I don’t have anyone else to tell who might care or get what it’s like but for the first time in my life since I was a kid, my thyroid is normal. I’ve had an untreated under active thyroid for many years (didn’t know my thyroid was fucked up until’this’ year) and I never realized how much it was affecting me until I recently started getting it treated for it. I always felt like my brain was running on like, 25% (guesstimate) through thick fog and many days I didn’t have the motivation to get out of bed or even do basic self care because of it. It still feels like my brain is in a fog but the fog isn’t as bad and that 25% bumped up to 35%. It doesn’t sound like much but I can get out of bed in the mornings and go to work now and I wasn’t able to do that before.
I’ve been told over the years by everyone around me that my inability to motivate myself to do anything, even get out of bed, was somehow my fault or due to lack of positivity and being grateful. no one ever thought to look at my thyroid before and doctors just threw antidepressants at me as a kid (none of them worked for me in the 12 years I took them). I can’t believe it took this long for any doctor to even consider looking at my thyroid in the 28 years i’ve been alive but im glad my new doctor did and I get to feel what it’s like to have a functioning thyroid for the first time in my life.