What is the best time to take levothyroxine?
Best time of the day to take Levothyroxine? - Thyroid UK
Best time of the day to take Levothyroxine?

An hour at least before food or drinks other than water. I take mine before 6am - I leave it out with a glass of water and if I get up to the loo in night, I take it then. Also take any supplements at least 3 hours after your Levothyroxine. Some supplements can interfere with your Levo. 😀
24 hours before a blood test - but beyond that, whenever works best for you. As Aslangal says, you need to leave at least an hour before eating or drinking other than water - or take the levo at least two hours after food and drink eg if you prefer to take it at night.

The best time is what suits you.
Some people take it when they wake up, some people take it at bedtime and find that suits them better, I take mine between about 3am and 6am when I need a bathroom trip.
Just experiment and do what's right for you but remember:
* Take your Levo on an empty stomach, one hour before or two hours after food, with a glass of water only, no tea, coffee, milk, etc, and water only for an hour either side, as absorption will be affected.
* If you take it at night and your evening meal is your main meal of the day, leave 3 hours.
* Take any other medication and supplements 2 hours away from Levo, some need 4 hours (eg iron, Vit D, magnesium, calcium, oestrogen/HRT).
This tip changed my life! I used to wake up and take it and I get so groggy and grouchy waiting 45 min to drink my tea and eat. Now like clock work my body tells me to take it around 4:30-5am and I drift back to sleep for an hour or two. What I do is keep the medication for that morning only in a little dish I don’t take it from the bottle because I’ve had lots of dreams of myself taking my medication and I can’t remember reality from dreams. So now I know if it’s gone from the dish I’ve already taken it.
Thanks to everyone who responded. Really helpful x
The best time is the tine that works for you. I’ve always taken mine in late afternoon (5:00pm). It works for me - no weight gain!