs why not bring them into your life and you into theirs?

Good luck.

Scot Poodle.

Gummybearx profile image

I have 2 doggies and a bearded dragon, used to have cats too but sadly lost them both. I would definitely say they keep me going and give me company and support. Lots of snuggles lol. I have 3 children as well. I wouldn't be without any of them. Gets me out in the fresh air, tho one definitely has arthritis and I think the other is beginning to show signs so walks are abit shorter, tho nonetheless it's still exercise and outside. Even on my tough days they are by mu side, curling up on the sofa together. Can't beat their devotion.

My 2 doggies
Mantras131 profile image

I have a 4 year old doggy and he certainly gives me purpose and enjoyment. Yes a lot of work, but I have met new people and I am a lot fitter than I have ever been. When I feel down and really don't want to Get out of bed...I have to..and the blues seem to shift. Get help in the puppy stage. I adore my dog but just wish he was a tiny bit smaller as he needs a fair bit of excercise. He is part collie part poodle. Size will matter. Smaller woof much easier to manage but I wouldn't be without him now. Good luck!

waveylines profile image
waveylines in reply to Mantras131

But not all little dogs are low energy.....I had a Jack Russel, tiny but walked for miles!! Lived till he was 16yrs when a brain tumor got him or wouldve lived much longer. Escape artist! I still don't know how he did it, despite multiple layers of fencing in! It's all in the breed or mix of breed......history is all!! Did love him, loads, lots of character, hair everywhere & very energetic till he was 7yrs old when he quietened down...a little!! This was pre being hypothyroid! Thankfully!

Feuerfrei profile image

Something to bear in mind is that a 5 minute mental exercise session with a dog can work as well as a 20 minute walk for dogs. Take them to classes as even repeating the 'sit, down, spin, paw' type things counts as mental stimulation. Learn about destruction boxes, scatter feeding, trick training, puzzle feeders. Make sure the pups learn not to follow you around the house and self settle. I'd you have kids or visiting kids, a safe space or time out space will be essential. Look on Battersea's dog advice pages and there's even some videos on all that.

Relentless, We got our first puppy when I was still very hypo. We added the second less than a year later.

They are the loves of my life, I adore the bones of them and can't imagine a life without them! BUT if I had my time again, I wouldn't have got them.

I could give neither dog the training or attention they needed and we now have 2 dogs that are stressful to walk. They're both anxious sorts and I just never had capacity to work with them on it.

The big one turns 2 next month and the little one turned 1 in January. It's only now I'm well that I can consider actually training them properly but first I'm going to have to undo everything they've learned so far.

SO! while dogs are incredible companions and reasons to get up the other side of that is they can also be sources of stress.

I would warn against it until you're feeling well... Or get an adult dog that's mostly trained.

Manchester terrier and labrador
Margo profile image

Take in those beautiful homeless dogs, you will never regret it. My rescue dog is 10 this year, we have had him 8 years, best thing we ever did. We also have a rescue cat. We don’t have children and it has made us a family.

Ruby1 profile image

I haven’t read all of the posts, so forgive me if this has already been mentioned, but if it is two puppies of only 4 months, I would be very wary and suggest you only take one. If it is a more elderly dog and a puppy, then great.

We bought two Labrador puppies, and the breeder should never have allowed us to do that. It’s almost impossible to train two puppies at the same time. We would spend hours with one in the house whilst the other was being trained, but still the minute they got together, they were an unruly pack - they are pack animals. We ended up having to give one away which was heartbreaking.

I think having one dog would be fantastic to get you focused on something else and will fill the house with love. A puppy will be much harder than an older dog, but I’d run a mile from having two puppies again, myself.

Mothebear profile image
Mothebear in reply to Ruby1

yep Ruby I was so advised and thank goodness I was!

