Hi I have an under active thyroid, it started double vision. I have been told not to drive and that I must inform the DVLA. I really do not know what to do, my job relies on me driving, to get to work, and go out on appointments. My double vision has now gone, due to taking medication. But I am still not allowed to drive, this has been going on since June, I fear I will lose my job. I am 62 and cannot retire until 66.
Eye Sight: Hi I have an under active thyroid, it... - Thyroid UK
Eye Sight

I had eye problems when my thyroid levels were off - and also the B12 and VitD. Do you know your levels ? B12 is involved in the protection of nerves - so the Optic Nerve can be affected. Low VitD involved with Macular Degeneration - so lots of links.
I am not a Medic - there are research papers out there supporting my comments - just not able to post them at the moment.
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That is terrible!! I suggest going back to the Doc and getting the all clear. If you can prove that you are OK now that you are taking the meds hopefully you should be OK. Good Luckxx
I am desperate and really don't know how I am going to survive financially if I can't drive. I suppose looking at benefits is the next option? Bound to be low though.
Have you informed the DVLA? If not and you are now OK there may not be a problem although you need to check it out legally. Hypothyroidism is not on the list of conditions that the DVLA needs to be informed about. Double vision is and driving may be resumed once it is under control gov.uk/guidance/visual-diso... . The doctor who told you not to drive should now give you the formal OK. I'd check with the DVLA what you need to do.
It would be a good idea to go to an optician and get a full eye test. This would put you in a stong position to confirm you are now OK to drive.
I don’t know but could your optician not get the double vision sorted out with prisms in your glasses?
If you notified the DVLA a) that you had double vision and b) that it’s been sorted out now.
Check out your vit B12 and D like Marz says too. Yu can do that yourself with a home test kit if the doctor won’t do it.
I imagine that once it’s gone then they might send you off to an optician for another eye test to check then hopefully they will let you drive again. Best of luck with it all.
My doctor did over rule the hospital to say I could drive, (as she had written to them to ask but no reply was forthcoming) but when I went back to the hospital on Tuesday, the consultant said I must not drive and to inform the DVLA to see what they say. I had a prism on my glasses since June,but it was taken off on this visit as I do not need it anymore. I am not sure about the optician though, he informed me a had a cataract when in fact it was an under active thyroid. Has anybody else here been told they cannot drive?
I had only been driving again for 4 days
"but it was taken off on this visit as I do not need it anymore". What sort of consultant was this, endocrine or eye specialist? It seems they are using the DVLA as a cover for their lack of expertise. Do they know why you don't need the prism anymore? It's seems very clear that it was due to hypothyroidism but they seem reluctant to accept it. Maybe ask the hospital to see a more senior doctor.
You can have a cataract and still be OK to drive. It's easy to go to a different optitian if this one is no good. Hypothyroidism can I believe leave cholesterol deposits in the eye that clear up when treated, possibly the optician mistook this for a cataract. If you have a cataract and it is affecting your vision to the extent it might affect your driving you can ask for an operation.
Check out your pension plan, many allow for early retirement on health grounds. If it is a company pension this might motivate your company to come up with an alternative role for you.
The doctor has a duty to tell you that you must contact the DVLA who will send you out a form to fill in. In my case I reported I had double vision controlled by a prism and I was allowed to continue driving. The doctor doesn't make the decision the DVLA do.
Oh thanks this sounds much more positive.