Chest Pain, bladder pain, leg aches...mycoplasm... - Thyroid UK

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Chest Pain, bladder pain, leg aches...mycoplasma from my cat??

Chipsandmayo profile image
10 Replies

I am looking for advice as I have come to another fork in the road of my health journey, 14 months ago my cat almost died, antibiotics and being on a drip at the vets for 7 days saved her life, I was only told she tested positive for mycoplasma felis and bordatella (kennel cough) although she had no cough. 2 weeks later, we moved house and I developed debilitating chest pains, bladder pain and leg pain, at my worst I couldn't get off the sofa and I spent months struggling with body pain so bad I wanted to die.

Symptoms: Chest pain that changes, from stabbing, burning, stinging, aching and the worst is bruised lungs feeling, when taking deep breaths in and moving alot. Shortness of breath and dizziness last year. Ocular Migraine for first time in my life.

Bladder pain, similar to cystitis and burning. Leg pain: feels like leg is being dipped in water sometimes, but more often just aching like I have been to the gym too much and in one particular spot on my left leg. Aching joint as well. Extreme tiredness. The pains move throughout my body, switching from one system to another as if a light switch is being turned off and on.

Fast forward 14 months, many drs, naturopaths and health tests later, I currently spend £400 a month on supplements for mitochondria, detox and energy based on lab testing of deficiencies and also take prescription drugs and my pain is manageable but still suffering with some form of pain every day. I was put on proton pump inhibitors which did help the chest pain, but a gastroentolorogist who did my endoscopy and PH studies said I absolutely do NOT have acid reflux.....then why do proton pump inhibitors help the chest pain somewhat?

The more you look, the more you find: so far we have found low natural killer cells, positive IGA and IGG antibodies for mycoplasma pneumoniae with weak positive for the same infection using ELISPOT testing, positive hydrogen SIBO, previous positive for lymes disease which now appears negative after herbal treatment, dysbiosis of the microbiome & high mycotoxins load (which indicates mould toxicity). I spent alot of time and money focussing on SIBO, I cleared it temporarily by not eating for 3 weeks (elemental diet) but my pain was still there, so I am confident the pain is not SIBO. I've had a CT scan and an MRI of my whole abdomen and chest, an endoscopy, a manometry, colonoscopy, you name it! Despite not having any histamine issues - I have tested for this privately, I am currently on MCAS mast cell stabiliser medication on the assumption that an infection or mould is causing radiating body pain that moves and changes randomly. In order to get off meds and get my immune system working, instead of putting a band aid on the problem, I need to fix it as I am on hardcore pharmaceutical drugs and I don't want to be.

Since finding out my IGG and IGA antibodies are positive for mycoplasma pneumoniae, my DR has prescribed azithromycin but does not know if this is the problem, it's just a trial and error situation as my naturopath ordered all the testing as conventional drs aren't very aware of these things. But nobody has ever told me what exactly my pain is, so how can I fix it if I don't know what exactly is causing it?? I have so many questions, if I did catch mycoplasma off my cat, she was positive for mycoplasma felis NOT mycoplasma pneumoniae, Drs tell me I can't be tested for that, so if I do in fact have the exact one she had, will azithromycin work? it's been prescribed for my positive mycoplasma pneumoniae, I think my naturopath told me it is possible that the weak positive ELISPOT was only weak positive because I may have the mycoplasma felis infection my cat had, not the one I was actually tested for (pneumoniae) so there can be cross reactivity? Antibiotics are a last resort for me as on my stool test I have extreme low akkermansia and other key gut bacteria which I am scared of losing completely and of course antibiotics makes SIBO ten times worse and I still have active SIBO which I can't clear permanently after 1 year of trying everything. My natural killer cells are very low as well and the lab report states that chronic immune suppression is usually caused by things like mycoplasma pneumoniae. Even after 1 year of trying to boost my immune system, I still can't. I've done everything from IV immune boosting drips and glutathione/phosphalipids to colostrum, LDN, daily high dose vitamin C and glutathione, phosphatidylcholine, zinc, vitamin D3, infrared sauna, massage, trampolining, everything!

I know I have a mould issue and yes my house last year was a bit mouldy but nothing out of the ordinary, still I moved house anyway, threw alot of stuff away and bought air filters for our new place. I believe mould issues are something I've had for years in all honesty, my memory problems and fatigue has been going on for many years but the nose dive in my health was last year when moving house after my cat was ill and THAT is the thing I need to figure out. Is it possible to have a mycoplasma infection that lasts over 14 months, without a cough or mucus? Would it be really stupid to take antibiotics at this point when my pain is manageable on mast cell stabilisers for mcas? I will probably need to come off most of my drugs when I get pregnant (when I am pain free and improved) but terrified there's still lots of pain hiding under the tablets I am taking which will resurface when it stops. I have also tried SO many potent herbs over the past year for SIBO and lymes, these obviously didn't kill the mycoplasma infection and they certainly never cleared my sibo infection. As my mycoplasma IGG antibodies are high still, should I assume this is still a current infection and it may be the thing that allows my immune system to recover once cleared? There is also the possibility that my pain is actually totally gut related as I have bacterial imbalances, so antibiotics would be a huge step backwards, despite working on my gut with professionals and being 100% gluten free and dairy free my stool test now looks worse than 12 months ago. My dr friend thinks mycoplasma pneumoniae isn't a big deal and it wouldn't cause these debilitating issues. Please help, I am so lost.

