Questionnaire for thyroid nice guidelines. - Thyroid UK
Questionnaire for thyroid nice guidelines.
Is this to do with the questionnaire about what we think of the guidelines?
I'm not on Facebook so can't see it
Yes it is, I can try and find a link not connected to facebook.
This link should work
Thanks. It's the same one I tried to fill in yesterday that kept timing out or something. Presumably as I had so much to say and was taking ages editing the wording!
Yes it's the same one. We are anxious to share the link as much as possible as the closing date is Sunday. Hidden did you manage to complete it in the end? If not, please send your comments by email.
Saved my answers so can copy and paste now. Will email if unsuccessful this time
Hidden We don't know why you've had that problem, as there is time-out on the survey. I really hope you can get to the end but, if not, please email your thoughts in. Thanks for your perseverance.
I persevere because (like all of us) I don't want to be any more ill than I have to be!
Maybe I try to write too much, and keep editing it. The last effort must have taken me well over an hour! But I almost finished that time!
Would it be an idea to send them an email as well, outlining the points made in the questionnaire?
If as many of us who are able pester them enough they might begin to wonder if there is just a little room for improvement!
Thanks Debs. done
Got it done - i used the non facebook link as I don’t use facebook. I’m sure whoever reads this will wish they hadn’t bothered giving us the chance to voice our opinions! That’s going by comments made by members and posted on this site on a daily basis I’d be very interested to know what the finished results for this questionnaire are like.
Thanks for posting, I have completed and submitted it