Hashiboy profile image

Thanks for the photo, it's so cute. I had a rescue dog for about 13 years. I loved having him but I had to organise my life around him like a toddler that never grew up. He had an insane amount of energy for the first few years of his life which was fun but a lot Obviously he still needed three walks a day no matter how much energy I had (but that just kind of became routine) He'd also still drop a toy at my feet to play with I was knackered. I remember there wasn't too much trouble with him pooing or peeing indoors when he was a puppy but I do remember everything in sight was chewed to pieces. He gave me and my husband tons of laughs and always gave the biggest welcome. I'm always thinking about getting a new dog especially when I see lovely photos like your potential pups but I'm not sure I can make the commitment again. Still with a puppy as lovely as the one you posted it would be hard to resist.

Thanks to everyone for all the lovely dog photos. I'm such a dog fan do love seeing them.

tallulah100 profile image

Hi, they look gorgeous. I have two small dogs. And I wouldn't be without them, but they are a lot of work. A garden is essential. But not a replacement for going g for a walk. Dogs need to travel, I am sure your rescue centre will tell you this. And they should go out every day. Great for getting you going every day as they will expect and pester you util you go. They soon know what time walkies is. Although much work the rewards are limitless, they just make me smile no matter how rough I am feeling. Good luck

Brightness14 profile image

Lovely picture. Personally I could not be without a dog. We have two the only thing is they really need walking, it keeps them happy. Have you a garden for them to play in too.

These are rescue dogs so I am sure you and the dogs would cope well.

Mothebear profile image

My dog is my added reason to have routines, to exercise, be disciplined and not always think about myself.

But…..Training is vital!

Two are very hard to train as they ignore you and follow each other!

I was encouraged not to have two when I was doing my research before I settled on the breed I wanted.

Also don’t anthropomorphise - don’t impose your human feelings on your dog. This leads to over feeding, all sorts of bad habits and then animals do become a burden not a pleasure. Also feeding them your food not only makes them fat, the sugars stick to their teeth and that gives them awful teeth problems and pain!

Cassie was trained to wee to the phase Be Quick and poo to Hurry Up. This is a god send because when I have to leave her I can send her out to the garden and be sure she is then comfortable when left.

It requires you say the phrase each time she does the action….but don’t say Good Girl when she has finished or she will learn that too is the phrase to toilet!!!

Training is hard work, requires firmness, discipline, reliability and solid kindness, but by golly is it a delight to have a well behaved, reliable and safe pet that gives you unconditional dedication back.

A dog is no different from a young child in terms of its needs and vulnerabilities, so good on you for doing your research!

Ruby1 profile image
Ruby1 in reply to Mothebear

Ha! We used the phrase Be Quick too 😊 You did the right thing settling on one. You can always get another dog later.

When we gave ours away, the new owners remarked on how well trained he was which was really lovely. We tried very hard!

Daisywhoopsa profile image

If you commit to training- remember it doesn’t have to be you that trains them- and have support to do walks when you’re not up to it, the hard parts will be so worth it for the unconditional love and joy. As others have said mental stimulation for a puppy is essential as well as exercise I can’t say strongly enough - training- commands instilled from early on will pay dividends. Each pup having their own crate/bed and learning early on that crate means chill time. It will be tough. We hadn’t had a pup for 20 years as we’d had older rescues for some time. But as the old couple are 12 and in their dotage, we really don’t want to be without a dog in our life at any point, we were so lucky to find young Fred in the middle The best thing we’ve done in years.

The three amigos
Fruitandnutcase profile image

Our friends got a labradoodle at the end of lockdown. It was the last of the litter to go but the wife was so set on having a dog that she took it. It came from someone in their village so I don’t think it was puppy farmed but it certainly wasn’t properly socialised either by the breeder or by my friend. It is very, very nervous in practically every situation you can imagine and I think it’s nerves transfer to my friend.

We met them at a dog friendly park last year. I came home utterly exhausted because I wasn’t able to sit down - we just about managed to grab a coffee because every time we tried to stop for a rest it whined soo loudly it attracted attention from everybody nearby, I had never heard anything like it, then if either of our friends left it to go to the loo or into a shop it whined loudly and yowled. They drove the hundred of miles to the meeting place with the wife sitting in the back with the dog! It jumped up all the time - I kept my distance or held its collar so that it couldn’t jump at me but our friends went home covered in mud - from their shoes to about waist height.

