I’m new to this forum and very happy I found it 😊
I’m a 39 year old female, diagnosed with Graves’ last December. I’ve been on Thyrozol since then. I changed my diet and went gluten and dairy free from the start which I think helped a lot, maybe too much, because now I’m hypo. My TSH went from 0,006 to 20 within a month.. I’m feeling ok, just not really full of energy and sometimes a bit nervous.
Tomorrow I’m gonna see my endo, which I don’t really trust, but I will move to another country in 2 months where I can find more alternative doctors and treatments. I really believe and experienced myself that changing diet and taking care of some vitamin levels have improved my conditions a lot.
I read somewhere that the Trab levels can show if someone is on their way to remission. Is that the case?
Because I thought that maybe the fast improvement of TSH shows that I responded very well to the Thyrozol treatment and the diet changes.
So now I’m actually over medicated, as I’m still on 5 mg Thyrozol, which I think I should stop. Would you say I should also check my Trab again?
Thank you!