Someone has told me that their thyroid gland has regrown, is this possible and can it be functioning? Never heard of it before.
Regrowth of thyroid gland?: Someone has told me... - Thyroid UK
Regrowth of thyroid gland?

Mine has regrown JOLLYDOLLY , but unfortunately not working.
Oh really nightingale - 56, I never heard of it before and would have been surprised if it had worked at all - Have they left it alone? I am assuming you are on medication yeah? I was born with only a partial non working gland, so just surprised by it all. Thanks for confirming.
All the best

There are a very few members on here who have had this
I find it all quite interesting. I think I know the answer to the question, I am about to ask... but in your opinion, have you ever heard of someone having their thyroid removed and NOT being on medication? There is a big debate on one of the groups I am in - one person saying that her mother has had hers removed and not on medication, but I think she may have had a goitre removed, by how she has described the lump on her throat. What do you think SlowDragon? I think some people confuse hormones and vitamins to be honest and it is very alarming when I hear someone has stopped their medication, because they feel okay!
Take care
If they really have no thyroid left, they will need replacement thyroid hormones
That is what I said. You can live without your thyroid gland, but not the hormones it produces, hence the medication. Thanks x
I believe that today Graves patients are given total thryoidectomies, but when I had my operation (1985) it was usual to have a small portion retained. The fraction that was left would sometimes be sufficient for the individual. One woman told me she thought hers was still a little overactive.
I went nine years without medication after my op. I was hypo for much of that time but no one mentioned that annual testing was required. Thank goodness people can get sound advice on here nowadays.
That would make sense, so thank you Canta. I did wonder if it was for someone who maybe was hyperthyroid and perhaps had Graves.
I have always been Hypothyroid since birth, born with only a partial non working gland, so been on medication always. I agree they did not do regular testing in the 80's and before. However, when we got to the 90's that changed and unfortunately that is where I came unstuck, because my then GP dramatically reduced my medication and that is when my troubles began - absolutely horrendous. Many moons on, I am back on my original dose plus T3.
On the page I follow, you always get a few that know best and saying that diet and supplements will cure them alone. They definitely do not really understand the importance of the hormones. But I have had to take a step away.
Thank you for reply and telling me part of your journey.
Best wishes and take care