Help with adrenal results : Hi. I’m was taking 4... - Thyroid UK

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Help with adrenal results

LynLyn profile image
52 Replies

Hi. I’m was taking 42.5mcg of t3 when I did this saliva test at the beginning of last week. I obviously have very high cortisol from this. I’ve recently moved to Abu Dhabi (Sunday) and I’ve had to drop my dose to 35mcg. I’m now taking my first dose after 8am so as not to create more cortisol. I used to take my first dose at 7.15am. I’d appreciate any advice/feedback. Thank you

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LynLyn profile image
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52 Replies
shaws profile image

I have always taken my one daily dose of T3 when I get up. Wait one hour before eating.

I have no problems, nor symptoms and feel well and am energetic. This is an excerpt:

Blood levels of cortisol vary dramatically, but generally are high in the morning when we wake up, and then fall throughout the day. This is called a diurnal rhythm. In people that work at night, this pattern is reversed, so the timing of cortisol release is clearly linked to daily activity patterns. In addition, in response to stress, extra cortisol is released to help the body to respond appropriately.

So cortisol has a diurnal rythmn.

One specialist I saw said that when prescribed thyroid hormones the cortisol sorts itself out.

Hi LynLyn,

Seems like a good idea to drop. Do you have any symptoms of high cortisol?

I had a similar problem with NDT, when I was overdosed for quite some time last year (and even beginning of this year) - my cortisol was high on all readings (I was splitting the dose). When you test it again, give yourself 3 months, it takes time for cortisol to level out.

LynLyn profile image

Thank you for your reply. I’ve had really blurry vision if that’s a symptom. It’s been better today thank goodness! I won’t be able to test till xmas as I’m working away from home and won’t be back till then

in reply to LynLyn

No problem at all! Yes, it is, had the same, was so bad, I needed to wear contacts/glasses, now I'm off them completely. Sounds good - just monitor your symptoms, write down what happens every couple of days from the decrease and you should be fine! x

LynLyn profile image
LynLyn in reply to

My vision is like that! Can I ask what thyroid medication you take and dose size? Thank you

in reply to LynLyn

Of course - I take 2 1/4 grain of Nature Throid. I have been on 4 and that sent me off to overdose. To be honest - with vision I also had this dizzy feeling when I was looking at the world around me. As grey said below - would be good to know your ft3 levels (and the rest, if you have it). Some of my cortisol results were double, so really high.

LynLyn profile image
LynLyn in reply to

Thank you. I can’t get my results to post on this thread. Please look under my profile name - I posted them here a couple of weeks ago.

in reply to LynLyn

Just seen your results. What was the gap between last dose of t3 and testing?

LynLyn profile image
LynLyn in reply to

18 hours

LynLyn profile image
LynLyn in reply to LynLyn

Missed the morning dose on the day of test and evening dose the day before

greygoose profile image

I doubt if it's the T3 causing the over-range cortisol - not really that high at all. But, what do your thyroid bloods say? I can't see the logic in changing the time you take your T3 from 7.15 to 8. Cortisol is at it's highest before that.

LynLyn profile image
LynLyn in reply to greygoose

Hi grey goose I’ll post my latest results.

LynLyn profile image
LynLyn in reply to LynLyn

I can’t upload the onto this reply feature. They are on my user profile. Have also had oestrogen and progesterone tested recently. What do you think is going on? I know I feel a bit better on 35mcg rather than 42.5mcg. I posted for advice about what to do. Do you think the results aren’t that high? I know I’ve read lots of your replies on here and your really knowledgeable about thyroid issues. I’ve had quite blurry vision recently and it’s gone off on 35mcg but bladder urgency has come back!

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to LynLyn

So, what were you taking when those labs were done? 42.5 mcg? Your FT3 is only 4.33, which isn't even mid-range. So, you weren't over-medicated. It'll be even lower on 35 mcg. Could be that you have early-stage adrenal fatigue - it goes higher before it goes lower. But, no, I don't think the results are high enough to worry about. Just make sure you're kind to your adrenals : plenty of B vits, vit C, salt. And protein in the early morning.

