Could people with thyroid disease and who have root canal teeth let me know.
Link to teeth and thyroid problems found - Thyroid UK
Link to teeth and thyroid problems found

What do you need to know ? I've had rct and I was also dental nurse some years ago.
Well Google LifeWorks Wellness Centre, they have found a connection with having had root canal treatment prior to getting thyroid symptoms, it's to do with the root being left in the gum and it slowly poisons the thyroid gland there is also an article on how thyroid problems can develope through heavy metal poisoning too.

Seems rather mysterious that you ask like this.
Many of us could understand if you asked something like whether anyone thinks there is a link between root canal treatments and thyroid disease. But all you seem interested in is a list of members.
Mysterious? ive not been called that before! What you see is what you get with me but however what I'm doing is informing other people that have thyroid problems that it may have started through getting root canal treatment as the root left in the gum has been slowly decaying and poisoning the thyroid gland, I have had root canal treatment done and this could be why I've developed my thyroid condition, read it for LifeWorks Wellness Centre & theres also the possibility that the thyroid condition came about because of heavy metal poisoning..
There are dozens of previous posts which mention the possibility of connections with root canal and other dentistry issues.
Type "canal" into the Search box.
Well im making an appointment to get something done about mine and I'm stopping dying my hair as I found a possible connection with doing that too. I dont care about vanity ... my healths more important.
If you look hard enough, you can find plenty of potential things to blame your thyroid problem on. The internet is awash with true and fake info! BPA, root canals, heavy metals, hair dyes and many other things have all been discussed here over the years and may well have played their part in your personal case.
In the vast majority of people though, once you have a thyroid condition, it doesn't go away simply by getting your fillings or root canals removed.
Well why did one of my doctors look at my results and say hmm I think you can come off thyroid meds if you have these results next test then next test comes (different doctor) says oh i think we better up your dosage, (and I said) thats strange the other doctor was going to take me off altogether...she says...well not a good idea, as things can change, I'm so confused. Is this a forever disease or a can improve disease?
Pixipot I'm so confused. Is this a forever disease or a can improve disease?
For the vast majority of people, it's a forever condition that means taking thyroid hormone medication for the rest of your life. A very small minority of people recover sufficient thyroid function to be able to stop taking medication but this is usually a spontaneous thing and not down to things like dental treatment etc.
The key for most people, is getting the correct dose and type of thyroid medication, which is not as easy as doctors think it is. If you're on the wrong dose and/or type, you will always feel unwell, and your doctors will dismiss your symptoms as not valid, class you as a hypochondriac, tell you you need antidepressants, prescribe you all sorts of other pills to deal with your pain, headaches, palpitations, dizziness, brain fog, stomach acidity etc. etc.
You can listen to your doctor's conflicting opinions and swing back and forth on their prescribing according to their uneducated interpretation of minimal thyroid blood tests. Or you can listen and learn from the regular experienced members of this forum, who have worked very hard at understanding everything there is to know, got their own thyroid health back on track and given freely of their time and knowledge to others like yourself.
I do but I had major dental treatment from age 5 onwards long before any thyroid problems.
I just had 2 root canals. I’ve never before had trouble with my teeth. I’m also hypothyroid first about 7 years now