They tried puppy classes - it was so timid the instructor didn’t think they were suitable for her so that stopped - again it whined and howled. My friend has osteoporosis - the dog pulls on the lead - she now has damaged ligaments or tendons in her legs and can’t walk very well, the husband has health problems too and said before it came he was not picking up dog poo! They have a huge garden where the husband plays with it but it really isn’t getting the long walks it needs and that doesn’t help with socialising. It doesn’t know how to behave around other dogs either. They can no longer do the things they used to enjoy doing like going out for a coffee - even to a dog friendly garden centre or pub garden because the dog just isn’t happy and again it whines and howls - that rather kills what used to be a pleasant outing.

They were experienced dog owners, their last dog was a dream. So they now have a dog that they love but which is making their lives really difficult and which because if their health problems I don’t think they can really cope with but which I think they are unlikely to re-home.

On the other hand my son has got the most amazing miniature schnauzer puppy that is growing into a great, well socialised dog but his friends had one so he had experience with it and knew pretty much how it would turn out. Certainly the size it would be.

I’ve been watching The Dog House on TV and I’ve come to the conclusion animal charities aren’t always as honest as they could be about the problems of some of the dogs, they are so desperate to home dogs that they don’t always offer the prospective owners a suitable dog - obviously they do make successful matches - but not always. This week for example they offered a frail little 82 year old lady an elderly basset hound. A very sweet 8 year old basset hound who loved cuddles and liked a leisurely stroll.

Well, we ended up with a basset hound when I was a teenager, it was the most difficult dog to live with - it was a nice dog but really difficult and I used to volunteer at an animal shelter so I’d met a lot of dogs.

We got it because the couple who owned it couldn’t live with it any longer, the husband whose choice of dog it was - he wanted a dog with character - said either the dog went or he did so it ended up with my grandmother and her Labrador and golden retriever until she broke her hip and we took it to live with us and our Cairn terrier.

He ambled along quite slowly sniffing as he went but if he decided to go off at a gallop off he went and I’d say there was no way that elderly lady could have held on to one under those circumstances. Fortunately she realised the problems and didn’t take the dog but I think animal shelters can be so desperate to home as many dogs as they can that they think of the dog more than they do the prospective owners - several of the Dog House dogs had had several owners and really once you have a dog it should be for life

And before you shoot the messenger I’m sure there are - well I know there are - lots of very happy pairings of rescue dogs out there but there are disasters too so I think you need to think very carefully about how much time, patience and exercise you will be able to give a dog otherwise you could easily end up like our friend whose dog isn’t bringing her the joy she thought it would or worse still end up like the dog owners son Dogs Behaving Very Badly! It’s very sad for them all.

One of the most successful pairings I’ve ever come across was a lovely quiet elderly friend I met after her quite grumpy husband died she looked amazing and so cheerful, like a different person almost - turned out she had ‘replaced’ her difficult husband with a beautiful laid back former racing greyhound who didn’t need much exercise and who just wanted a comfy seat to lie on and lots of affection.

Partner20 profile image
Partner20 in reply to Fruitandnutcase

Retired greyhounds can make wonderful pets.🙂

Ruby1 profile image
Ruby1 in reply to Fruitandnutcase

I love that thought.. the grumpy lady replacing the difficult husband with a dog and becoming cheerful 😀

Fruitandnutcase profile image
Fruitandnutcase in reply to Ruby1

Ah, the lady was always sweet, genteel but definitely downtrodden - the husband was always a cantankerous old man.

I don’t know if she knew what she was doing or if finding happiness with the elegant greyhound was just a happy accident . It was lovely to see her so perky though.

AKatieD profile image

I would say yes get a pet if you have the time,money and energy. They are great for getting you out of the house and up in the morning. Everyone is different so no idea how it would affect you personally.

