Do I have Hypthyroidsim? TSH 5.4 T4 18 Male 34y... - Thyroid UK

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Do I have Hypthyroidsim? TSH 5.4 T4 18 Male 34yrs old

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27 Replies

Hi everyone I am new here and wanted to find out if I have Hypothyroidsm. My Gp says I am borderline and it's nothing to worry about. I am Male 34. here are my results:

TSH: 5.4 (Range 0.27 - 4.20)

T4: 18 (Range 12.0 - 22)

I feel like I have a lump in my throat, feeling very fatigued, never seen this fatigue before.

any advise would be highly appreciated. Thank you all in advance

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27 Replies
greygoose profile image

Your TSH is high, but your FT4 is good. You need your FT3 and antibodies tested for the complete picture. :)

FixHealthNow profile image
FixHealthNow in reply to greygoose

does the GP cover this or do I go private?

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to FixHealthNow

You'd probably have to get a private test to get full testing:




TPO antibodies

Tg antibodies

vit D

vit B12



You probably have low nutrients, making you feel worse.

Details of private testing here:

You might, at a push, get your doctor to do TPOab, but not TgAB or FT3. And, they don't like testing nutrients because they don't think they are important. :(

FixHealthNow profile image
FixHealthNow in reply to greygoose

Thank you. will do the tests and update when the results come out. Thank you again

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to FixHealthNow

You're welcome. :)

SlowDragon profile image

For full Thyroid evaluation you need TSH, FT4 and FT3 plus both TPO and TG thyroid antibodies tested. Also extremely important to test vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12

Low vitamin levels are extremely common, especially if Thyroid antibodies are raised

Recommended on here that all thyroid blood tests should ideally be done as early as possible in morning and fasting. This gives highest TSH, lowest FT4 and most consistent results. (Patient to patient tip, best not mentioned to GP or phlebotomist)

Private tests are available. Thousands on here forced to do this as NHS often refuses to test FT3 or antibodies or all vitamins

Medichecks Thyroid plus ultra vitamin or Blue Horizon Thyroid plus eleven are the most popular choice. DIY finger prick test or option to pay extra for private blood draw. Both companies often have special offers, Medichecks usually have offers on Thursdays, Blue Horizon its more random

If antibodies are high this is Hashimoto's, (also known by medics here in UK more commonly as autoimmune thyroid disease).

About 90% of all hypothyroidism in Uk is due to Hashimoto's.

Low vitamins are especially common with Hashimoto's. Food intolerances are very common too, especially gluten. So it's important to get TPO and TG thyroid antibodies tested at least once .

Link about thyroid blood tests

Link about antibodies and Hashimoto's

List of hypothyroid symptoms

Come back with new post once you get results and ranges

paul1979 profile image
paul1979 in reply to SlowDragon

Hi. Why are food intolerances common

I had a TT last year in aug

My intestines just don’t feel the same any more and I have flank pain all the time

Any help great full

MaisieGray profile image
MaisieGray in reply to paul1979

There can be various issues associated with hypothyroidism and/or autoimmunity: low stomach acid so food is inadequately broken down; poor gut motility; leaky gut; constipation, to name a few.

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to paul1979

Low stomach acid is common when hypothyroid

Levothyroxine mono therapy often leaves us still hypothyroid. Adding small dose of T3 often seems to improve gut function

Low stomach acid

Then low vitamin levels are very common. These frequently need supplementing to maintain at good levels

If not it Becomes viscous circle.

Low vitamins mean Thyroid hormones don't work as effectively, so gut function gets worse

Leaky gut, literally holes in gut wall, allow food particles to cross into blood stream

But don't be surprised that GP or endo rarely mention gut, gluten or low vitamins.

Gut infections are more common too. H Pylori, SIBO etc

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FixHealthNow in reply to SlowDragon

Yes I have low stomach acid. I don't know where the food goes when I eat. stomach looks empty as if it has a hole where the food goes. lol. Thank you and will update once I receive results

FixHealthNow profile image
FixHealthNow in reply to SlowDragon

Thank you. my serum B12 was very high 1552, but I have been supplementing b50 complex. so the b12 serum test is useless. I will do this test and update. Thank you

Idamay profile image

You will need to take charge of this to save time, and cut out being fobbed off by your GP.

I wish I’d have known about private blood testing earlier, as I’ve found out so much about hypothyroidism and am able to act upon it.

I didn’t get treatment for years, even though I’d had a sub total thyroidectomy, and became progressively more I’ll over years.

I ended up with a medical crisis with my eyes, where swelling behind the eye caused double vision, and eventually, was treated with Levothyroxine.

Get a second opinion if possible, but push for the right treatment as you deserve to feel well .

Good luck!

FixHealthNow profile image
FixHealthNow in reply to Idamay

Thank you and hope you're feeling better. My Gp never has a slot available and when they see you, they let you talk and talk and then look at you funny. Absolute useless, they now do phone consultations lol don't know if this real or some sort of a joke. Useless bunch

Thyroid hormone helps supply energy to every cell of the body. If it is low, nothing works very well and you get all sorts of symptoms. Your gut is unable to absorb nutrients efficiently, which makes you low on some vitamins and minerals. You are also likely to have high cholesterol because your body has difficulty removing excess from the blood. It also affects other hormone levels, such as insulin (Lack of causes diabetes) and sex hormones.

And so on. That's why we get so many different symptoms which often change over time

FixHealthNow profile image

Oh my god, recent hba1c shows I am prediabetic. I am so fatigued out I am on the brink of losing my job. Brain fog, i eat constantly as I feel like the last meal disappeared before it reached my stomach.

