Nodular prurigo : Hi there Anyone with Hashimotos... - Thyroid UK

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Nodular prurigo

Nonameavailable profile image
11 Replies

Hi there

Anyone with Hashimotos also got nodular prurigo?

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11 Replies
SlowDragon profile image

As you have Hashimoto’s are you on strictly gluten free diet

Google suggests nodular prurigo may be linked to gluten intolerance

Nonameavailable profile image
Nonameavailable in reply to SlowDragon

Hi there I am def not strick GF. I do not check condiments and everything I eat. But IF having pasta or bread etc always GFHashi since late 20s early 60s now.

Horsey07 profile image

YES! I’ve had it for eighteen months now and it drives me insane. I’ve been prescribed every steroid, moisturiser, and shower cream going. If I’d gone near a naked flame at one point I’d have become a human candle. Absolutely nothing worked. It was only when I went to see an excellent dermatologist privately that I was told my problem was an internal disorder, not a skin problem. He wrote to my GP recommending a raft of tests including thyroid function. Of course she only tested TSH and not the full panel he recommended, which is when I took matters into my own hands and the rest, as they say, is history.

Nonameavailable profile image
Nonameavailable in reply to Horsey07

Sorry to hear your suffering . I have had hashis 40 yrs and NP 18mnths/2yrs. I have only had steroid cream. Have you tried strict GF diet?

Horsey07 profile image
Horsey07 in reply to Nonameavailable

I’ve been tested and I’m not gluten intolerant. I did try a gluten-free diet, but it made no difference to any of my symptoms. The only things I’ve found that help are products by Noughty: Hero body wash, and Caretaker shampoo, conditioner, and scalp treatment. I find the itching gets worse in the Winter.

Nonameavailable profile image
Nonameavailable in reply to Horsey07

Do you have any on your face? 😔 I was thinking about uvb light therapy. I will google those thank you. ATM my scalp is fine!! Yaaah

Horsey07 profile image
Horsey07 in reply to Nonameavailable

From time to time across my forehead, but I spend a good deal of time outside so the worst affected parts tend to be covered up.

Nonameavailable profile image
Nonameavailable in reply to Horsey07

Curiosity.. Do you have a horse? I think my “stress” triggers they may have spurred on NP were covid and losing my best friend Zac secD in his mid 30s.😢😢

Horsey07 profile image
Horsey07 in reply to Nonameavailable

I’m so sorry, losing a horse is tough! I have three. We moved house just over a year ago, which is always stressful, that was around the start of my skin problems. By the way, nodular prurigo just means itchy lumps, it’s the term they use when they can’t make a proper diagnosis. That really made me chuckle, I didn’t need a consultant to diagnose that!

Nonameavailable profile image
Nonameavailable in reply to Horsey07

Also tried to tell me that the lumps came because I scratched and it was an itch scratch cycle. But my lumps come before the itch and I don’t scratchy .actually I have more than a burn than itch. I just get the sensation that I have been bitten by insects and then I look and I’ve got what looks like bites all over me and I just don’t go away!! Ah moving house a big stressor , did you have to move your horses too?

I don’t have land but only had to move Zac 3times in our lifetime. Lucky to have him laid to rest at his last.

My granddaughter said if I was missing him so badly I should dig him back up!!! Then after thinking a while she said “but he might not have any skin left he might just be bones and I wouldn’t get to see his beautiful beautiful eyes.

About an hour later she said to me “Dodo” which is why she calls me… If you do decide to dig Zac back up and he is just bones , just remember mine Kendal likes a good bone… Kendal is her dog😱😂

Horsey07 profile image
Horsey07 in reply to Nonameavailable

I was told it was the itch/scratch/itch cycle, too, which is why they pushed so many lotions and potions at me. It was months before I even managed to actually see a doctor, most ‘consultations’ were by phone! I also thought it was insect bites at first because the flies were horrific that Summer and I was having to plaster myself in insect repellant. Just like with my thyroid disease it was only when I got fed up with being told to just try another cream, and saw someone privately that the pieces started to fall into place. The lumps and itching are coming back again now so it looks like Winter will be interesting again. I did move my horses and keep them at home now so I’m living the dream and stress is definitely not the cause of my itchiness.

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