Doggie people I know do say not to get 2 puppies at once as they can form their own little pack and then do not listen to you. Better to have one at a time and train them well first before getting a second. Plus if you have not had one before, make sure you can cope with one first.

Yeswithasmile profile image

oh my you hit a subject there. All these replies!!

It’s all been said really but from my own experience….

Bigger dogs are more laid back than small dogs. I’ve had both. 3 labs at one point. I now have two mish mash ones that are tiny and I would say that that my youngest who is almost 3 yrs requires more walks and attention than the 3 labs put together.

Two puppies is hard work but if you’re an animal lover you’ll cope!

Hypo or not I love love love my dogs and I’d say if you have a supportive husband and can be firm with them then you’ll be fine.

Socialise early, let off the lead early.

I’m envious. Recently thought about another one as one dog is full of guilt for me when you go out. If they have friends then I don’t feel so bad.

Ahh all the photos here are lovely 🥰.

Good luck with your decision (you can over think it tho - done that before and all it did was delay getting another. I got it all the same lol)

tattybogle profile image

My twopenneth

If you're going to do it, get one not two . (they won't die of lonelyness.. that's what you are there for ) it will be much easier to deal with one 'properly' than it will 2 .

2 dogs is a whole different ball game to one dog .... you can occasionally get away with 'one very well trained quiet dog' in a pub , or a shop , cafe etc. We used to be able to get away with ours lying under the table in a restaurant ... it's also relatively easy to find a friend daft enough to agree to look after one dog for the weekend ... most friends will 'be busy' when they suspect you are about to ask them to look after 2 .

one dog, on, or off ~the lead is a nice enough walk, even on those days when you don't really feel up to it ,and if something does go wrong it's fairly easy to handle on your own ... 2 dogs is much more of an undertaking and twice the potential for something to go wrong and more difficult to get the situation back under control.

..... and you'll need some rubber gloves and a bucket....

(as well as the 'obvious' uses ...... they will also come in handy for getting the hair off everything you own .. dip gloves in bucket of water . shake off the excess water ... wipe hand over sofa .. put hand back in bucket ... viola .. "hair in bucket "

Ruby1 profile image
Ruby1 in reply to tattybogle

I'm going to try that tip with my own hair which seems to be all over the sofa at the moment 😂

TeeDee63 profile image


In my honest opinion, I could not be without a dog. I had two up until last February when I lost my big boy, he was 13 and a half, and now have just my little one. They have always motivated me and given me a reason to go out for a little fresh air. The pups you are thinking of getting not only look adorable, but the rescue centre say will stay small, so no long walks needed ( I mean miles) and they will surely bring suck joy into your life. I laugh at the little things my dog does every day, even if it’s just sleeping ( which she does a lot!) looking cute! I’d never be without at least one dog. Im still hypo, but having the love and companionship of a furry friend makes me happy, even when I’m very tired.

Good luck and please keep us updated.

I’ll upload a pic of my two if I can. The bigger boy is the one I lost last year and I still miss him so much : he was a lovely companion xxx

Love in fur!
Outandabout profile image

Think seriously about your lifestyle current and ongoing and how much you can put into good long walks each and every day (twice) in all weathers. Dogs don't care if it rains or snows and need cleaning up afterwards. Sometimes it might be best to reconsider and do what is best for the dog. They live a long time, mine is 18 and I have had dogs in my life for 71 years. They are not toys, or fur babies, and even small dogs need to be socialised and exercised. Otherwise they can become problem dogs. I have a terrier now and he needed such long walks when he was younger. I was able and willing to do that. I would definitely not get two pups unless you know what you are doing and can train them both independently every day which is a lot of work to put in initially. I won't be getting another young dog it wouldn't be fair on the dog as I don't know how long I have got left. Consider an older dog too, there are plenty out there. I would just say that a dog is a joy that I wouldn't have missed. Cats are a lot less hassle though and I've had those too. Good luck.