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Chipsandmayo profile image
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10 Replies
Jazzw profile image

Hi Chipsandmayo, what a time you’ve had—I’m so sorry you’ve been struggling to find answers.

I think I have to mention up front that your post has landed in a UK-based thyroid forum—our parent charity is Thyroid U.K. So our speciality is disorders of the thyroid—we’re a peer to peer support group (most of us have thyroid problems ourselves or support others that do).

Many of us do have an interest in all kinds of health issues but yours might be a little out of the ordinary. Unless of course it isn’t...

One of the things we find here frequently is that doctors say “blood tests are normal” when in fact, they’re not normal at all. “Normal” is more akin to an opinion!

Given the symptoms you describe I think I’d be looking in the first instance at your Vitamin B12 and folate status. That’s because of the strange sensations and pain that moves around you’re describing.

The “normal” range for B12 blood tests starts at a ridiculously low level—the range is often something like 175 - 900. So a patient with a reading of 176 can be told their B12 levels are normal when they’re actually woeful and indicate that full testing for pernicious anaemia is warranted.

Similarly, thyroid blood test “normal” ranges are also very broad. Hypothyroidism can directly or indirectly cause many of the symptoms you’ve described (not all but many).

You haven’t mentioned how old you are or whether you had any pre-existing conditions before this all started. If you don’t mind sharing that info (everything and everyone is anonymous here) that might also help us find some context.

So I guess my first thoughts go along the lines of, maybe you’d like to post up any thyroid, B12, folate, Vit D, ferritin etc blood test results done by your doctor? We can then at least help you rule out the things that are our speciality. ;)

Chipsandmayo profile image
Chipsandmayo in reply to Jazzw

Sorry I didn't realise I had posted in the Thyroid group, I'm new to all this. I am 34, I have hashimotos and hypothyroidism. Been on natural desicated thyroid for years plus a 25mg top up of T4 everyday as I can't convert T3 to T4 very well.

Vitamin D is 48

T4 10.7

TSH 0.14

B12 is actually too high (due to elemental diet recently)

Iron is always borderline low but within limits

They annoyingly didn't test my T3 so I am having this redone, I know my T4 is low so I am going to have to increase my levothyroxine again, I had recently reduced it due to starting LDN.

My pain issues started 14 months ago, when my thyroid labs were perfect so i don't think they are related.

Jazzw profile image
Jazzw in reply to Chipsandmayo

Thanks Chipsandmayo

Do you have the laboratory ref ranges for those results? U.K. labs vary a bit so it’s not a one size fits all thing.

But it appears (assuming these are in the ballpark of the usual ranges we see here) that your Vit D is low and your FT4 is low. How much NDT do you take? I guess I’m intrigued by you taking an additional 25mcg Levo because you don’t convert very well—if you don’t convert very well I’m not sure how taking extra T4 helps! I’d be thinking about taking more NDT instead...

Who said your thyroid labs were perfect—your doctor or you? :) Alas, we frequently find here that labs within the laboratory reference range are far from perfect but you maybe already know all that... please just say if I’m barking up the wrong tree. :)

Hi reading the top part the Bell went Bing! then got to the second part the mould you have is it black mould?

Mould causes issues in us and animals there also finding it in Covid patients

Chipsandmayo profile image
Chipsandmayo in reply to

I don't know which mould was in the house as I never did any swab testing, I just rapidly declined when I moved in to that house, it did have a flat roof and there was a small leak from the bathroom down to the living room underneath, but it could be a coincidence as my cat had an infection just prior and I was extremely stressed at the time which could've brought down my immune system. Mycotoxins are: Ochratoxin A, Mycophenolic acid, citrinin (multiple mould species).

in reply to Chipsandmayo

Black mould will make you and cat ill go look it up it's something so many miss when looking into why there ill.

Chipsandmayo profile image
Chipsandmayo in reply to

I’m on a mould protocol already :) thank you. I have an active mycoplasma infection which I think the pain is coming from but agreed mould is part of the bigger picture

tattybogle profile image

"Been on natural desicated thyroid for years plus a 25mg top up of T4 everyday as I can't convert T3 to T4 very well. "

Assuming there Is there a typo in here somewhere ? it doesn't make sense as it 's written.

.. but just in case there's a misunderstanding... T4 ( the storage hormone) is converted into T3 (the active form) in the cells .

T3 doesn't convert to T4.

Chipsandmayo profile image
Chipsandmayo in reply to tattybogle

Sorry you are right, I haven’t spoken about thyroid things in forever and got confused. I mean that I don’t do well on t3 only (natural dessicated thyroid) as my t4 tends to be low so I have to take both (levothyroxine as well) but I recently reduced my levothyroxine which explains why my t4 is now a bit low so will increase. thanks for your comment

tattybogle profile image
tattybogle in reply to Chipsandmayo

i see :)

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