High Blood Pressure Weird Episode Could It Be T... - Thyroid UK

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High Blood Pressure Weird Episode Could It Be Thyroid Related?

Me1157 profile image
12 Replies

After my last post, I increased my NT by 1/4 grain as suggested. I had my blood work done a month or so ago and my thyroid levels were on the low side of normal. (I put them on here in the previous post).

Last Sunday early morning I woke up with a bad headache over the top of my right eye, I felt that the bed was falling through the floor and I was dizzy inside.

I tried to pull it together and finally made my way downstairs made myself a cup of tea and a banana. I ate and drank very slowly, wondering if I had a virus or could it be a migraine for the first time? My eyes were sensitive to the light. To cut a long story short, I vomited several times and couldn't pull myself together. My other half took my BP and it was 235/125. He called for an ambulance it arrived a couple of hours later. They put me through the paces to see if I had, had a stroke, which I hadn't thankfully.

When I arrived at the ER they took blood and I asked to be allowed to sit in a wheelchair as laying down made me dizzy. Ten hours later I finally saw a doctor, who told me that my bloodwork was ok. ( I haven't been able to access them yet so no idea what they tested). Sent me for a CT scan and it was clear, thank God. They got me a sandwich and a cup of tea. I was still a little dizzy. They said I might be dehydrated and need something to eat. It has now been 24 hours since it all started. I managed to keep a sandwich down, ( it was cheese and wasn't gluten-free, I don't normally eat either). They allowed me to go home as my BP was now on 178/85 - I wasn't aware until later that 180 or above is considered dangerous.

They asked if I had someone at home to look after me and instructed me to call my GP and if I got worse to come back. No meds were given. I was told to get them off the GP. I was glad to get out of there, ppl were on gurneys in the hallway everywhere and the waiting time in the ER was now 12 hours plus. No beds people were waiting in the ER to be admitted to a ward for up to an additional 24 hours. It seems like our poor NHS is badly broken.

The GP - put me on Amlodipine 5 mg (a calcium blocker), and told me a week's complete rest and if I was worse to go back to the ER. I was in danger of having a stroke. My BP has come down bit by bit each day and is now 156/75 - I am checking it twice daily, feet on the ground, no talking and taking it twice and recording the lowest figure. I have to call them back on Tuesday with my BP results. I'm still worn out and can't do much. Not sure if this could be partly to blame.

Now the 3 days before, I had a friend an ex-pat who arrived from Florida and she hadn't had good old British food for 4 years. We had Chinese, fish and chips and homemade victoria sandwich cake, and bacon and eggs. I haven't eaten so badly in a long time. The dr disregarded this and said it was how normal ppl ate.

I have reduced my NDT by 1/4 of a grain, in case that had anything to do with it, perhaps I'd been a little hasty increasing the dose? Other than that looking for feedback - has this ever happened to anyone else? If so, what was going on? What tests should I ask the GP to run or get done myself?

I've looked up all I can, but my brain is kind of foggy and I'm doing everything slowly. I'm not considered a stress head and tend to take most things in my stride. I am a workaholic, not feeling my best for a while, and not exercising much as I used to do. I have gained 2 stones since COVID and was messed about with my thyroid meds and took matters back into my own hands last year Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

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Me1157 profile image
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12 Replies
humanbean profile image

It's not much, but I do have this link :


Me1157 profile image
Me1157 in reply to humanbean

Thank you for your response. The link you provided, reminded me of when they said I had a heart problem in 2003 and in 1980. I was younger and more confident then. I knew it was my thyroid acting up regardless of what the Drs said. As soon as my thyroid was ok, so was my heart. It's good to know, that I'm not on my own with these issues!

Batty1 profile image

Your blood pressure was 235/125 and it took 2 hours for your ambulance to pick you up and 10 hours before you saw a doctor …. Thats crazy and sounds like you have high blood pressure now and maybe you have increased your NT to much but hard to say without seeing you thyroid labs.