Kaz2022 profile image

I think having any pet is therapeutic. If your well enough to do the dog walking then go for it 👍

Stevews profile image


I can see from reading all the various comments there is some really strong views on whether it’s best to get on or two pups.

It’s sometimes a question of affordability when trying to decide whether to have one or two dogs. Based on personal experience I’ve always had two dogs. They seem to comfort one another and play together in the garden and home. It’s an absolute joy to watch them play and lifts my spirits and emotions no end. Having a partner to help with looking after them is an enormous help for me. Some days I might struggle on my own but knowing my partner is there is reassuring and was one of the reasons why we have dogs. In fact we have three dogs two puppies from the same litter (brother and sister) and an older female that we rescued from Battersea Dogs home when we lived in London. They all get along brilliantly, I’m pleased to say. They have never behaved in a “pack” manner and its something we would always discourage anyway. I must say the older female who is now 11yrs of age is the more dominant one but not in a nasty way. She’s more like the matriarch of the three.

We also have a rescue cat that behaves like a dog, he goes out with the dogs and comes back with the dogs. He even lays next to the dogs when they are asleep.

Having any pet is a big responsibility. They can’t fend for themselves and need our love and kindness as well as proper food and veterinary treatment including vaccinations etc. Having said that I find it helps a lot with the various medical conditions that I have. It makes me get up in the mornings even if I’ve had a bad night. I play with them in the garden when I’m not in too much pain. Even basic things like grooming them makes me focus on something else instead of my medical conditions.

There is only one negative in my mind and that’s when they sadly pass away. It’s one of the most traumatic things to have happen and it’s especially hard for me.

Here’s a picture of our three fur babies

Our three fur babies
Pippah45 profile image
Pippah45 in reply to Stevews

I tend to agree with you about having more than one - although I would start with one. As I said earlier I usually have somewhere between 2 and 3, however at the moment it's one. Big advantage of having more than one is there isn't that HUGE void if one goes. Less than a year ago I had a Patterdale Terrier with Daisy and they got on reasonably well but the Patt became sick and had to be PTS. I haven't found a replacement yet but I have a feeling Daisy could be a bit jealous if I am not very careful. I also think she would enjoy a playmate that can cope with her over exuberant style of living! The right one will turn up. However it won't be a foreign do - I have seen so many of those with terrible traumas and there are enough needing rescue closer to home.

Stevews profile image
Stevews in reply to Pippah45

I was hesitant about having two dogs at first but I’ve never regretted it. I appreciate it can be hard work at times.

When I lost one due to cancer, not only did I miss her terribly but my other dog did too. She was 5yrs old and she became timid and wouldn’t mix with other dogs. I then decided to get a rescue dog from Battersea and once they bonded it was like she was back to her old self. She felt comfortable and confident being around other dogs again. It was an amazing transformation. I think it helps if there’s a small age gap between the two dogs, unless they come from the same litter, like in my case.

One thing I learnt from Battersea dogs and cat home was this. If you have two female dogs and they have a major falling out, and I don’t mean a little disagreement then it’s almost impossible to recover from that. On the other hand they said a major fallout with a male and a female dog was quite different and their relationship would revert back to a normal happy living environment.

Thankfully I’ve never been in either situation so I can’t say for certain how true that is.

I do hope you manage to find a suitable playmate and companion for Daisy when the right one comes along.

Pippah45 profile image
Pippah45 in reply to Stevews

It's strange as I have had dogs all my life - now 77 years old and until last year I had never heard about the 2 girl dogs together! I have had 2 sometimes three girls together. There had been the occasional spat as to who might murder the postman first! but apart from that peace. I lost a GSD x Rottweiler to old age and approached GSD rescue - since I had one bitch they refused to consider me for rescue of a bitch. I have only had one dog in all those years and that was a long story but a puppy that was abandoned by the person who booked him when he was 14 weeks old. My son had that dog (neutered early because we had his Mum and his sister already.) He lived to a ripe old age. Anyway I turned down GSD rescue because apart from not actually wanting a male dog to pee on my extensive herb garden - a male GSD would be too big for an old lady! So I resorted to the internet and sites such as Preloved and Pets4Homes and found Daisy a GSD aged 6 so no longer any use as a breeder. I wouldn't advise using these sites to a novice - far better to go to a real rescue place near home. I don't think anything I was told about Daisy was true but we get along extremely well. :)

