Hi, how long does it roughly take for Thiroyd (NDT) to kick in? I’ve only been on it since Friday. Thanks
Time taken for NDT to kick in..: Hi, how long... - Thyroid UK
Time taken for NDT to kick in..

Hi Man, it probably depends on how long you have been ill plus what else you are doing to get better. The objective is to get T3 INTO the cells...every cell in your body. I don't know if receptors shut down when you suffer hormone shortage but you have to get thyroid hormone back into your system and it's kind of a chain reaction. This can't be rushed but you are probably already making improvement even if not that noticeable.
While you send more hormone to your cells, they also need nourishment because when the digestion is impeded you have become deficient in some areas. B vitamins, selenium, zinc and essential fatty acids are vital. Get enough sleep since that's when most repairs take place. I'm glad you are on the road to recovery.
Thanks for the reply.
Doses are taken on an empty stomach usually first thing with one full glass of water and wait an hour before eating.
Food can interfere with the uptake of the hormones. You have to allow a reasonable period for the hormones to be absorbed into your body and you can add 1/4 tablet every two weeks until you feel well again. If you have palpitations or are too hot etc, reduce your dose and I'll give you a link which might be helpful.
There's no quick fix unfortunately especially if we've been lackingthyroid hormones for sometime.
Thanks. I’ve been on levothyroxine twice before and neither times did it agree with me. The second time I took it, I wasn’t passing Urine, so came off of it. The Thiroyd doesn’t feel as strong, so I wanted to be sure it’s working, but I do realise it takes time to get into the system.
Mine took a week to kick in.
I felt almost immediately improvements . I had TT and was dosed with T4 only at the time . It's possible that not having been on any T3 and not being a good T4 to T3 converter that my body took to it instantly .
Best Wishes .
I was only on levothyroxine for a week, so I do wonder whether being on levothyroxine beforehand can increase the the rate that NDT is taken up by the body.
Not sure. I don’t think the experts really know as much as they like to make out!
For me it was almost immediate even though it was only 1/4 grain. i took it very cautiously only increasing after 4 or 6 weeks (I forget now but it was the Thyroid patient Advocacy Guide i will pop a link because it has some very helpful advice) I am a super fast reactor to medication so not typical. I think it varies from person to person and how depleated you are of T3 plus the dose you are taking. I hope you start to feel improvements soon - I have never looked back I am so glad I tried NDT rather than staying poorly on levothyroxine with it properly optimised too. 🍀☘️🍀
Here’s that link:
It is worth a read
The next day I noticed a decided difference from feeling like a 2d shadow of what I had once been to suddenly feeling like a missing piece of the jigsaw had been put back into place and I was me again other horrible symptoms slowly resolved as I took it and then slowly upped the dose I kept taking Levo but for each 1/4 grain NDT i reduced by 25mcg but this is not necessary it just meant if things went horribly wrong I could quickly reverse. Never needed to bar when I didn’t split the dose as advised. I was extremely poorly when I took levothyroxine in fact I am sure I was about to die of untreated hypothyroidism I mean in a matter of day’s if that. Even the measily 20mcg (they thought I might die of a heart attack if I was given more which I now think was tommy rot i yo yoed from mega hyper to serious hypo many times and the ticker complained but kept going. Even the next day I felt slightly less frozen and it was unspeakably frozen like I thought I was going to die of hypothermia in fact it got so bad I just though please let me die and escape this whole hideous business - it would have been a relief. That was the night after I took 1st Levo in the day. The amount was so pathetic and increases - due to seeing a dunderhead icelandic understudy to Endo who said I was euthyroid on examination when my TSH was not far off 100, inexcusable incompetence - plus he messed up my ultrasound appointment when a close relative died of thyroid cancer and another got it it is so rare (primary thyroid lymphoma) that there has to be a hereditary cause or predisposition. So I was freaking out for three months thanks to that fool. It took 9 dreadful months to get optimised but things went a lot better when the Endo started to sort out the mess I was in. I probably could have got to semi alive on Levo in 6 weeks had they given me enough of it not 9 miserable months! Levo never made me well no matter how much I took.
That sounds horrific!! Levo actually stopped me passing urine whilst I was on it- not sure why, but definitely affected water balance in my body. Nasty stuff!