I have been on TR for over a month now having previously been on Thyroid-S. I got it from a Thai pharmacy, it was cheaper than TS & just has a sugar filler, the tablets are bright pink. But it's not working too well for me, not sure why. I've upped the dose & am now taking 4 tablets a day which is 200mg of T4/T3. But I still get tired & achy & I felt so ill around my last period. I wish I just stuck with Thyroid-S. I'm about to contact the pharmacy about it. I wonder if it was exposed to heat on the way to the UK which may have cooked it?
Is TR working for you? It's not for me :( - Thyroid UK
Is TR working for you? It's not for me :(

Hi how are u feeling and u cant change ur meds as it doesnt work and it only make u worse stick to what ur doc gave u
If I stuck to what my doc gave me I would probably be dead now!
(I'm also gaining weight since being off Thyroid-S.)
Sexymoo That's just not true. Many may do well on one med, but some may not. Whether that is due to it being synthetic or natural; mono T4, mono T3, or some combination of both; or the inactive ingredients with which the active drug has been combined, who's to say; but we each have to find what individually, suits us best. The Dr does not have a monopoly on knowing which that is.
Not true. Many people cannot get on with levo and need to change to NDT or T4/T3.If they did OK on what their GPs gave them, they wouldn't be here
Being honest with u dont kn what t3 or t4 is
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I have tried all three brands of Thai NDT (Thyroid-S, Thiroyd, TR) and Thyroid-S is the only one that works for me. The only reason I was hesitant to take it was because of all the fillers, including aluminium. But it works really great for me so I have decided to stay on it. It only costs about 10 USD or so more than TR and Thiroyd per 1000 pills.
TR is said to bypass the stomach and go straight to the intestines thanks to the sugar coating, and that apparently would make it work better than other drugs that have to be exposed to stomach acid. No idea of that is true or not; all I know is that TR did not work any better for me than Thiroyd. Both cause signs of hyperthyroidism whereas TS doesn't; with TS, no ups and downs, but I just feel stable all day long. So, despite the fillers, I'm staying on it...!
Also, I should add that, strangely enough, I started gaining weight on TR, despite feeling slightly hyper on it, whereas on TS, my weight has been coming off, slowly but steadily. There is just something about TR and Thiroyd that does not agree with me, although I know many users are very happy with them.

My thyrod is up and down like a yo yo

Thanks for this thecat68, finally some useful advice. I heard Thiroyd didn't work too well for other people and that's the cheapest, TR is in the mid-range, I have not heard anything about TR. Thyroid-S is the most expensive (on this Thai website anyway.) I think I'll stick to Thyroid-S then. Might get some Lio too as their doses are higher than the NHS dose of Lio (they only gave me 10mcg of it which didn't help.)
I feel hypo on TR not hyper, the only time I ever felt hyper was when I took too high a dose of Thyroid-S, was sweating & trembling so I just reduced the dose a bit & felt better, lost weight too for the first time in ages. Now I'm a fat flump again
Update: I think TR is now starting to kick in, am feeling better & my TSH is 0.3 (on 3 TR tablets daily - 150mg excluding filler.) It takes longer to work for me than Thyroid-S did. Not sure why?
(Also I do have CFS & depression which I had before I became hypo.)