Has anyone here had any experience of this, as have read this can make it nearly impossible to get your thyroid healthy is you have this problem also. I'm not saying I have this problem but over the last few weeks,my stress levels are the highest they've ever been and the tiniest things make me lose it. I've also had bad cravings for sweet things. I would just like to hear if anyone has experienced this condition alongside hypothyroidism.
Adrenal insufficiency.: Has anyone here had any... - Thyroid UK
Adrenal insufficiency.

One of the symptoms of adrenal fatigue is a craving for salty foods not sweet.
When we're stressed out, we have a high level of a hormone called cortisol, and we crave sugar because if we eat some sugar, we will actually get another hormone called serotonin, which is calming and relaxing,
This might explain your sugar craving at the moment.
I think during this extraordinary time of lockdown, cravings are part and parcel of what many people experience. I was thinking I’d never had such cravings since pregnancy 50 years ago! And what I crave is often what I haven’t got in the cupboard. Tiredness is also part of the stress we all have to a greater or lesser extent so try to maybe find distractions, hobbies etc old friends etc as not everything may be associated with our conditions. Try not to feel bad about your cravings as it might just add to your stress! Good luck.
Hi there. I too have felt like this in the last weeks and am pretty sure, as catseyes says, the lockdown situation, the social isolation and the huge uncertainty we all have about the future, is the cause of it. I’m trying to deal with it by telling myself it’s only natural that I’ll be more stressed than usual right now. I’m lowering my expectations of what I can achieve too - I think because we’re under pressure, even small things we’d normally do are more tiring. I’m trying to eat well - low glycemic index foods, so as not to fuel the hunger. But I’m definitely not expecting myself to be perfect and each day make sure I eat something I really want, whether it’s cake, or chocolate or whatever. I’ve also begun meditating again, using the Headspace app. While none of this fixes the external situation it’s certainly helping me feel less crazy in the short term.
I was diagnosed with adrenal insufficiency a few years back by Dr Peatfield (what a lovely man). He believes that that adrenal insufficiency should be treated before treating the thyroid. His book (well worth reading) outlines a number of protocols for treating adrenal insufficiency.
Cravings for sweet things could be an issue with blood sugars. Have you gained weight recently?
Yes totally agree with you - to suddenly speed up the metabolism without supporting the adrenal function that also needs to crank up a gear is ridiculous. I have also met Dr Peatfield - he had it right all along - unfortunately I didn't want to take a steroid and just took Levo (at that time I took Levo tablets) and had a dreadful rushing behind my nose as the pituitary gland was under pressure - I believe because i didn't support the adrenals - it has caused me major issues I suffer today - i.e. I exhausted them even more and now I am on steroids for life. A couple of years ago I went to see an endo in a well known London hospital who had poo poohed previously a few years before that anything I mentioned which was a more modern approach to the treatment of thyroid disease i.e. NDT and support of the adrenals etc. I was flabbergasted when she said in passing - well we don't put anyone on thyroid hormone now without treating the adrenals first.
I was treated for adrenal insufficiency for a few months before my doctor began the T3 supplementation.
Adrenal Insufficiency is a life threatening illness and treatment is for life.
I’m sorry but you are incorrect. Adrenal Fatigue is considered a fad, Adrenal Insufficiency is what Addison’s disease comes under - Addisons is Primary Adrenal Insufficiency and is caused by antibodies attacking the adrenal glands, Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency is caused by other things, such as damage to the pituitary gland which in turn does not stimulate the adrenals to produce cortisol. The umbrella term is Adrenal Insufficiency. I have Adrenal Insufficiency and my Adrenal glands produce No cortisol at all. I do not have Adrenal fatigue. I was diagnosed after going into crisis and nearly dieing.
The anxiety with thyroid issues was quite something for me and I imagine for you. I found it hard particularly when I had always been the one leading and coping!
Hope all is fine with you Scrumbler.
We are still curfew in Scotland but things are ok.
Cortisol is complicated. I had lowish cortisol when on levo only, then I have improved greatly on NDT. When I overdosed 3 years ago, to the point of severe thyrotoxicosis, it was high. I had anxiety on low and high cortisol, but they were different types of anxiety. On low I was always a perfectionist, little things worried me and was always projecting the worst. On high, it was so irrational, couldnt sleep and the fear was coming out of nowhere, like doom and gloom and eventually depression came in from exhaustion. Once the dose was lowered, this went away.
It is so weird because in some hypo patients cortisol is low, in some hypo patients it is high. Then it depends at which stage they are with their fatigue. In terms of craving salt, I had this with thyrotoxicosis, when it is low I crave sweets. Seems we are all different with cortisol too
Then there is another one - estrogen. Even if progesterone is fine, but estrogen is dominant to progesterone, you will get symptoms too. It is a neverending puzzle, I actually probably wouldn't want to be an endo lol
I am so glad to hear it , you deserve the best ❤ absolutely! you too stay safe and chat soon