LynLyn profile image
LynLyn in reply to greygoose

I was told years ago by dr p that I had severely depleted adrenals so have always adopted an adrenal friendly life since then!

in reply to greygoose

hey grey, you're the expert here on t3 :) so when should you stop taking t3 before labs? LynLyn stopped 18 hours before labs, which I think is too long?

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to

It is a bit too long, yes. Should be no longer than 12 hours. Between 8 to 12 hours. :)

LynLyn profile image
LynLyn in reply to greygoose

Appointment at 11 am tomorrow . I can take my evening dose a bit later tonight or should I take it at bedtime and then miss my morning dose?

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to LynLyn

Take it around 11 pm, and miss your morning dose - take it after the blood draw. I take it you're not interested in the TSH?

LynLyn profile image
LynLyn in reply to greygoose

Thank you so much. There’s no point when I’m on T3 only is there? It’ll be suppressed?

LynLyn profile image
LynLyn in reply to greygoose

Hi Greygoose

I saw the endocrinologist today. He said I am taking too much T3 (35mcg) and need my tsh to be 2 not at almost zero. My tsh has always been at zero. I have taken both 50mcg of thyroxine and 2 grains of NDT and both times my tsh was zero. I’d appreciate your opinion on this. Thank you

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to LynLyn

Your endo is a diabetes specialist, isn't he? Knows nothing about thyroid. If taking T3 your TSH is almost bound to be suppressed. And, it doesn't matter. If you reduce your T3, you will make yourself ill, so I wouldn't do it, if I were you.

LynLyn profile image
LynLyn in reply to greygoose

Thank you. I think he must be! That’s what I thought but I wanted to check with you. I spoke to a pharmacist and explained what had happened. He also told me that T3 was unavailable in the uae. The pharmacist told me that this is not true and gave me the name of two brands of T3 available in the uae. He said you need to find a better doctor! The search continues! I’ll get my blood test results today so I’ll forward them to you when I receive them. Thank you for your advice.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to LynLyn

You're welcome. :)

LynLyn profile image
LynLyn in reply to greygoose

Hi Grey goose.

Here are my labs from yesterday. I’d appreciate your thoughts.

35mcg of T3 only

T3 free 2.01 (1.69-3.7)

T4 <0.40 (0.7-1.48)

Tsh 0.0237 (0.35-4.94)

Symptoms that have improved since reducing from 42.5mcg at the beginning of last week - very blurry vision and weight gain around stomach.

I now have a very sore heel though - appeared overnight last night for no reason.

Thank you

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to LynLyn

If you're on T3 only, then TSH and FT4 are bound to be low. But, your FT3 is also quite low. If you are well on that dose, then fine. But, there's still room for an increase if you feel you need it. :)

LynLyn profile image
LynLyn in reply to greygoose

Thank you. I think 42.5 was too much but I’m going to try 37.5 from tomorrow as I’m not quite right. Thank you so much

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to LynLyn

How are your nutrients - vit D, vit B12, folate and ferritin? They all need to be optimal for your body to use the T3.

LynLyn profile image
LynLyn in reply to greygoose

Vit D 72 deficient <25

Insufficient 25-50

Reduce >175

Vit B12 482 deficient <145

Insufficient 145-250

Reduce >569

Serum folate 13.30. (8.83-60.8)

Ferritin. 121 (13-150)

These were taken about 3 weeks ago.

Thank you

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to LynLyn

Apart from the ferritin, they could all do with being higher.

LynLyn profile image
LynLyn in reply to greygoose

I’ve been supplementing but not with folate. I’ll get some vitamins. Thank you so much for all this.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to LynLyn

If you've been supplementing B12, there's no point in testing, because the results will be skewed. You have to stop B12 for 5 months to get a true results.

