Cholesterol levels going up with Hypothyroidism - Thyroid UK

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Cholesterol levels going up with Hypothyroidism

ChoH profile image
12 Replies

My cholesterol levels keep going up, even though I generally eat healthy, I exercise regularly. I’m. Very thin person. Need some advice please? I am taking euthyrox 0.05 mg, prior to that which was 3 months ago I was taking the 0.025 mg, and my thyroid levels were not within range. I also have high thyroid antibodies. I feel so helpless, not sure what to do

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12 Replies
RedApple profile image

Welcome to the forum ChoH. Your high cholesterol is quite likely caused by low thyroid hormone levels, not by your diet. It sounds as if you are not yet on an appropriate dose of levothyroxine. High thyroid antibodies suggests that you have autoimmune thyroid disease, which is the most common cause of hypothyroidism.

Can you find out the actual results of your most recent thyroid blood test and post them here? Ideally you should have FT4, FT3 and TSH readings, together with the accompanying reference ranges.

ChoH profile image
ChoH in reply to RedApple

Do you think the 50mcg dose is sufficient in my case, since I was taking alternating 100 and 50 daily, then changed to 25 because TSH levels became low and T4 high, then after taking 25mcg for awhile TSH became high again. Now my TSH and free T4 are within normal ranges but thyroid antibodies are still high. Also do you have any advice to help me grow my hair and nails and make them stronger. My vitamin B12 levels are gone too high, and Vitamin D levels, iron and folate are all within normal range

SlowDragon profile image

50mcg levothyroxine is only the standard starter dose of levothyroxine

Dose is likely to need to be increased slowly upwards in 25mcg steps until TSH is around one

Most important results are always Ft3 and Ft4

Bloods should be retested 6-8 weeks after each dose increase in levothyroxine

Always test as early as possible in morning before eating or drinking anything other than water and last dose levothyroxine 24 hours before test

Important to regularly retest vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12, especially with autoimmune thyroid disease (hashimoto’s)

High cholesterol is linked to being under medicated

If you have an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism), treatment may be delayed until this problem is treated. This is because having an underactive thyroid can lead to an increased cholesterol level, and treating hypothyroidism may cause your cholesterol level to decrease, without the need for statins. Statins are also more likely to cause muscle damage in people with an underactive thyroid.

ChoH profile image
ChoH in reply to SlowDragon

Do you think the 50mcg dose is sufficient in my case, since I was taking alternating 100 and 50 daily, then changed to 25 because TSH levels became low and T4 high, then after taking 25mcg for awhile TSH became high again. Now my TSH and free T4 are within normal ranges but thyroid antibodies are still high. Also do you have any advice to help me grow my hair and nails and make them stronger. My vitamin B12 levels are gone too high, and Vitamin D levels, iron and folate are all within normal range

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to ChoH

Bloods should be retested 6-8 weeks after each dose increase

Do you always get same brand levothyroxine at each prescription

Bloods should be done as early as possible in morning before eating or drinking anything other than water and last dose levothyroxine 24 hours before test

Come back with new post once you get results

Vitamin D levels, iron and folate are all within normal range

Please add most recent results and ranges

shaws profile image

When your blood shows a higher cholesterol level, doctors usually put it down to what we, the patient, eats and will probably prescribe medications to reduce it or to tell patient to change their diet.

The advice from RedApple and SlowDragon are more informative.

ChoH profile image

I’m a bit concerned because I went to see a physician. I asked him what can I do since high thyroid antibodies means hashimotos disease. I also went for scans and X-rays and had no visible growths, my thyroid gland is also quite small with slight inflammation. The dr told me that I should just continue with the euthyrox 0,05mcg. When I was initially diagnosed with a thyroid problem I was put on euthyrox 0,1 and 0,05 on alternate days, my cholesterol levels were normal at this time. After taking the 0,1 and 0,05, my TSH levels became too low and T4 too high, so I went into a state of hyperthyroidism, and then I was changed to 0,025mg daily and after bloods my TSH became too high again and T4 was normal. So then I was switched back to 0,05mg which I have been taking since mid April to present and after my visit to a specialist he told me to continue with this dose. I don’t have any typical symptoms of hypothyroidism besides hair fall and brittle nails, and recently I started having menstrual issues with very light periods or none. However my cholesterol levels have been going up, even though I eat healthy and exercise. Drs advice to me was to not worry and do bloods again in a months time. But this issue is stressing me out a lot.

