This seemed like a very informative helpful leaflet
I've not looked at the BTF site before to be honest
This seemed like a very informative helpful leaflet
I've not looked at the BTF site before to be honest
I read it very carefully up to page 18 , which if i'm honest , did not make me happy re it's thyroid specific content ...... however , just when i was about to write a stroppy reply about 'just more gaslighting' ... i accidentally scrolled down and so read some later sections where i found much better acknowledgement that living with a thyroid condition can bring 'real' issues that are not always resolved with the little white pill and practical ways to deal with them .
So i would recommend people do read it fully before getting the hump , as some of it is actually quite good , and bits of it could be very helpful ..
but for those of us who have been round the ...."it's not your thyroid , that is fixed now" 'merry-go-round' before , be warned , the first 18 pages do contain a lot of thinly veiled things to get the hump about.
eg subtly suggesting that it is "knowledge of the diagnosis " (rather than dealing with the physical difficulties of the condition itself or the ineffectiveness of levo) which has caused the loss of self esteem /anxiety etc etc)
eg . 'low mood' causing tiredness , etc .. followed by "These psychological symptoms should improve as the thyroid disorder is brought under control by treatment, if the thyroid is the cause of the problem. But this improvement may not be as rapid as you hope, and low mood can persist even when thyroid hormone levels are restored to within reference ranges".
But like i say, it definitely does start to look better further on . Well worth a read .
There is a lot of practical advice there. Too much for me to absorb, trying to read it all would cause me well being issues.
This part relevant “Sometimes patients complain that doctors are too keen to treat their depression with antidepressants, rather than investigating the cause of the depression, i.e. thyroid dysfunction. As a result, diagnosis with a thyroid condition can sometimes be delayed”
Although it’s not just the “delay” in starting treatment it’s that inadequate replacement unnecessarily (& permanently) prolongs symptoms.
I have been ploughing through the leaflet which I honestly didn't think would make much difference having read lots of books on anxiety and depression but I have found some paragraphs to be interesting or maybe I'm now looking at things with fresher eyes. Will have to read it in instalments but I will read it through. What happened to "Eeoyre's Corner" on a Sunday - obviously Xmas and New Year got in the way but perhaps it's time for a revival😁