Partner20 profile image

Lots of lovely comments about the joys of dog-owning, which can be many, just like with any pet. However, a few words of warning. Life will change, just as it does when you have children, become ill or even retire, and you need to be prepared for the restrictions, as well as the possible benefits. Dogs are animals of routine and habit, and unless you can carry out their daily walks on time they can feel unsettled, which can have an impact on their behaviour. Some dogs need a lot of exercise, this is not necessarily dependent on size, but on breed. I once had a Welsh collie bred from working stock who needed two extensive walks morning and evening with many garden play sessions too, not always easy to fit into everyone's lifestyle. Lastly I feel it important to realise that, with the best will in the world, not every pet is healthy or has a long life. You need to be strong (and wealthy!) enough to cope with pet illness, and death whenever it occurs, young or old, which can be as devastating as situations involving our human family members. Having spent a lifetime owning dogs and cats, harrowing end-of-life experiences with our last ones made the decision to remain pet-free the only one possible, to prevent further anguish. However tempted I have been since then, I have not given in, and now, due to age, would never change my mind as a pet outliving me would be unthinkable. Enjoy your furry friends if you get them, but just be aware that there are pitfalls as well as blessings. By the way, maybe you should have chosen an alternative heading for your post!!!😁

in reply to Partner20

I know… I did sneak that heading in actually for a little laugh but you seem to be the first to mention it 😂 must say I am DEFINITELY too hypo to be doing that so don’t need much advice where that’s concerned 😂

Pixielula profile image

I adopted these two from the dogs trust just over a year ago… they were 3and 4 years old when I got them no house training no social skills no people skills and after getting them home and only having them for an hour they ran away… a year on we can walk them off lead there recall is great they are toilet trained and are a very positive addition to our house. We are lucky that our neighbours who don’t have dogs will walk them for us (they helped a lot when we had covid) my husband does longer walks and when I walk them I tend to do shorter but more often. They are great fun and have had a very positive impact on our household. Puppies are easier to train than adult dogs! But a year in we have had a 360 turn around

Dogs on sofa
Souzy profile image

Those puppies are adorable 😍We have a rescue ex-racer greyhound (our fourth), they come with basic training, they walk nicely - no pulling, they like to snooze a lot and they don't need a whole lot of walking - maybe 2x20minutes daily but they will do more if you want. They also don't go stir crazy if you miss a walk for some reason. In general they love people.

Otoh they tend to have a high prey drive and are often not very good with other dogs who are not greyhound shaped, only one of our greyhounds was able to greet other dogs nicely and the current one is the worst ever - but he's a work in progress and is improving. We always muzzle our dogs outside, they're used to it, it means exciting things are going to happen to them and it gives any passing cat in the garden a fighting chance to escape.

I've always felt a dog gives so much more than it gets as a pet. I can't see myself without at least one but maybe I'd go for a smaller adult rescue dog if I became more frail.

wellness1 profile image

Thanks to all who posted photos of their furry friends. Never thought I'd be without a dog, but life had other ideas. Now I enjoy others' animals vicariously. Always a reminder of the special joys of life with animals -- and sometimes its challenges. ;)

Good luck with your decision and with recovering your health, Relentlesssearch.

OonaSt profile image

Your Pups are adorable. I’ve always had a dog and they bring lots of joy but there is considerable amount of work involved, especially a puppy. I’m now up in years, own a 10 year old dog who is the joy of my life and would love to have another but then I think about it out living me and get concerned. Don’t want to leave knowing she might have to go to adoption center.

