Husband diagnosed with hyperthyroidism in nov 2022. Carbimazole prescribed early December. He has suffered with insomnia and loss of appetite since and joint pain. He seems worse on it. Anybody else had similar.
Side effects of carbimazole: Husband diagnosed... - Thyroid UK
Side effects of carbimazole

1digits0, This may not be side effects, but an indication that the dose of carbimazole is wrong. If your husband hasn't had a thyroid blood test to check his levels since starting the medication, then that should be done asap.

do you have copies of blood test results from BEFORE starting on Carbimazole
GP/endo should have tested
TSH, Ft4 and Ft3
TSI or Trab antibodies for autoimmune HYPERTHYROID disease - also called Graves’ disease
TPO and TG antibodies for autoimmune HYPOTHYROID disease also called Hashimoto’s
Hashimoto’s frequently starts with transient hyperthyroid results and symptoms…..can be mistaken for Graves’ disease
It’s possible to have slightly raised TPO or TG antibodies with Graves’ disease too.
But with Hashimoto’s TPO or TG antibodies will tend to be well over range
with both Hashimoto’s and Graves’ disease very important to test vitamin D, folate, B12 and ferritin
These are often all very low with Hashimoto’s
With Graves disease ferritin often high….rest very low
My husband is not one for asking many questions unlike myself. Have no idea what his readings were but has had repeat blood test over last 3 months a month apart each time. He had a partial thyroidectomy in jan 2020 just before lock down and not been monitored until 3 months ago.
I think you better get copies of results asap
After a hemi thyroidectomy… would be more normal to be prescribed levothyroxine
Not saying it’s impossible for someone to be hyperthyroid after hemi thyroidectomy……but certainly more unusual
Suggest you (he ) rings or emails surgery tomorrow and requests copies of all his results since before hemi thyroidectomy
He is legally entitled to printed copies of blood test results and ranges.
The best way to get access to current and historic blood test results is to register for online access to medical record and blood test results
UK GP practices are supposed to offer everyone online access for blood test results. Ring and ask if this is available and apply to do so if possible, if it is you may need "enhanced access" to see blood results.
Link re access
In reality many GP surgeries do not have blood test results online yet
Alternatively ring/ email receptionist and request printed copies of results. Allow couple of days and then go and pick up.
Important to see exactly what has been tested and equally important what hasn’t been tested yet
Bloods should be retested 6-8 weeks
For full Thyroid evaluation he needs TSH, FT4 and FT3 tested
Very important to test vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12 at least once year minimum
Hemi thyroidectomy and hyperthyroid
Oh, I've just replied below and now seen this extra piece of information :
Why did you husband have thyroid surgery ?
Normally this would mean , if anything, he would be prescribe thyroid hormone support - like T4 - Levothyroxine - and not an Anti Thyroid dug - I'm confused !!
He had a large growth removed which was attached to the thyroid and basically strangling him. Had no problems with thyroid before that. Just after surgery lockdown came and due to alot of issues and not through want of trying only just getting the after care.Recent blood test have revealed hyperactivity of the thyroid and Diabetes.
Hello 1digits and welcome to the forum :
Carbimazole is an anti thyroid block and generally prescribed when there has been a diagnosis of Graves Disease :
However you can become hyperactive for other reasons and not prescribed an AT drug so it's very important to know exactly what is the medical evidence of diagnosis and which antibodies were found over range and positive from this first blood test.
Do you also have a print out showing his TSH, T3 and T4 readings from this first blood test ?
I went to the doctors suffering with insomnia, dry, gritty eyes and total exhaustion and told I hyperthyroid and had Graves Disease. I was prescribed Carbimazole which resolved the first two issues and since I'd lived with exhaustion and sore joints and achey muscle for what seemed like a life time, was age 56 at the time, thought my health issues were sorted.
Once on an Anti Thyroid drug, like Carbimazole there should be regular monitoring and dose adjustments as it is the immune system driving up the thyroid levels which can cause a multitude of symptoms.
It can be a bit of a roller coaster of both hyperthyroid and hypothyroid type symptoms if the dose of the AT drug isn't adjusted to reflect the constant changing pattern of Graves Disease.
There is no way of controlling the immune system once triggered, and the NHS prescribe an AT drug which simply blocks any new own thyroid hormone production and it's a bit like playing for time while we wait for your husband's immune system to calm down and hopefully revert back to normal.
There is an alternative to Carbimazole if this drug isn't tolerated well - Proplythiouracil - PTU for ease of speech and spelling !!
So, I am also a 1 digit forum member - so you are in good company - and whilst we wait for you to find some of the above answers, you might like to read around all things thyroid and suggest you pop across to Thyroid UK who are the charity who support this amazing forum -
Thank you I shall take a look. I wish in hindsight they had taken all of the thyroid away.Thank you for all your info.
I wouldn't wish a full thyroidectomy of anyone if there is an option : - details on my profile page - just tap on the icon alongside my name if interested :
I had RAI thyroid ablation for Graves back in 2005 and deeply regret this treatment option :
We do need more information before we can say much but If your husband does have Graves Disease the following research papers maybe of interest to you :