Ahhh, gone off kilter again šŸ˜©: So Iā€™ve been... - Thyroid UK

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Ahhh, gone off kilter again šŸ˜©

Murphysmum profile image
ā€¢22 Replies

So Iā€™ve been trying CT3M for the last month or so - canā€™t say Iā€™ve noticed any particular difference but...

The last few days Iā€™ve felt crazy over medicated in the late afternoon. Tight chest, jittery - you know the way. My resting hr is bobbing up and down from around 65bpm to anywhere in the 80s. My resting hr is normally somewhere in the 50s - I know this is quite low but itā€™s comfortable for me.

This has been for the last few days mid to late afternoon but today itā€™s really uncomfortable. By chance this morning, having feeling somethings been ā€œoffā€ for a few days, decided not to take an early morning dose but to revert back to my old regime of waking, lunchtime and tea time to see if how I was feeling would settle down.

I can only assume the method has been working and so today, by taking a higher dose, Iā€™ve inadvertently taken too much, even though I havenā€™t taken my last dose yet. To be clear, Iā€™ve been taking 15mcg as an early morning dose but today I took 20 about 3 hours later instead.

To add to to the mix, Iā€™ve been taking my T4 (a teeny amount) regularly recently as it had dropped a bit too low. I am always suspicious that it blocks my T3 from working if itā€™s too much and when I felt off a few days ago I suspected this was the reason and have stopped taking it again. But I feel over not under medicated.

Is it possible that the method has been working and therefore I now need to reduce my dose overall?

I really donā€™t know whether to take my evening dose or not. If I donā€™t I will only have taken 40mcg today when Iā€™ve been on 60 for the last month/6 weeks.

I really donā€™t know what to do now! Anyone? Sorry if this is a bit clear as mud!

Ps bloods taken about a month ago showed T3 at about 6.4 and FT4 off the lower end of the scale. Iā€™ve had T3 higher with no issues.

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Murphysmum profile image
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22 Replies
Lalatoot profile image

Two things that Paul Robinson says about CT3M that might help. The full article is linked below.

'Thyroid patients should not attempt to use the CT3M unless they know with confidence that they have low cortisol. '

'Time and time again we have seen symptoms and signs that suggest hypothyroidism that have been caused by excessive use of T3. The problems get worse when someone like this begins to use the CT3M as all this excess thyroid hormone may begin to be effective. We often see body temperature, blood pressure, and heart rate all shoot up dramatically and sometimes dangerously as well as other symptoms that suggest hyperthyroidism. It can be quite scary.'


Murphysmum profile image
Murphysmum in reply to Lalatoot


I had low morning cortisol a little while back but Iā€™m kind of thinking ā€œoopsā€!

So, how to rectify this? Lower dose? Stop CT3M? Both?

Eek. This is not good

Lalatoot profile image
Lalatoot in reply to Murphysmum

Sorry I can't help as I have only read bits about this. Haven't any experience of it.

Murphysmum profile image

SlowDragon SeasideSusie greygoose shaws any ideas what I should do?

Honestly donā€™t know what to take šŸ˜¬

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Murphysmum

I'm afraid I can't help. I have no knowledge or experience of CT3M. Nor of hyper-like symptoms. Sorry.

Murphysmum profile image
Murphysmum in reply to greygoose

No problem, thank you šŸ˜Š

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to Murphysmum

Sorry Murphysmum, I have no experience of T3 only or the CT3M method. Have you thought about contacting Paul?

Murphysmum profile image
Murphysmum in reply to SeasideSusie

Well Iā€™m in the group on Facebook but honestly, Iā€™ve never met a group of more unfriendly, bureaucratic people in my life!

Too many daft rules, not enough answers!

I can only get an answer tonight (which would be helpful given I donā€™t Know whether to take another dose or not) if I provide a full resume of todayā€™s vitals... which I donā€™t have. Iā€™ve got three or four readings over the day but thatā€™s not enough.

So Iā€™m still stuck

endomad profile image
endomad in reply to Murphysmum

yes i found the group rather awkward. :) personally i found experimenting myself was only way to get results. I ended up on 75-100mcg at bedtime works best for me. My cortisol was really low so CT3M didnt work for me plus to much faffing 1/4 of this 6 mins before that, too much for me. I already knew splitting doses didnt work for me, taking it in morning meant i was tired all day, so i ended up taking 9-10pm i sleep through the night since and i wake up less exhausted.

We are all so different, i kept a really detailed journal for years. When i start to feel under par i can usually look back and see iv been over doing it, slipping back into eating bread, or forgetting vitamins.

The whole thing has got on my nerves for years, i was constantly chasing getting back to who i was before thyroid removed, it took years of hideous health, slow progress to realise my life is slower, quieter, less energy and although a million times better (i was nearly in a coma, in chronic pain and could stay awake more than an hour, i had almost every symptom), i am still a million miles from the fit, strong, super dynamic person i was :( for me this is as good as it gets, so iv had to accept that at 59 maybe it was time i slowed down and not running 8 miles a day, out every night with a stressful career, who knows.

