I take my levo dose of 88 mg at 8.30am and have just accidentally taken another dose at 10.30pm mistaking it for another tablet. I’m worried 😟 will I be ok?
Taking a double dose in one day by mistake - Thyroid UK
Taking a double dose in one day by mistake

Yes, it is not a problem. Just skip tomorrow morning and carry on on Saturday as normal.
You're the 2nd one today🤦♀️. I've done it too, but fortunately not with anything drastic either.
You'll be okay I had an absorption test at the hospital on Monday where I was given 1000mcg of levothyroxine to be taken all at once! It just meant that I don't have to take any more of my usual levo until next week. Try not to worry or fret too much
Gosh, I didn't know they still did this. Did it make any difference to how you feel?
Yes it would be very interesting to know what the effects of that were partic given the theory that for some even the spike of a daily amount in one dose can derail conversion necessitating some to split daily dosing of levo .
Indeed, and they'll be making me do it all again on Wednesday! It's a fasting test where I can't eat or drink anything from midnight until the end of the test at around 3pm...
Honestly, I don't think I feel any different at all, surprisingly...I had a slightly upset tummy the night of the first absorption test after I'd gone home, but other than that, I still feel just as hypo as usual.
So they're giving you 2,000mcg over 10 days, which in theory should have less overall impact than taking 200mcg per day? I will be keeping my fingers crossed that you get some answers/resolution lau...............it's been far too long. x
Thank you nellie xx Who knows what their rationale is, honestly I've sort of given up hope in the NHS after all of this...I'm kind of just letting them do their thing with regards to this test because I know I'll probably just switch to trying the NDT I was prescribed privately as soon as the next absorption test is over.
Surely that's dangerous...if you had adrenal or heart problems??!
I was as shocked as you were when the dose I was meant to take on the days of the tests arrived in the post! (They didn't even attach a letter with the medicine saying what it was for, and it arrived at my door over a month before the test was due to take place, and before I'd been given a date for it! The organisation/communication at my current hospital is a bit shocking to say the least).
Apparently it isn't uncommon for some endos to prescribe megadoses like that to be taken once a week for people who are particularly forgetful, at least in the opinion of one of my registrars...
You learn something new everyday! How bizarre and the communication seems quite off with your hospital but you're alive so all good I guess!😄
I have also read that we can take one week's dose - once a week!
I prefer a daily dose.
How is it possible?I'm really mystified.
Surely it would feel awful at least for a couple days?
Then there's the heart. I know T4 doesn't stimulate the heart quite as much as T3 does but at the very least I would think heart rate would jump up quite high?
'You know nothing Alanna'
Wow thats a big old dose to take in one! Ive never hesrd of that. Seems a bit weird. why not just your daily dose for them to track!!
I wonder the same thing! Maybe it's so that they can clearly compare exactly how much is proportionally meant to be absorbed in theory with how much is being absorbed by me in reality? I'll have to ask at the next one on Wednesday...
If you do ask, please report back! We're all dying to know their rationale 😆😂
absorption tests have a simple rationale . they are basically just investigating whether when the levo is taken as prescribed over a few weeks.... does the the TSH reduce as expected , or not ? .... and does the fT4 rise as expected or not? . They give a dose they expect to work eg 100mcg / day .. but they give a weeks worth, ,or 10 days worth , all in one go, so it can be observed to be taken under optimal absorption conditions. They would usually repeat this over a few weeks and then test to see if TSH went down as expected .. or of it didn't.
if TSH goes down / T4 goes up as expected when patient was observed to have taken equivalent of eg 100mcg/ day ... then absorption isn't a problem .
If TSH still doesn't go down /T4 doesn't go up when they are sure 100mcg / day was taken for a few weeks .. then absorption is proven to be a problem.
I don't know whether they do anything more intelligent while they are at it , like look at fT3 levels etc ... so it will be interesting to hear the results of this one

In testing levothyroxine, the standard approach is to give 600 micrograms to healthy volunteers. (For example, a new formulation.)
It is well tolerated and no-one seems to worry at all.
There’s a difference between a healthy volunteer and someone like many members who have acquired more & more various deficiencies and other (possibly autoimmune) conditions , possibly cardiac or adrenal, having been left chronically under- medicated for years.
Mind you I have mistakenly double dosed thyroxine before and felt nothing but double dosing F3 made me hot, jittery and feel horrible.
True - but the original poster had only taken double 88 - so only a bit more than a quarter of the 600 micrograms!
I agree that it is more likely to have an impact that will be noticed than a healthy volunteer. But 600 micrograms is clearly recognised as usually being safe.
No way on gods earth I could take that much levo in one go and not possibly end up in hospital.
I have attempted several occasions to raise my levo by 50mcg in one jump and been left breathless and struggling and have to drop back. I really don't understand how it is possible to do something like this. It's dichotomous.
Plus how do they establish the baseline for a 'healthy' volunteer?
We know that there are population standards established for TSH for healthy individuals that are anything but healthy.
Thanks for the reassurance and the interesting thread that followed. I felt quite unwell on 100mg but 75mg was too little hence the 88mg I’m on now. I was worried that maybe I’m quite sensitive to dose … anyway another question - I’m due a blood test in two weeks to see how I’m doing on the current dose. I haven’t taken my dose today and will continue as normal tomorrow.. will this affect my blood results?
Hi. I'm sensitive to dose and asked for 88, splitting a 25 to do it. The Dr wouldn't hear of it (?) with a ridiculous argument that you can't get an exact split etc. ( but I take the other bit the next day....!!) He wants me to alternate 75 and 100 but I felt shattered on 75 days and 100 felt too much. Going to have to push for 88 at next prescription.
I tried alternating and it didn’t work for me… I felt worse. I concluded that I need a steady dose as my body doesn’t cope with the changes.
"will this affect my blood results?" I don't think so. The half life is 7 days (I think) .
Oops missed this question. You're correct. Half life is 7 days. You skipped the next day's dose so your total dose is the same, so it won't affect results 2 weeks out Jacarilla Some people use a weekly pillbox and keep it next to their bed. Something to consider, if you're not already using one.