having for me had the leanest spell possible aerobically over 2022, I have delved into much gentler stuff like walking and yoga to keep me mentally going.
What has been the best progress though has been on getting TSH down from over 3 to around 2 (was stubbornly stuck for a couple of years) - and sorting out diet and sleep.
Today I rejoined the gym and put my healthier self to the test with a 60 minute treadmill hard run without stopping and flew through it without stopping and feel great afterwards.
It makes me think all the times over the prior years I had tried to get myself well by getting more and more fit aerobically - which was with the benefit of hindsight doomed to fail as the extra stress was simply not being managed with a weakened thyroid.
So very late on in the day I have learnt lesson number. 1 of hypo recovery -get as well as you possibly can with all the best supplements/ balanced thyroid outcomes/ great sleep patterns/ flexible physiology (yoga) and then stress your body a fair bit to start getting fit aerobically and surprise surprise it all stands up to it.
Funny business this thyroid management-