CajunGurl profile image

I have 2 and I love it although it can be a pain because one truly thinks I’m his mom. Lol I have Hashimoto and have had no bad effects with my health because of them.

Miffie profile image

I do believe it’s a good move to have a pet but I’d be wary of two at once. That’s a lot of work and expensive. I don’t think hypothyroidism is a reason not to be a dog owner. I was diagnosed around 11/12 years old and I have had a dog twice in my adult life. The first from new born so trained him myself and he was a joy to have. He was so well behaved and energetic I had three sets of neighbours who used to take him out with their overweight lazy dogs to get them moving. At that time I was in my mid twenties with one child. Unfortunately my husband was suddenly posted overseas and so we had to have him rehomed. It was a sad day for us all except perhaps the dog as he went to a gorgeous lady who needed company, enjoyed walking with friends and had grandchildren visit from time to time. My daughter who was under three really missed him a lot as he was a great playmate allowing her to dress him up and played with her happily.

Fast forward a good few years and back in the UK now with two children ages 12 and 7 my husband was going to be away from home a lot and thought a dog was a good idea. We had an older dog this time. I was exhausted, working full time, two kids, hubby away and a dog who needed so much attention! This was in the late 1980s. I had been taken off NHS ndt and moved onto levo, really struggling with hypo symptoms and start of menopause. I took our dog to a series of training classes, a few vets, doggie ‘experts’. All were of the opinion I couldn’t teach an old dog new tricks. Sadly I had to take him to a local centre where he was rehomed with a single guy in his 30s who took the dog rambling, sailing, swimming etc and they were very happy. We should never have been paired with that dog. However I believe the whole process is more rigorous these days and the dog and new home are carefully considered before the dog is placed with owners.

You sound like a perfect placement for pet and so hopefully you will soon have a four footed friend around.

Leaney profile image

As others have said just one at a time is best. If and when you get a second it should be different size, different sex so that they are not too evenly matched which can cause rivalry issues. Make sure he/she goes to good quality puppy classes where the trainer is qualified (APDT or IPDT etc). You will not regret it :) I am a retired behaviourist and we would all have been out of work is everyone socialised their puppies with the things that they will encounter out there in the big bad world.

Popeye44 profile image

I would say think again. I have two dogs - a 12 year old Jack Russell who we've had since she was 8 weeks old and a retired Racing Greyhound who is 9. The small dogs tend to be bursting with energy even at 12, but she has been poorly recently and my sleep has been disturbed a lot with caring for her. Greyhounds come in many sizes from quite small to huge like my lad. Boys will attach themselves to women and girls to men. They are used to being kennelled as pairs (boy and girl) in racing kennels so adopting a pair means they are company for each other. They only need 2 x 20 minute walks per day. They are the laziest dog going built for short bursts of speed (45mph) and lots of rest. If I am tired my boy will be on the settee along side me or if I don't want to get up or feel poorly, he is my nurse laying on the bed looking after me. They truly are the best dog for us hypo's. Look at the Facebook page Retired Greyhound Owners. (Best to go to dedicated greyhound rescue centre. The Dog's Trust haven't a clue about greyhounds.

Greyhound asleep
Batty1 profile image

I personally will always have a pet but the financial burden when they become sick can be massive… My elderly kitty just cost me $1600.00 in one emergency vet visit and 2 months prior to the emergency I spent $700.00 in rechecks/medications for a non curable condition that was discovered a month before when I had a dental done on her that cost $1800.00 …. Yup it’s expensive when your babies wheels come off and when they age it definitely does …. Overall she really has been a reasonably maintenance free kitty until now but I wouldn’t trade her for the world…. She is the last of 6 kitties and just turnt 19.

I definitely would recommend pet insurance if you can afford it.

FearFracture profile image

Have hypothyroidism & osteoporosis. I don’t have a pet but I would jump at the chance to get a cat or small dog. They can be so loving and comforting and help increase dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin levels and make you feel better.

