Hi I need to increase my propranolol taking 1 x 10mg twice a day but when I increased a couple of months ago I felt Hypo 😔 I take 100mcg levothyroxine .. Anyone else had problems with propranolol and thyroxine ?
Thanks in advance xxx
Hi I need to increase my propranolol taking 1 x 10mg twice a day but when I increased a couple of months ago I felt Hypo 😔 I take 100mcg levothyroxine .. Anyone else had problems with propranolol and thyroxine ?
Thanks in advance xxx
Propranolol slows conversion and uptake of Levothyroxine
Why are you taking propranolol?
You can't just stop propranolol, must be weened off incredibly slowly
Propranolol is used for hyperthyroid patients
Propranolol lowers parathyroid hormones (perhaps why it may lower magnesium levels too)
Do you have Hashimoto's?
Are your vitamin levels optimal?
Are you on strictly gluten free diet?
I was stuck on propranolol for almost 20 years.....more on my profile
Hi thank you for your reply I was initially put on it for thyroidtoxicosis but now hypothyroid been on thyroxine for 5 years . I do have Hashi . I did cut the propranolol down under my doctors supervision but started to get my migraines back and anxiety so he said to stay on a low dose .. I’m only taking it twice a day total 20mg .. As im feeling anxious thought I would increase but I had hypo symptoms last time I did that 😔 been ok with the dose I was put on but not sure if a increase will make me feel worse ? I’m a coeliac so don’t eat gluten , my magnesium levels are fine I use transdermal magnesium as I can’t tolerate it by mouth .. My B12 is way over top off range I take B2 B6 as being a coeliac I’m always deficient in them I don’t supplement without being tested normally by Biolab .. I’m just waiting for my results from Medichecks for thyroid hormones and RT3 and zinc , selenium.. I will look on your profile and look at the link thank you xxxxx
When reducing propranolol you might need slight increase in Levothyroxine as propranolol reduces the amount of Levothyroxine you need.
Anxiety and migraine are both common hypothyroid symptoms which would fit with needing to increase Levothyroxine or add small doses of T3, when reducing propranolol
As you are coeliac you may have poor conversion of FT4 to FT3.
I found I could tolerate 5mcg drop in propranolol.....wait 2 weeks ....then further 5mcg drop etc. Last 5mcg by far the hardest. Initially cut out one day per week, then twice a week etc.
Hi slowdragon thank you for your reply that’s interesting as thought propranolol affected it the opposite way 🤦♀️ that you don’t get the full benefit of your levo dose ? And needed more with the propranolol?
I am waiting for my blood test results hopefully they may shine some light on things ? I’m having RT3,tested also thank you for your help xxxx
When coeliac or gluten intolerant (as I am) conversion of FT4 to FT3 is very often poor
Propranolol slows conversion and uptake. So if you "take the brakes off" you convert more and run out of Levothyroxine sooner
Thank you slowdragon for the information
Will see what my bloods show hopefully have them this week ? So basically it’s not all that bad to take it ? Xxxxx
Well personally I didn't make progress until I got off propranolol ....though it was amazing when first took it 20 years ago...for adrenal exhaustion
Looking at previous posts your conversion is poor
Likely to need to supplement continuously to maintain optimal vitamin levels
Vitamin D at least around 80nmol and around 100nmol may be better
A good quality daily vitamin B complex
Important to keep eye on ferritin too
Selenium supplements can help improve conversion of FT4 to FT3
ReMag - liquid magnesium is excellent. Developed by Dr. Carolyn Dean who wrote the Magnesium Miracle. But it's expensive as comes from USA ( sometimes cheapest on Amazon)
I can’t take any B bits with B12 in as I’m well over top off range of b12 😔 I do take vitamin D
I’ve had selenium and zinc checked waiting for results ., I use amazing organic magnesium from Australia my gp checked my magnesium when it was low he said the transdermal wouldn’t raise it but after 3 months we checked it and it was top of range so seems to be working 👍 it will be good to get my results back to see where my ranges are at ? I had to stop the nurse practitioner from lowering my dose to 75mcg last month as my FT4 was over range luckily my GP changed it back to 100mcg as I would have been feeling awful 😔 xxx
Do you wear a Fitbit or equivalent
Useful to monitor just how slow heart rate is.
Hi slowdragon no I don’t have a Fitbit maybe I should invest in one ? Or just take my own pulse frequently ? Xxx
The great advantage of a Fitbit (or presumably other makes) is it gives printable records of weekly activity levels, resting heart rate, etc
I find it extremely useful at annual review. I take in 2-3 printouts of typical weeks
Despite suppressed TSH (typical of anyone on Levothyroxine plus T3) my resting heart rate is 52-57 (i.e. Low)
On propranolol it was significantly lower than that.
Im on 10mg of propranolol once per day I was put on it due to severe anxiety from glandular fever. I have been on it sine august 2017. I am on 100mcg of levo too. I might come off propranolol as I asked my Dr if it was safe to and she said as Im on a small dose ill be fine.
I take levo at around 6am
multivitamin and b12 and complex 12pm
propranolol at around 5pm
Magnesium 8pm
Hemp oil 9pm or after.
I feel fine just at the moment Im having trouble swallowing food some times.
Hi jelly93 it’s a nightmare trying to get things in balance .. yes your on a small dose I take 10mg twice a day .. just want to increase a little but don’t want to feel hypo symptoms 😔 some people are on a much higher dose with their thyroxine and are fine .. we are all different I suppose xxxxx
Propanolol is a old beta-bloker generation product. I don't understand why your endo didn't prescribe you something new gen. beta-blk. like nebilovol or carvedilol .
Hi hipolion it was a long time ago when I had thyroidtoxicosis around 14 years so maybe the new ones wasn’t available? Xxxx
Slowdragon has said that an increase in propranolol could make you go hypo.
I would wait until you have the results back from your Medichecks blood test before adjusting anything
Hi 130396 I don’t understand as she said might need more thyroxine if reducing propranolol not need more whilst taking it ? As if the propranolol affected thyroxine shouldn’t I need more thyroxine while on propranolol? Have I misunderstood? 🤦♀️ Xxx
I think she has confused reducing with increasing.
If increasing propranolol you may need to increase Levo xxx
Propranolol is used to treat hyperthyroid patients. It slows heart rate and reduces conversion
I think you will find you feel increasingly hypothyroid if you increase propranolol dose.
Heart rate will probably drop lower, blood pressure lower too. More mucin under skin
But everyone is different. It might suit you
Thank you slowdragon I won’t increase anymore for now xxxxx
Is mucin fat under the skin ? X
Mucin is thick layer under skin when hypothyroid
Not a very good video......
I was given it when I was first diagnosed but I didn't take it because I know it can slow your heart down and I was worried it might make me worse. I used to work in the hospital pharmacy and sometimes a little knowledge does help. Some people do need to take this if their heart is beating too fast but my husband was given this for depression and ended up in A and E because his heart rate was too low. He was a long distance runner (hobby) and his GP should have taken this into account because he has a very low heart rate anyway.
Not fat. - , mucin is like fluid which infiltrates tissue making it swell and be spongy. Its a component of mucus. So, snot, not fat. ;-(.