I just wondered if anyone shared this experience or if it would be helpful to share it anyway. I was diagnosed hypo in June 2019 and put on levo. There have been some periods after taking levo that I felt really well and ‘normal’. During these, I stopped constantly craving and over-eating, especially poor carbs. Instead I wanted veg, fruit and felt fuller with much, much smaller portions. I’ve lost over 10% of my bodyweight without exactly trying. Of course I've been walking more etc which will have helped. All my life I’ve labelled myself an emotional, comfort eater - ‘addicted’ to food/carbs. I’m now wondering if this was partly caused by a psychological drive to get energy when my thyroid was struggling. I should add, that this is not always consistent as when i go a bit under again (as i am this week), the urge to overeat returns. I guess optimal vitamins help too. Any thoughts on my ‘theory’?
Do you over-eat to try and get energy? - Thyroid UK
Do you over-eat to try and get energy?

totally agree and see it in myself and family members. i lost 3 stone when i got my thyroid and vitamins in check ( on a calorie controlled diet). i know there is science around our propensity to sugars and bad fats when our sleep is below par, so i imagine similar principles apply!
Yeah theres probably some research out there (or not). Well done on losing 3 stone though. The weird thing for me was I didn't have to calorie control - I just couldn't eat as much food. Felt full . I can see why people fall back though because i can feel myself going under and wanting to eat, planning my next meal in my head etc!
yes deffo, i feel like my metabolism went back down a bit as my body got used to the t3. i gained some back but i’m very active and have built muscle through weights and running so it’s hard to compare like for like!
when i compare my morning temperature to my mums (who is very slim and has balanced vitamins/hormones etc) , i’m much colder which tells me that everyone’s metabolism is different. and appetite /cravings are different depending on what’s going on inside too!
Hi, do you mind me asking which thermometer you use? I've tried a range of digital ones and they all seem inaccurate as in they give a different measurement every time within seconds/minutes. I think you're right though - mines always been low - bordering on hypothermia. This must be a very strong survival message to the brain saying (as cazmania has said) 'give me FUEL!'. But then as we know the fuel doesn't always change anything or only in the very short term. It's great that your active as that helps create a more positive feedback loop too,
Some have mentioned Geratherm thermometers which contain galinstan, gallio or some other low melting point alloy instead of mercury. Such as:
The difficulty with them is, apparently shaking them down after use. Several other makes and models are available.
hi! well i was using two digital ones from a chemist but they didn’t seem reliable. i started using one from a fertility thing my sister had, that puts me higher at around 36.1 some days. i read mercury thermometers under the armpit for 10 minutes are the ones that are most accurate. but they aren’t sold widely and are thought to be dangerous i read. so i’m going to get one helvella has linked below and see how i get on! ( thanks helvella)
Yes. All I could think when I got sick with FUEL. That drove four stone weight gain. Gutted.
I think that's exactly right -your body needs fuel immediately. But then of course the fuel doesn't do the job (though it might comfort for a while) so then MORE fuel and on and on. I so don't want to put eight back on. It's very tough for us isn't it. You somehow just need to get your thyroid right
I'm a bit like this, and it's frustrating because you get into a perpetual circle. I'm tired, so I eat rubbish, rubbish makes me feel sluggish, so I eat more rubbish because I'm tired.
I'm in this loop right now - I took on too much last year, and left myself pretty exhausted. Now I recognise I that the food I'm eating is making me feel rubbish, but trying to find the motivation to cook healthier food is not easy to come by.
I'm spending a lot more time with my slow cooker and buying a lot of frozen veg to make it easier.
I had a bit of a wake-up call because I'd been judging myself so much for over-eating and then for the first time in years I felt normal and I ate like a normal person. I just though 'so this is what normal's like'. I did go a bit over-replaced for a while and was struggling to eat but I also didn't feel well so didn't want that to continue. Now I'm turning back into a sloth - taxi to work instead of walking, using the banister to pull myself up the stairs and craving pie and chips!
Good idea!