Things to be aware of are that, in my case, small pets aren’t recommended for ppl with osteoporosis or ppl who are prone to falling/tripping. Personally, this wouldn’t stop me from getting a pet, I would just be more careful. Also, big dogs can be hard to control—I can’t walk my friend’s medium sized dog because if it sees a squirrel, or anything else distracting, the dog can pull me over.

Puppies can be a lot of work but they bring lots of joy and you can train them and they should be with you for a long time.

Hope it works out!

Chett profile image

Hello, what a beautiful pup. I have two rescue pups. One from an Amish puppy mill, and the other one was born at the rescue and so is much more socialized. I have to say, that the mill dog is more challenging. So a lot depends on whether your pups were socialized early on. I also volunteer at the rescue and have learned a lot about training and working with completely shut down dogs. This doesn’t answer your question, but a lot depends on the dogs and how they were raised from puppyhood. Good luck, whatever you decide to do.

LaShell profile image

I say ... Go for it my friend !!! When I was diagnosed with Hypo 12 years ago, I was working and had 2 small pugs. I began to struggle due to being hypo and soon found myself becoming depressed and dealing with all the anxiety that comes along with it. I don't know what I would have done without my lil furbabies to get me through all the ups and downs, or what I would do without them even now. Their unconditional love has gotten me through so many tough times ! At one point my grumble (a grumble is 3 or more pugs) became 12, several have passed on, but I still have 8 (ranging from 3 years to 15 years old). They continue to get me through each and every day. How they put up with me I'll never know, lol ! So, yes ... bring those little bundles of love home ! You'll soon begin to wonder how you ever got by without them !

CDWRuby profile image

We have a Parson Russell terrier (terrierist!). Generally we have two at a time to keep each other company and to play with. We have had ours mostly around 1-2yrs old but with ongoing training. Certainly garden games can be a real help on the down days, I have difficulty walking on rough ground so can only manage on paths which can be a nuisance. Around us there are a few places which have secure fields which are fully fenced and you can hire for exercise or training a dog. There is no doubt how much love there is both ways, the amusement and pleasure they give is wonderfully lifting. Training isn't all that easy but there are many good sources of help, our previous dogs were crate trained, this is a real bonus not only to give them 'time out', but also when travelling. Don't be put off having two if you want them, it is not a real problem from my experience. Good luck!

islandlass profile image

Well I never - lovely selection of advise - hope it helps and maybe others consider a four legged friend - canine or feline -there is always someone for most folk.

siouxbee19 profile image

I say YES, go for it!! You'll be amazed what good "nurses" they make! My dogs keep me going, give me a purpose, keep me moving and motivated, bring joy, laughter, sunshine and warmth into my life. They truly have been lifesavers, each and every one I've been blessed with over all my years!

Having said that, I've been around animals my whole life, almost always had at least one dog. I've been an animal advocate my whole life, and totally support S.N.A.E. - spay, neuter, adopt and educate!

I've had every combination of the following: been owned by mutts and purebreds alike, sibling male and female, two males or more in household at a time, two females at a time, up to 7 dogs at a time (remember, I also rescue), puppies, adults, seniors, blind, deaf or both, cats, I've had a lot of experience.

My favorites (although I've loved them all) were the adult or senior dogs, whether mutt or purebred (purebreds are in breed specific rescues and shelters, too). I adore puppies, but I am too old w/physical/medical issues to keep up with them now, same with larger breeds I used to gravitate towards. Not fair to them either.

So to answer your question, again, I say "Go for it!!!" If your mobility isn't an issue, and you've got the funds to properly care for them, and the support from your partner, by all means, do it! The unconditional love you will receive is absolutely priceless, not to mention all the other health benefits!

Please update us with pictures! 🤗🐕🐕❤️

anniec11 profile image

I would definitely say that if uou are otherwise fit DO get a rescue dog, or even a bonded pair. I would suggest nothing too big. I am hypo and am in dog rescue myself and speaking from experience , you will find that a dog truly enriches your life. I have list mine 2 months ago and my life has is definitely not complete.

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