My blood test results are as follows :

Triglycerides : 0,95 mmol/L

HDL : 2,02 mmol/L

LDL : 2,70 mmol/L

Total cholesterol : 5,50 mmol/L

Anti-thyroglobulin : 214 u/ml

TSH : 0.78mIU/L

Free T4 : 20.0 pmol/L

My cholesterol levels individually are within range and my HDL level is good but my total cholesterol overall is high

humanbean profile image

I asked him what can I do since high thyroid antibodies means hashimotos disease. I also went for scans and X-rays and had no visible growths, my thyroid gland is also quite small with slight inflammation.

Hashimoto's Thyroiditis isn't the only autoimmune disease affecting the thyroid which leads to hypothyroidism.

There is another version of autoimmune thyroid disease called Ord's Thyroiditis.

As a general rule Hashi's tends to lead to inflammation and goitre (swelling in the thyroid gland).

Ord's leads to atrophy (shrinkage) of the thyroid gland rather than goitre and swelling.

The treatment of both conditions is basically the same - replacement of the missing thyroid hormones.

ChoH profile image
ChoH in reply to humanbean

Thank you for your advice, the physician did say to me it is Hashimotos because of the thyroid antibodies and there is some swelling that was seen in the scan, so it’s definitely thyroiditis. My main concern is my cholesterol levels going up so drastically. The LDL, HDL and triglycerides are all within the normal range except for my total cholesterol which is meant to be below 5 mmol/L, previously my total cholesterol levels used to be around 3.9 to 4.5 mmol/L but now it’s gone up to 5.5mmol/L which is making me worry about what’s happening inside of my body. Additionally my hair fall has increased a lot and my hair has become thin, my nails are also weak. My menstrual cycle is also messed up, but I went to my gynaecologist and all my hormone levels were within range. He also said my menstrual issues are because of my thyroid problem

humanbean profile image
humanbean in reply to ChoH

Hypothyroidism leads to the body being less able than previously to clear LDL from the liver. People need adequate T3 (the active hormone) for the body to work properly, including the liver which makes the body's cholesterol.

Do you have any recent test results for TSH, Free T4 and Free T3 all tested from the same blood sample? If you have please post them. If you haven't, and your doctor or local NHS lab won't test them all, then your only choice may be to pay for them privately. You don't need to involve a doctor.

You just need to get a finger-prick test done - you get sent a kit, prick your fingers and let blood drop into a little vial, then post the vial back to the lab for processing. There is lots of advice available on this forum on how to prepare for this test (in terms of when to stop supplements and thyroid hormones, when to fast, and what you can drink), how to get the timing right for getting the sample, how and when to post it off to the lab. You don't want a blood sample to sit in a post box or a sorting office for days before processing.

If thyroid hormones are too low then your cholesterol numbers will be high.

LDL is usually calculated (i.e. not measured directly) from your Total Cholesterol and your HDL (with some other twiddles but they are very small numbers). So if your LDL is high then it is high because your Total Cholesterol and HDL are high.

As SlowDragon said above cholesterol goes high when people are under-medicated for hypothyroidism. Even the NHS says so :

Source :

If you have an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism), treatment may be delayed until this problem is treated. This is because having an underactive thyroid can lead to an increased cholesterol level, and treating hypothyroidism may cause your cholesterol level to decrease, without the need for statins. Statins are also more likely to cause muscle damage in people with an underactive thyroid.

