Hi. I have been researching functional medicine having read Rachel Hills book. I have been Hypo for 30 years and would really like to have a consultation with a view to being prescribed NDT as have just tried to self source. Please can anyone recommend a reasonably priced yet excellent practitioner...please. Many thanks
Functional Doctor London: Hi. I have been... - Thyroid UK
Functional Doctor London

This is a quick way to be parted from lots of money so save up, get as many tests performed yourself immediately before your first appointment and be very clear of your objectives.
Mine knew nothing of T3 or NDT so went to read up on the topic from my suggested sources. Not clear if FM has a similar blind spot to conventional medicine when it comes to thyroid.
In hindsight I had all the info I needed (learnt here) but it gave legitimacy for the short while they prescribed. Prescriptions cost a lot as does NDT from UK pharmacists.
I went to one several years ago and she was really helpful until it came to my thyroid when she recommended seeing a private Endo. I called it a day at that point because I don’t have any faith in endos. However, I’m still glad I went because she did lots of tests (the ones Sarah Myhill recommends) and I took lots of supplements which really helped. She had very strict diet regime as well which also helped a lot but I just couldn’t keep the diet restrictions up long term. It’s really hard work getting well and I decided I had to get a balance between enjoying life, not being a kill joy whenever I met with friends and enjoying food rather than dreading working out what I could have! I found this doctor because I wanted the tests recommended my Dr Myhill in her book. Biolabs in London have a list of clinicians who use their tests. It did cost a lot between consultations, tests and supplements. But it took me from being so tired I went back to bed for a snooze only a few hours after I got up and terrible brain fog to feeling normal again.
Tbh I don’t know about their pricing. Functional med tends to cost... But I had a great duo back in 2013 — Drs O’Flynn and Schulte at the Review Clinic. Schulte is an endocrine surgeon and prof of surgery. I wasn’t pushing for NDT then so not sure their disposition toward it/ knowledge of it, but I found them to be quite knowledgeable about Hashimoto’s. Only thing is, I’m not sure if Schulte is still working in this clinic. Worth looking into perhaps!