Is this is good as reviews? Told so? For all - Thyroid UK

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Is this is good as reviews? Told so? For all

Jeppy profile image
61 Replies


May i just pass this on if not familiar with it

To google. ‘ Sapien Medicine‘

It is energetic energy programming - short audio videos, very strange but il not comment on it ad it suits me to ground- any comments please? ( helvella :)

It appears gobbledegook i know, i hope no objection to post......but if it helps just one person....

Told by a lady who has struggled 25 yrs with Adrenal & thyroid issues who after 6 months of use that she is really energetic after all these years!? And she did the non surgical face lift 🤷‍♀️😊

There is a short video for many ailments, even negative thinking, and Vitamin D production! ( im giving them a whirl plus adrenal & metabolic ones) quietly excited, clever stuff

May we get wellness every way we can 🌈

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Jeppy profile image
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61 Replies
Heloise profile image

Hi Jeppy, I don't think it's gobbledygook and it's been around for a couple of decades. A company Holysynch was one of the first and Brainsynch was producing binaural beat tapes. The object is to synch right and left brain which somehow releases stress stored in the hypothalamus.

"Brainwave synchronization occurs when the "right brain" and "left brain" work in a deep partnership with each other. This is also called hemispheric synchronization or brain synchrony, and happens when both sides of the brain produce the same brain waves. Read more in Binaural Beat Research."

I definitely feel it works but there may be some caution for some mental conditions.

Jeppy profile image
Jeppy in reply to Heloise

Thankyou Heloise haha i hoped you would come in! 😊 i meant you when said Helvella sorry Helvella

...mmm very interesting, you are two minds of info, lol. il gave a go and blow any cautions to wind

Although re heart and the body workout, can you overdo i wonder! My legs got warm!!!!

Clever stuff!


Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply to Jeppy

Jeppy, I've talked about this but it's kind of a hard sell. I learned about it from Dr. Walt Stoll who had a bulletin board and as an M.D. saw that drugs were the only option doctors would give to patients, (except in the UK where you get nothing at all. ) The idea is based on Herbert Benson's book, The Relaxation Response.

Your legs getting warm means you achieved it, yay. Dr. Stoll recommended two 15 minute sessions to start. Do you ever fall asleep.....DON'T. Sleep are different wave lengths (delta). You can hold a spoon or something that will fall and wake you. Since you are relieving the tension and the blood supply is being restored you will feel warmth. After some time you won't even need any cds, you can train yourself.

Keep are going to be our poster child, haha.

Jeppy profile image
Jeppy in reply to Heloise

Ooh thanks. sounds like iv got some good bedtime reading

So how to train yourself, is it visualisation?

Well i didnt complete it when legs warmed as unsure......only known about it for 2 days

Re cardio, can this be too much i wonder if say heart is compromised in any way

Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply to Jeppy

I wish I knew more and the brain is very complicated so the one you are trying may have advanced the research. There is another program called Whole Notes that functional doctors have brought up in one of the series. The use of the tapes is to get yourself into that alpha/beta zone. Since delta is the next step and you go to sleep I doubt there is anything dangerous to carry it too far. You are training your brain to get to the zone. There is a book that shows so many ways to get there: Relaxation-Stress-Reduction-Workbook by Martha Davis Still your body can only move so fast with healing and cumulative treatments are needed and how ill you are to begin with is another issue.

You could look into biofeedback as well.

As far as your heart, do you have a condition you worry about? I really can't say but feel it can be more helpful than hurtful.

Jeppy profile image
Jeppy in reply to Heloise

No it was just a other anxious thought about heart! 😊 Only as not exercised it as much as should recently...

Il look on Amazon, good one x

Jeppy profile image
Jeppy in reply to Heloise

Agree but would so love to understand more & how it is personalised for conditions etc

Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply to Jeppy this explains quite a bit about the program.

Jeppy profile image
Jeppy in reply to Heloise

..i will thanks

I use singing bowl at moment

Enjoy the chakra clearing

Jeppy profile image
Jeppy in reply to Jeppy

....root causes sadly seem to be non existent for many

Angel_of_the_North profile image
Angel_of_the_North in reply to Jeppy

If you like those things, look at Jonathan Goldman's healing sounds and also Stephen Halpern's music- even my cat likes his Chakra Suite and smooches the speakers when it is on.

Jeppy profile image
Jeppy in reply to Angel_of_the_North

Haha so does Teddy! 🐈 almost sat on i pad

May i ask about help for metabolics with the beats? I hoped eventually may Sort out, wishful thinking

Angel_of_the_North profile image
Angel_of_the_North in reply to Heloise

I've used Holosync for many, many years - expensive but excellent.

