Recently in France, a reformulation of T4 tablets caused a sudden upsurge in adverse responses. We study the research justifying this change, and explored the reasons why such problems arose. We wrote a letter to the journal Clinical Theraputics examining the basis of why this event occurred. This has been accepted. If TUK posters want to look at what we wrote, I have sent Louise Roberts at TUK a copy.
Problems of Reformulating T4 tablets: Recently in... - Thyroid UK
Problems of Reformulating T4 tablets

That's great. There needs to be much better understanding of manufactured thyroid hormone so our complaints when changes are made to the tablets do not get ignored.
Thanks for the information and I think it disgraceful that the patients have to have 'adverse' reactions before they, themselves, realise there may be changes within the fillers/binders of the tablet.
As I recall, it also resulted in a HUGE class action against the manufacturer (google Merck / France/ levo) although Merck won the first court case, over damages
In 2010 my son and I suffered awful skin and soreness problems when we had our Goldshield Eltroxin changed for Merury Pharma. To date we are still suffering after having been to the Health Ombudsman and being told it is not in their remit. I also sent a yellow card to MHRA, who have not really answered this. I believe it was the fact that the acacia powder in it was heat-treated differently, but this has been denied. I am grateful for all the research you and your colleagues' do on our behalf. My apologies for the script, but my pc has just decided to change this and it might take me a while to find my usual one.
Thank you diogenes and thankfully TUK have scientists who know what they're talking about, rather than a doctor reducing doses due to a low TSH.
Thank You Diogenes for another *Great Alert*. Do the manufacturers think thyroid patients are ignorant the way they would like us to be ???? We might be thyroid deficient and in many cases have no thyroid at all . But we know the difference from which thyroid meds works well for us and which are the thyroid meds that are "Insufficient" "Unacceptable" and are down right "Awful" because we have adverse affects from them. It's called in simple language that is thyroid language "Hypothyroidism". Stop fixing playing and wanting to do better . Because you just end up making it worse. In short *Stop Short Changing Us*. We know when you do …...
Any changes you make (manufacturers) is for Your Benefit to fill your pockets at *Our Expense* . Not For The Patients Benefit !!!!!!!!