I wouldn't take statins if you paid me. Another thing to point out is that reference ranges for all sorts of things are manipulated by labs, pharma companies and the medical profession to save money on this or that, or to persuade people to take this or that drug. Back in the early 90s the upper limit for total cholesterol was 7.5. By lowering the top of the reference range to 5 (in about 1995) they managed to give over half the UK population high cholesterol at a stroke - just by changing a single number. And statins began the journey to becoming one of the most prescribed and most profitable drugs in human history.

The following links are worth reading :

In the first link below check the graphs carefully - particularly what happens to mortality rates in women as cholesterol rises :

Lots of snippets on cholesterol :

A diabetes forum thread with dozens of links on cholesterol and statins :

I think if you want to worry about something it shouldn't be your cholesterol.

The only number I worry about in that respect is my triglycerides which I always want to keep below 1 mmol/L if I can, or as close to 1 if I can't keep it under.

If your doctor wants to talk to you about your triglycerides he's up-to-date
ChoH profile image

I did have some blood tests done recently on the 2nd June 2021.

My results are as follows :

- vitamin B12 : 762 pmol/L (145 - 569)

-serum folate : 30.5 mmol/L (8.8 - 60.3)

- Vitamin D : 34ng/mL (sufficiency = >20ng/mL

- MCHC : 32.2L (32.7 - 34.9

-MPV : 12.1 H (7.3 - 11.3)

-triglycerides: 0.95mmol/L (optimal = <1.7 mmol/L)

-HDL : 2.02 mmol/L (optimal = >1.2 mmol/L)

-LDL : 2.70mmol/L (optimal = <3.0 mmol/L)

- Total cholesterol : 5.5 mmol/L (<5.0 mmol/L)

- TSH : 0.78 mIU/L (0.27 - 4.20)

- free T4 : 20.0 pmol/L (12.0 - 22.0)

-thyroglobulin : 18.7 ug/L (3.5 - 77.0)

- Anti-thyroglobulin Ab : 214 H U/mL (<115)

Initially when I was diagnosed with a thyroid problem which was in October 2018 my results were :

-TSH : 8.27 uIU/mL (0.35 - 4.94)

-FT4 : 9.5 pmol/L (9.0 - 19.0)

-S-Iron : 21.4 umol/L (9.0 - 30.4)

-S-Ferritin : 34 ng/mL (15 - 160)

-triglycerides: 0.7 mmol/L (<1.7)

-HDL: 1.8mmol/L (>1.2)

-LDL: 2.6mmol/L (<3.0)

-total cholesterol: 4.7mmol/L (<5.0)

I was started on Euthyrox 0.05mg and 1.0mg on alternative days. I was on this treatment for one year (2019 - 2020) my TSH levels then became too low (0.02 mIU/L (0.27 - 4.20)) and free T4 became high (free T4: 26.8 pmol/L (12.0 - 22.0). I was then changed to Euthyrox 0.025mg from January to April and on 7th April I went for bloods again. My TSH became too high (11.97 mIU/L (0.27 - 4.20)) and free T4 was within normal range (free T4 : 14.3 pmol/L (12.0 -22.0)). I was then switched to Euthyrox 0.05mg which I have been taking since April till now in June.

My TSH and free are within the normal range as shown above in my first paragraph. My thyroid antibodies are high, my total cholesterol level is high. My vitamins are within normal range. My symptoms of my thyroid issues are :

-hair loss

-brittle nails

-feeling cold

-menstrual issues (absence of period or light bleeding)

-feeling cold

-loss of weight

-high cholesterol

-occasionally muscle pains

-stomach sensitivity : pain and bloating (sensitivity to milk, cream and spicy food)

My current medications that I take are :

- Euthyrox : 0.05mg

- Minesse (oral contraceptive)

- gastrochoice probiotic


-Omegq 3,6,9 (flaxseed brand)

I have tried to give a full picture of my thyroid issues and health. I need help to try to get things under control especially all the symptoms and the high cholesterol.