Me1157 profile image
Me1157 in reply to Batty1

Thank you for your reply. I agree about the blood word but it's only a month since I had them done, my tsh is always .01 and my free T3 and free T4 were on the very low side of normal. My antibodies were normal. I forgot to mention, at the hospital they took my temp and it was 35 - so they got another thermometer and it was still 35. So, until I can gain access to the bloods that they drew, the signs are hypo. I asked about the long wait at the A & E and they said since the GP's aren't seeing patients in person, it has put a lot of additional pressure on A & E. 10 hours is typical. I would have expected to be seen sooner due to the symptoms I presented with, but there were a lot of people needing urgent attention as well. As Brits I guess, we learn to wait our turn. It's not the best care in the world anymore, but we have no choice.

Batty1 profile image
Batty1 in reply to Me1157

Sorry but with blood pressure that high it’s definitely needed to be handled faster then 10 hours …. I thought everything was back to normal for your country?

Me1157 profile image

I agree it should have been handled a lot faster. But it is what it is. Our NHS is not back to normal, we have a shortage of doctors and nurses in most facilities. Our ERs ( A& E's), are overflowing because most of our GPs ( family Drs), are not seeing patients in person. Most are doing phone consultations.

figster profile image

I had almost exactly the same thing happen to me last October. I was doing some work in the house early in the morning. I bent over to pick something up and felt dizzy. I sat on the stairs thinking that it would pass in a couple of minutes. It didn’t go away and after about 30 minutes escalated into full blown vertigo. My blood pressure was also through the roof. Ended up on the stroke unit. CT scan and MRI were clear and I was discharged the following day. I too felt foggy headed, tired and unsteady for several days afterwards. I have never really got to the bottom of it. I have elevated blood pressure but nothing remarkable. It’s a bit of a mystery but a very disconcerting one. Vestibular migraine has been suggested.

Me1157 profile image
Me1157 in reply to figster

So sorry to hear this and your episode sounds similar to what happened to me. I did also have a headache above my right eye and I couldn't keep food down. Even dry toast came back. Have you ever had a migraine before? Thankfully I haven't suffered from Migraines. What's your BP now? I am over 60 so it seems that anything over 140 or 150 is ok for me ( depending on which study you like). Anything above that can cause serious health complications. So please get checked out.

I was told by my GP to take it morning and night, feet on the ground and arm elevated to heart height. ( I put a cushion under the arm of the sofa). Sit quietly for 5-10 mins - no talking, take it twice and record the lower value. With the low dose BP meds after a week, it has come down slowly to 150/73.

serenfach profile image

I can only sympathise. I have never had high blood pressure but now have. I went to the GP when I blew a vein in my wrist and my blood pressure was 200/100. They sent me home with a prescription which made me sick, dizzy and I had difficulty peeing! They changed the prescription which does not seem to be doing much, although my blood pressure has now dropped (without the pills as the GP did not arrange a repeat prescription) and now is around 160/99. No one seems concerned... My heart rate is around 100 resting. I take NDT and am now wondering....

Me1157 profile image
Me1157 in reply to serenfach

So sorry to hear this. Your Dr. should be concerned. It's too high even for over 60's like me. Anything over 150 is considered too high for older people. Younger people ( I've read should be lower than 130/80. Try them again and if they don't seem bothered, maybe it's time to see a different doctor. High BP can cause other health conditions. Try taking it morning and night for a week and see what happens.

figster profile image

I’m in my 50s and going through the menopause. I am pretty fit and healthy. I eat well, run, cycle and walk every day. My blood pressure used to be on the low side of normal but has crept up over the last couple of years. I’ve also noticed that it spikes when I’m having a hot flush or feeling anxious. There is a link with menopause for sure. I occasionally get silent migraines, which is the aura without headaches. Again, I only started these during menopause.

Me1157 profile image

So sorry to hear about your menopause. Have you tried HRT? I used to be fit and went to the gym 4 mornings a week but had to give it up as I didn't have the strength. I'm still waiting to get stronger before I can get back to it. I miss working out!

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