Someone please tell me this is curable. I also have this cold hands and feet, constantly. It can be summer, hands are cold. Feet are always freezing, i urinate 10x a day. Can this be fixed. Please advise. Thank you

"My Gp says I am borderline and it's nothing to worry about."

HA!!! (my usual comment on this). Just because you are within the official range for people who are well they expect you to feel well too! But you, me and the majority here are NOT well!!! Fatigue and inability to concentrate are very common symptoms. At my worst, apparently triggered by a virus infection, I would sit for hours with hardly enough energy to make a cup of tea, and none to do anything else - watch a film or read a book, or even think any interesting thoughts. It was incredibly boring!

Ask for a clinical trial of thyroxine. I finally got one when my TSH was just under 6 and T4 (they won't usually test T3) in the "Normal" range. It's called "Subclinical"! The symptoms were clinical enough, and I still felt quite unwell when my TSH went down to just under 3. Have you had an antibody test to help show if your have an autoimmune condition (Hashimoto's thyroiditis)? That is by far the most common cause of hypothyroidism.

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FixHealthNow in reply to

Will order the test today from medichecks. It's a finger prick test and I should have results later in the week or early next week. How do you feel now. My T4 is 18, it was 16 2 months ago. Tsh was 5.1 6 weeks ago now it's 5.4.

I think this test will finally reveal everything. I will post the results and get a feedback. Will tell my gp aswell I have a phone appointment next week Monday. Let me know how you solved your problem, im dying to get back to work, bills are piling up and debt is almost 3k. Best

vocalEK profile image
vocalEK in reply to

Actually, the TSH tests were normed on people who didn't feel well when the doctor sent them for a test. Ask your doctor how many patients who had zero symptoms of hypothyroidism he sent for the test. In the U.S. many organizations agree that a reading of 2.5 or less is truly ideal for normal thyroid levels, with anything 2.5 – 4.0 mIU/L considered “at risk”.

Chickenlady2009 profile image

The problem is that doctors, and Endocrinologists do not know about the thyroid. Endocrinologists are diabetes specialists. In the USA, it's the same problem. I spent three years looking for answers. I spent six months reading people's posts on here to learn about my condition, whilst so fatigued I slept all day and all night. Things did not change for me until I started betaine pepsin. I spent a lot of money on Endocrinologist visits, gastroenterologist visits, but learned the most here, for free. My first Endocrinologist was angry with me for researching on the internet. She wanted to give me beta blockers and Xanax, when I actually had iron and vitamin deficiencies. You need everything to be OPTIMAL not "in range".

Do your own research. This site is the best resource.

FixHealthNow profile image

Thank you. How did betain pepsin help you and why did you need it?

bahai-dot-org profile image

Did they take BP, body temp and heart rate?

I was"borderline" for 20 years, all the while having the above mentioned vitals low... finally I demanded thyroid medication when my brain was so foggy I couldn't remember how to spell "and" on the keyboard.

I was heading into myxedema.

This is just my experience your actual mileage may vary...

FixHealthNow profile image
FixHealthNow in reply to bahai-dot-org

Hi there,yes, bp was taken and it was ok. My body temperature is always 38.5 or 39. I always feel hot in my body and cold in hands and feet. Weird eh.

What were your tsh and t4 that made them think you were borderline. Did you have any digestive issues or diabetes?

Sorry for the questions I'm just trying to get a picture of your symptoms


bahai-dot-org profile image

Tsh was just under the magical and mysterious demarcation, other lab values were just above, hence the term "borderline". This happened over 10 years ago so I don't have the exact numerical lab values.

Yes, I have gastrointestinal issues. I was exposed to toxic mold, ie stachybotrys, and have chronic intestinal candida-compounded by low thyroid as per the accompanying low body temp.

I'm very weary of being a"complex patient"...

Can I get an amen?

bahai-dot-org profile image

I apologize for my lack of greeting I tend to be pretty abrupt

FixHealthNow profile image

Don't worry about greetings and minor things like that. I have bad candida, if i touch carbs i get brain fog instantly. Can't absorb food so always hungry. Bloated and now i have problems doing no2. Doing blood test tomorrow to check for all.

After being hungry i take 1 bite and I get bloated. Farting non stop aswell. Sorry for my language

bahai-dot-org profile image

I find that completely avoiding all grains is extremely effective for eliminating 95% of the bloat... People don't realize how inflammatory grains are.

Additionally, have you tried bromelain on an empty stomach as it has the enzyme that can digest the candida get that evil stuff the hell out of there.

Also molybdenum is the only known mineral that can neutralize the acetaldehyde; the extremely liver toxic byproduct of candida. Actually there are over 70 toxins that are released from candida especially when it's dying, many of which are neurotoxic which greatly explains the brain fog.

Coffee enemas, using organic coffee, are very effective for raising the glutathione levels in the body especially the liver which also helps detoxify candida toxins as well as other toxins.

The coffee enema is used in a major university hospital in in the states for various cancers because of his cleansing ability. Googling gerson therapy might be clarifying as per this procedure.

As always this is my understanding your actual mileage may vary.

I always share the statement in case the FDA ( US Food and Drug Administration) gets an idea that I'm giving medical advice with the suggestions in observations..

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FixHealthNow in reply to bahai-dot-org

I also think I have a B12 issue but I took the wrong test which was a serum blood test and it was very high readin 1552. Now my GP won't believe me

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