The dr has told me to continue with 0.05mg Euthyrox and to go for bloods again in July.

At the moment I am not sure if the Euthyrox dose that I am on is the best dose for me. And also not sure how to deal with the other problems. I’ve been trying to do some research on what health changes I can makes or what natural products I can use to help my cholesterol and thyroid issues and for my hair loss, but I am also afraid to mix natural products with my current medication, any advice on that as well ?

ChoH profile image

I did have some blood tests done recently on the 2nd June 2021.

My results are as follows :

- vitamin B12 : 762 pmol/L (145 - 569)

-serum folate : 30.5 mmol/L (8.8 - 60.3)

- Vitamin D : 34ng/mL (sufficiency = >20ng/mL

- MCHC : 32.2L (32.7 - 34.9

-MPV : 12.1 H (7.3 - 11.3)

-triglycerides: 0.95mmol/L (optimal = <1.7 mmol/L)

-HDL : 2.02 mmol/L (optimal = >1.2 mmol/L)

-LDL : 2.70mmol/L (optimal = <3.0 mmol/L)

- Total cholesterol : 5.5 mmol/L (<5.0 mmol/L)

- TSH : 0.78 mIU/L (0.27 - 4.20)

- free T4 : 20.0 pmol/L (12.0 - 22.0)

-thyroglobulin : 18.7 ug/L (3.5 - 77.0)

- Anti-thyroglobulin Ab : 214 H U/mL (<115)

Initially when I was diagnosed with a thyroid problem which was in October 2018 my results were :

-TSH : 8.27 uIU/mL (0.35 - 4.94)

-FT4 : 9.5 pmol/L (9.0 - 19.0)

-S-Iron : 21.4 umol/L (9.0 - 30.4)

-S-Ferritin : 34 ng/mL (15 - 160)

-triglycerides: 0.7 mmol/L (<1.7)

-HDL: 1.8mmol/L (>1.2)

-LDL: 2.6mmol/L (<3.0)

-total cholesterol: 4.7mmol/L (<5.0)

I was started on Euthyrox 0.05mg and 1.0mg on alternative days. I was on this treatment for one year (2019 - 2020) my TSH levels then became too low (0.02 mIU/L (0.27 - 4.20)) and free T4 became high (free T4: 26.8 pmol/L (12.0 - 22.0). I was then changed to Euthyrox 0.025mg from January to April and on 7th April I went for bloods again. My TSH became too high (11.97 mIU/L (0.27 - 4.20)) and free T4 was within normal range (free T4 : 14.3 pmol/L (12.0 -22.0)). I was then switched to Euthyrox 0.05mg which I have been taking since April till now in June.

My TSH and free are within the normal range as shown above in my first paragraph. My thyroid antibodies are high, my total cholesterol level is high. My vitamins are within normal range. My symptoms of my thyroid issues are :

-hair loss

-brittle nails

-feeling cold

-menstrual issues (absence of period or light bleeding)

-feeling cold

-loss of weight

-high cholesterol

-occasionally muscle pains

-stomach sensitivity : pain and bloating (sensitivity to milk, cream and spicy food)

My current medications that I take are :

- Euthyrox : 0.05mg

- Minesse (oral contraceptive)

- gastrochoice probiotic


-Omegq 3,6,9 (flaxseed brand)

I have tried to give a full picture of my thyroid issues and health. I need help to try to get things under control especially all the symptoms and the high cholesterol.

The dr has told me to continue with 0.05mg Euthyrox and to go for bloods again in July.

At the moment I am not sure if the Euthyrox dose that I am on is the best dose for me. And also not sure how to deal with the other problems. I’ve been trying to do some research on what health changes I can makes or what natural products I can use to help my cholesterol and thyroid issues and for my hair loss, but I am also afraid to mix natural products with my current medication, any advice on that as well ?

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