Why do I have this pungent odor? : A month or two... - Thyroid UK

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Why do I have this pungent odor?

CMT529729 profile image
15 Replies

A month or two ago my body randomly started producing weird odors. A Sweet pungent odor and wet dog like odor. I shower multiple times a day but can’t get rid of the smell. The smell often lingers and stays in rooms even after I leave. I have started doing my research on things that could possible cause this to happen and have found that I also have all the signs of hyperthyroidism. I am also O negative blood type. I have not been to a doctor yet, am trying to wait for all this Coronavirus stuff to clear up first but idk how much longer I can deal with this overwhelming nasty smell That’s coming from my body. My bathroom often smells like sewer and the odor is even stuck to the blinds. Does anyone else have this problem or can help? It has caused me to really isolate myself and refrain from going out in public. I feel like people smell me everywhere that I go. It’s really depressing. Someone help!

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15 Replies
RedApple profile image

Welcome to the forum CMT529729.

Can other people also detect these odours, or is it just you? I ask because wonky thyroid hormone levels can play havoc with our senses. Phantosmia is a particularly common experience for thyroid patients.

Knackeredoldhag profile image
Knackeredoldhag in reply to RedApple

Absolutely - I was convinced I smelled of petrol for about two years..it was particularly strong when I first woke up in the morning.

My husband couldn’t smell it, but it was always there, sometimes overwhelmingly strong.

It has gone now, and I think it was connected to an intense period of menopausal symptoms plus fluctuating TSH level.

It is a strange phenomenon- I was convinced that I smelled like I’d been working next to a petrol pump all day, or working on cars in a garage - it was so strong.

One day it disappeared, and I’ve never had it since.

Daisys444 profile image
Daisys444 in reply to RedApple

Yes other people smell it. Or at least I think they do...

I’m very intuitive I feel others emotions radiating off of them. I can always tell if a person is genuine or not. I’ve noticed some people make funny faces or sniffing noises or they start looking around then when I walk in, as to find where a smell is coming from. My boyfriend or ex now would often say things under his breath when he would get mad or we would fight. When we broke up he actually called me a smelly b****. But that was the only time he ever made a direct comment about it. I even pulled him aside telling him that i didn’t know what was wrong with me and that I stunk but he said I was fine and he loved the way I smelled. I’m pretty sure he just didn’t want to hurt my feelings. We had only been together for about 2 weeks when this started happening.

I hope it goes away soon. It’s definitely screwing with my mental health. I’ve never been so isolated and cut off from everyone like this before. I guess it’s depression? I’m not sure but would love some answers.

humanbean profile image

Menopause changes body odour. I began to smell like my mother, which upset me a lot because she was roughly 30 years older than me. It wasn't a vile smell - it was just that I associated it with old age, and I was only in my 30s, so I felt about as attractive as Nora Batty.

EbonyEvans profile image

I use an internal organic deodar and in capsule form. It’s called chlorophyll. Amazon and eBay stock it. I prefer Natures Way brand.

Is it only you that can smell it as there might be an imbalance in your senses.

Daisys444 profile image
Daisys444 in reply to EbonyEvans

No other people can smell it too. They haven’t Directly said anything but I can tell by the way people act when I come around and the comments I’ve heard whispered etc. Its really starting to screw with my anxiety and depression.. I wish I knew what it was from.

EyeandDry profile image

I developed a strange odour when I began the keto diet. I think it is due to a change in internal digestive flora. I’ve since begun taking a daily probiotic and the strange odours have greatly improved. I notice they return if I neglect to take a probiotic.

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to EyeandDry

Ketosis can result in acetone (and other compounds) being in sufficient quantity to be smelled by both the subject and others.

It isn't a digestive flora issue so much as a shift of metabolism. Have a look here:


Or the many links a search will find.

EyeandDry profile image
EyeandDry in reply to helvella

Either way, the odour is greatly reduced by taking a daily probiotic. It works even when I am not observing a keto regime :)

endomad profile image

I always smell things that are not there since thyroid removed. My fav perfumes no longer smell as they should to me, particularly chanel no. 5 one of my signature scents since i was 15 now smells like toilet cleaner, hubby says still smells same to him, i also smell petrol or burning elec smell all the time, use to send me bonkers, i now do 5 really deep breaths thro my nose to clear it (in my mind)

However i did smell really odd for a while, really stinky especially my armpits, i had recently started adding sprouted fenugreek to my salads, absolutely stank. Stopped the fenugreek and smell went, hubby was pleased as i smelt like really bad B.O so i would look at what you are eating xx

in reply to endomad

A friend of my sis stank so bad, and once came to my house. The smell lingered for a week, nothing would get rid of it. If he was there when I went to hers I'd dread it. The worst BO imaginable. I kept telling her there must be something wrong, but she seemed to have gotten used to it.

Much later it emerged he was taking copious amounts of fenugreek. I finally understood why he stank so bad. It's only supposed to be taken in small doses, and even then it causes BO.

So foods/spices/vitamins matter.

Celestialbeing profile image

As you can see, there are many reasons why you are experiencing the stinky occurrence. I would investigate further into each one. It is very possible that the issue could be caused by any single, or a combination, possibility. Look into new foods, supplements, changes in fillers of meds/supplements that you consume, gastro issues such as overgrowth of yeast (SIBG), any endocrine hormone imbalance, fungus, mouth/teeth issues.

humanbean profile image

An odd suggestion ... If you have a problem with constipation perhaps a part of your gut is impacted with poo and the smell is coming out in your breath, or perhaps from the other end? Perhaps you have a rectocele or prolapse trapping poo somewhere?

leftbehind profile image

If you take selenium it makes a stinky body, especially urine smell. Just one idea I experienced.

Foxy23 profile image

I used to get a funny smell it was awful. Then started noticing it more when eating mince I eat a lot of pasta. Thought it was the tomatoes. One day I said to hubby this mince looks pinkish. Then the horse meat scandal took place. Started buying British meat only and the smell went. My hubby and son never smelt, just me. It was very pungent even he smelt it, not pleasant. Also i can always smell onions on me for days after.

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