Jeppy profile image
Jeppy in reply to Angel_of_the_North

Fab!! Exciting really

Jeppy profile image
Jeppy in reply to Angel_of_the_North you understand how they personalise conditions etc North Angel x

Angel_of_the_North profile image
Angel_of_the_North in reply to Jeppy

The first level has no affirmations, but you record your own (they have suggestions if you can't think of anything) in your own voice for higher levels - you can re-record for new levels if you want to

Jeppy profile image
Jeppy in reply to Angel_of_the_North long aporox for some results you hoped for?

Angel_of_the_North profile image
Angel_of_the_North in reply to Jeppy

hard to say - probably 6 months - although there were differences after a week or so according to other people who said I seemed nicer, happier and less angry

Jeppy profile image
Jeppy in reply to Angel_of_the_North

So good!

Yes lady who told me similar timing

Did you aim for twice a day?

Angel_of_the_North profile image
Angel_of_the_North in reply to Jeppy

Just once - taking 2 hours out of a day is just too much, plus I do TM as well.

Jeppy profile image
Jeppy in reply to Angel_of_the_North

V good

Didnt realise each an hour as sapian short

Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply to Angel_of_the_North

That was highly regarded and priced at around $150 almost twenty years ago. There were other options like flashing glasses I think. Dr. Stoll learned from this The sad thing is that after 30 years the state of Kentucky took away his medical license because he was recommending this and other alternatives like acupuncture and other therapies. He was a good man who only wanted to heal the world.

Jeppy profile image
Jeppy in reply to Heloise

Exactly, gotten pulled down by others inadequacy

Angel_of_the_North profile image
Angel_of_the_North in reply to Heloise

I remember that, too.

Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply to Angel_of_the_North

Did you ever log into askwaltstoll, Angel?

Jeppy profile image
Jeppy in reply to Heloise

...been on & off all eve

So much to see!

As far as i can see Sapien beat videos are shorter - still getting head around it all

Shorter suits me

Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply to Jeppy

Sometimes people achieve the response quicker than that so that is fine. If you can feel it, that's what counts. Some said seeing shades of purple with your eyes closed is a good sign. Go for it!

Jeppy profile image
Jeppy in reply to Heloise

...I'd say with purple your third eye is developed or developing. Its usually for 'physcic ' people to experience amazing colour. Well we all,have these abilities we just block them in different ways. I have premonitions quite regularly as aged, although on negative side I find it isn't always helpful and can be upsetting at times

But that's moving into the 'clairs' 😊 .....

We all know about eg thinking about a person and seeing them shortly afterwards, I basically have a telepathy with all my kids as they most often text or ring me just as they come into my mind , I've gotten used to it and accept it as the norm now but used to fascinate me, I'm an empath so I'm told

Jeppy profile image
Jeppy in reply to Heloise

...i actually bought glasses

Sound a bit daft but i had cataracts and got ultra protective

Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply to Jeppy

Not daft.....adventurous!!!!

Jeppy profile image
Jeppy in reply to Heloise wonder what mental illnesses really are at times? Is it hormonal imbalance ( lets face it menopause for some can be big mood swings)! And coupled with low self esteems low confidence, overwhelm, im sure many are misdiagnosed!

As low hypo forgetfulness could lead to being given dementia drugs!

Find it very scary

Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply to Jeppy

I know that a lot of people had excellent results. Back then people could post on his website "askwaltstoll" (his archives are still on line) and he would respond to every question so people could report back and many did. Our bodies are very sustainable or renewable until it's overly stressed I guess. This can be chemical or emotional and we certainly have more of that than ever before. If we can eliminate the effects of stress we can go a long way toward healing. Good for you Jeppy!

Jeppy profile image
Jeppy in reply to Heloise

Yes i fell to stress, trauma after much ‘big stuff’ all close together, i could no longer deal with stress but you do in a fashion

But i dont know which to do? After all we are the ‘whole thing’ having said that i hear ‘ back to root cause’ so anything to do with hypothalmus good, ive gone all calm since having short dabble and sleeping,

Body just wants to heal itself afterall

Lovely to chat ...

Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply to Jeppy

I'm thrilled you brought this up and hope others will take note.

Jeppy profile image
Jeppy in reply to Heloise

Yes. Id love to hear some success stories

Appreciate its acquired taste ......i hope one day the shift from medicines can go moreso to root causes and the healing of those if possible

The antibiotic crisis has been long time coming x

in reply to Heloise

Thank you for explaining it so clearly. I've listened to binaural beats but couldn't get my head round what the term really meant. I did get a head ache though. Any idea why that might be?

Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply to

Hi foggy, I have to say that I don't believe any of the posters on Walt's website ever mentioned a headache from doing the technique. I had a Brainsynch tape called Brain Massage and my daughter thought it was great. To me that seems like what it is doing. Of course, I don't know about the one Jeppy is using. Is that the same one you tried? Could it be a coincidence? Anyway, most headaches are tension headaches which are the muscles around your head and face. The binaural beats should be relieving those muscles. How long did it take to give you a headache? It might be something you should start slow....five mins or less and add a little more each day.

I didn't mention you should use earphones but that is usually recommended.

in reply to Heloise

I played it on YT from the link, as I've done in the past. Immediate headache, less than one minute listening. No earphones used.

I just avoid now.

Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply to

Were you watching it as well? I think you should follow your instincts, we just don't know enough about it and how it affects every individual.

Jeppy profile image
Jeppy in reply to Heloise

...did you get a SAD lamp in the end, I got one last week, I do feel pulled to it so gather that's a good sign :)

Maybe the videos will,suit you more in spring. i have the seasonal changes too, this is very much hibernation months for Sad sufferers isn't it? Nov Jan and Feb

This year I must start lamp treatment in late sept Lol il put it in my calendar as I'm the worst

Jeppy profile image
Jeppy in reply to

Was it Sapien fibrofoggy?

Just asking as noticing quite a difference in soundings between them

Pity for you, is it the fibromyalgia that you experience?

in reply to Jeppy

Yes, I typed it in YT. But as I said I've had that effect with all types of binaural beats. But not with sound mantras or every subliminal hypnosis tapes.

Yes I have FM.

No idea why it happens but as Heloise says trust your instincts. I have nothing against these things. And would try most things once. So I'm just stating the effect on me.

Jeppy profile image
Jeppy in reply to


Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply to

You know, you don't need these accessories anyway. You can just do some deep breathing and tell yourself to relax. This is the old method. Start at the top or the bottom with telling your feet to relax and move up the body to your head. Sometimes it's a matter of focus.

in reply to Heloise

Yes. Unfortunately, threads seem to enlarge. I am quite content with my relaxation methods. Thanks for your informative responses.

Jeppy profile image
Jeppy in reply to


Jeppy profile image
Jeppy in reply to

...apologies too

Il learn from it x

Jeppy profile image

If so i agree

I need more info but read no subliminals🤷‍♀️

Jeppy profile image

Iv written email with questions

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK

Having had a look around, much of what I saw was people convincing themselves that the system had had an impact on them.

My advice would be to lock away any means of paying for anything and not trust at all.

How would you know whether or not they had subliminals in them?

If you were the maker of these things, and if subliminal messages worked, wouldn't your first message be that they do not contain subliminal messages?

Jeppy profile image
Jeppy in reply to helvella

Thanks for reply! 😊Appreciate your thoughts totally but i still have faith leaning to honest &


In answer, no, not really as would veer to the truth of it not defend it but thats just me

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK

If it is subliminal you CANNOT know what it contains because it is below our ability to perceive it.

If you are aware of it, it isn't subliminal.

However, you might well be able to hear things, but those things are not subliminal.

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK

Whether they have, or have not, if you can consciously perceive the messages, they are not subliminal.

What you can hear might just be added "noise" so there is something you can listen to.

By the way, subliminal advertising is banned in the UK. Do these contain subliminal advertising? How can we know?

Lora7again profile image

I never listen to stuff like that because it can be untruthful and make you buy things you don't really need or want. I have had to put an adblock on computer because I was fed up being followed around the net by the dresses I had recently purchased lol

Jeppy profile image
Jeppy in reply to Lora7again

Haha. Me too. So annoying

I have a set of CDs with subliminals, but you record your own. I would worry if I suddenly got the urge to do aerobics, wear makeup or keep snakes (things I would never do)

Jeppy profile image
Jeppy in reply to Angel_of_the_North

Id hope any kosher business if shady enough to sneak them in would only use enhancment 🤔to make good resukts

Angel_of_the_North profile image
Angel_of_the_North in reply to Jeppy

You'd hope so, but it could have "buy next one in series". I managed to go many years between Holosync updates, so I'm pretty sure Centerpointe don't do that - they also do free email and phone support, and newsletters (but at that price you'd expect it)

Jeppy profile image
Jeppy in reply to Angel_of_the_North

👍🏼V good

Jeppy profile image
Jeppy in reply to Angel_of_the_North


Listened for a few secs and I feel sick. I wonder why I react so badly?

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