Can someone on here tell me if it is ok for me to wait till the 5 the of Feb next year to see an endo when I can not take carbimazole for the hyperthiyroid symptoms..I am due to visit Kraków on the 21 st of this month I went to see my GP about this he examined me and concluded my heart rate needed to come down..I collapsed a few days ago and was taken off the carbimazole for bad side affects,,he put me on beta blockers and said he would need to speak to the endo about my trip as I was not on carbimazole I think the 5 the of Feb is way to long as I am not on any meds also GP said I could have a thiyroid storm,,🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
Diagnosed with hyper can't take meds: Can someone... - Thyroid UK
Diagnosed with hyper can't take meds

Have you got a copy of your results? Do you know what they tested?
Ideally we wouldn't have to wait that long, but unfortunately it's not unusual. Assuming it might be a viable option for you, I think you would even struggle to get a private endo appointment before your planned trip to Krakow.
Beta blockers can really make a difference to the symptoms - they should reduce your heart rate, deal with palpitations and help with any tremor. These symptoms are often pretty stressful, and most hypers will tell you that stress makes them feel worse, so reducing it is good.
There is an alternative antithyroid, PTU (propylthiouracil). It's not first choice (other than in the first trimester of pregnancy) because it can have a serious effect on the liver, although this is pretty rare. It also tends to be less convenient, as you need to take the tablets more frequently, and this can lead to compliance issues. Unless you already have liver problems (they will probably test for this), or they believe you will react to PTU in exactly the same way as you did carbimazole, they may offer you this alternative.
There is a risk of thyroid storm, but it is rare
Although Graves' is the most likely cause of hyperthyroidism in the UK, there are other causes.
As for Krakow:
- Your endo may have a view on standards of emergency care in Poland, and to an extent you can research these for yourself
- The BTF publishes some guides in other languages including Polish - you might find it helpful to take one of these with you, in case you need to explain your condition while there
- You will need to declare that you've been diagnosed as hyperthyroid on your travel insurance.
- When I was first diagnosed with Graves', I was struggling to get through a full day of normal activity. If you go, you will need to think about pacing yourself.
It will be interesting to see your results.
Well I was diagnosed with 2005 so I have always had to pace myself I live by the ME bible..but unfortunately this has added to my symptoms my thigh muscles are very weak so standing is out I'm ok sitting down... as I can't take carbimazole I needed my GP to consult the endo and he said he would feel better doing this..and here we are today he as not done anything yet !!i have just rang the surgery and he is out...I have holiday insurance it costs a fortune 😱 And I always take my meds and my prescription and a list of my ailments,,😢😢😢 I really need him to get a move on I have to order my currency as they do not hold it at the post office😤
Hi Rimmer
Dont know how tings work in Poland but cant you get your GP to fax thrpugh an urgent letter or even speak to the endo on the phone explaining your urgent need and the fact ypu cant see him till Feb? My GP has written to endo for T3 but I cant see him till January either. This is the trouble now we cant get T3 without seeing an endo as it means they are unindated with pointments from worried patiemts who end up having to treat themselves.
Good luck