Try experimenting, if you feel hyper take less for a week, then creep up again, find some balance. On busy days i take 25mcg more and up energy foods, i plan for busy days by resting few days before and after. Tbh i dont know anyone who has got back to full strength or improved after thyroid problems :( just have to do best we can xx

SlowDragon profile image

Sorry no idea

Suggest you get Saliva cortisol Test via Regenerus

Your profile screams Stress and adrenal issues

Are you gluten free?

Murphysmum profile image
Murphysmum in reply to SlowDragon

Thanks slowdragon.

Iā€™m not gluten free no. Weā€™ve had this chat before but I did try it, and whilst it helped my gut a bit, it didnā€™t make any odds on my thyroid!

Iā€™m beginning to wonder if Iā€™m not ā€˜healedā€™ from my stress days and now my issues are possibly with other hormones - female obvs!

I think @lalatoot may be right and I have stirred up a whole load of cortisol I didnā€™t need. I just donā€™t know what to do for the best now until it levels out again.

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to Murphysmum

Not addressing Gluten intolerance can lead to adrenal exhaustion

Why gluten intolerance can upset cortisol levels



Murphysmum profile image

Right, help!

I missed my last dose last night so only took 40 of my usual 60 mcg daily dose.

This morning I have taken 15 mcg instead of 20 but already (took it about 45 mins ago) Iā€™m feeling anxious and jittery.

How do I stop this? Itā€™s awful. Will my cortisol just naturally drop again?

I canā€™t keep on like this, Iā€™m terrified I have a heart attack or something. Never felt like this.

endomad profile image
endomad in reply to Murphysmum

Yes I went through that stage, jittery, anxious, panic, few years back now. Remember under and over medicated has same symptoms. You need to calm your body, long gentle walk or gardening to wear off the adrenaline which is prob what's making you jittery. You can't guess at cortisol so you need to do test, doing the wrong thing could make it worse. Cut out all trigger foods gluten, grains, starchy carbs, sugar, sleep even if during the day, read to stop anxious thoughts.

Low cortisol usually feels like an internal humming, tunning fork but you need to test to be sure. Never had high cortisol so no idea. Hard not to focus on it but it will just feed the anxiety.

I still crash few times a year, if you find a dose you feel great on and it never changes you are lucky. This is not an exact science, it's all guess work and trial an error.

suztango profile image

Paul responds to questions personally in his Thyroid Patient Manual Facebook group. He doesnā€™t do specific dosing (as he would need to have a 121 appointment with you. But he definitely points you in the right direction. I suggest you join his group and ask him. I think, though, he would ask you to retest your cortisol and see where you are at right now.

Murphysmum profile image
Murphysmum in reply to suztango

Thank you.

Iā€™ve actually just come off the group. I loved Paulā€™s books and found them incredibly accurate and very helpful but Iā€™m afraid I find the group very unhelpful.

People are curt, assume that you know nothing about thyroid matters and even the couple of responses Iā€™ve had to date from Paul havenā€™t been very helpful.

Iā€™m really disappointed as I was so impressed by the books. I guess I expected it to be like this group where everyone is very helpful and friendly and you never feel patronised or talked down to. I appreciate itā€™s a busy group and there have to be rules but itā€™s not at all user friendly. Nevermind.

And besides, the group isnā€™t active on a Sunday!

suztango profile image
suztango in reply to Murphysmum

Ok no worries.

Murphysmum profile image
Murphysmum in reply to suztango

I noticed in your profile (sorry, I like to see if people issues are similar to mine!) that youā€™ve done quite a lot of genetic testing.

Do you mind if I ask how/where you got this done!

Thank you (Iā€™m not a weirdo stalker, honest!)

suztango profile image
suztango in reply to Murphysmum

Itā€™s ok. I did the blue horizon thyroid genetic profile.

Murphysmum profile image
Murphysmum in reply to suztango

Thank you šŸ˜Š

suztango profile image
suztango in reply to Murphysmum

But i think itā€™s possible to get these results from other companies eg ancestry, but not sure how that works

QUE6T-33 profile image

Hi Murphysmum. Right now your obviously a little concerned about how your feeling & what meds you should take, but obviously although understandable that doesnā€™t help the way your feeling. You say your HR is 65 - 80s which isnā€™t bad is it. You havenā€™t said what your temperature is though. Do you keep a daily average temperature check as a guide while your trying CT3M? It can be a really useful guide to how adrenals are responding & thyroid meds. (Temp 3 hours after waking, again after 3 hours & a further after 3 hours. Add those results, divide by 3 for average. Keep chart of daily averages). Changes to dose timing or amount of dose, can take days to feel affect. For me, the CTM3 method was effective. Each of us are different though. I donā€™t know when you last checked your adrenal levels, but itā€™s good idea to keep a check on levels, especially when trying CTM3 method. Saliva Test is a good indicator. It could be you have improved your adrenal levels & that in turn has improved tissue uptake of thyroid meds. Or your adrenal levels might be a bit elevated making you feel hyped. Iā€™m not a doctor, but if I were in your situation, Iā€™d keep record of my temperature & HR. If a bit high, then Iā€™d miss a dose or two of meds until it lowered to normal levels. Put your daily averages for say 5 days on this forum which might be helpful as a guide to where your at. Ultimately, test results, how your feeling, together with temp & HR detail will guide you & your doctor. šŸ˜Š

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