And, if you're supplementing B12, you should be taking a B complex because all the Bs work together, and need to be kept balanced. Get on with methylfolate, and that will bring your folate up.

Best to buy your vitamins on-line, because you just won't find the quality in the High Street shops. And, whatever you do, don't take a multi-vit! :)

LynLyn profile image
LynLyn in reply to greygoose

Thank you for helping me with vitamins as it’s a minefield!

I supplemented with a b complex not b12. I’ll get another b complex vitamin.

What is methylfolate? (I’m sorry for being so lacking in knowledge!) Is folic acid the same?

What strength Vit D would you recommend?

I’m in the United Arab Emirates teaching at the moment so I’m not sure where to get anything from. I have found a vitamin shop though so will check that out. Thank you again.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to LynLyn

Well, obviously, a B complex is enough for you. Just make sure you get one with methylcobalamin, not cyanocobalamin - cobalamin is B12.

Folic acid is synthetic folate. On the label of the B complex it will be called methylfolate if it's the real thing.

I'm afraid I'm not very good at vit D. I would suggest you look through some of @SeasideSusie's responses to other people in your position and see what she recommends for your level.

Can you get things from Amazon in the UAE? They have a good selection of quality supplements.

LynLyn profile image
LynLyn in reply to greygoose

Thank you so much.

I’m not sure about amazon. I think they might have an equivalent called souq. I need to investigate - will let you know how I get on!

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to LynLyn

You're welcome. Good luck! :)

Cup-cake7 profile image

Hi I had blurry and bladder urgency and it has gone now mostly !?

I don't know why, All I've done though and maybe why is that my general health is better, had adrenal support. healing gut, and the vitamins in general and gf

My cortisol on both tests was in range first thing, a bit up and out of range at 12,

in range at 4pm and then much higher out of range in evenings!!!

But I'm an over thinker and have time to think at night?! . And go on iPad, I've read this is not conducive for relaxation 😊

Interestingly my urine adrenal test said normal from the endo x

in reply to Cup-cake7

Hey Jeppy, had the same re: bladder - it was cortisol/stress and that happened at the time of NDT overmedication for me.

LynLyn profile image
LynLyn in reply to

Thank you. I do think that 42.5mcg of T3 has been a bit much for me. The blurry vision has disapppeared on 35mcg.

in reply to LynLyn

go with your instincts, labs are important, but they are not everything, I did learn it the hard way. Not everyone feels great on high labs.

LynLyn profile image
LynLyn in reply to

Thank you. I know I haven’t been feeling right recently so probably has been a little bit too much! Will hold dose of 35mcg and see what happens x

in reply to LynLyn

ok girl do that x and just listen to your body.

Cup-cake7 profile image
Cup-cake7 in reply to

More likely to be the stress I'd imagine

It's the precursor isn't it 🙈😫😘🙃

All a ball of confusion haha. melton mess even. . 🙄

in reply to Cup-cake7

yes - stress is a number 1 enemy in our lives - in fact, anxiety is a good system that tells us - hey, this is wrong, work on it! however, that + hormone overdose + high cortisol = I don't wish on my worst enemy :D

LynLyn profile image

My T3 results are 4.33 (3.1-6.8)

in reply to LynLyn

18 hours is too long - but maybe grey can advise you , she is an expert on t3. you can get false low as your ft3 goes back to baseline. I find it best to test between 8-12 hours.

LynLyn profile image
LynLyn in reply to

Thank you. I’m hoping she replies soon. I know I feel completely different on T3 and can’t believe how well I feel! I think maybe 42.5mcg was a bit much even though I know it’s a low dose. I only ever took 50mcg of thyroxine. One doctor in London a few years ago told me I probably didn’t need thyroid hormone, that I just needed a good rest and some tlc.

in reply to LynLyn

That's good you feel well on it, you never know, you may only need a tiny bit! Interesting, I also heard that a few times and right now I am thinking of reducing to baseline slowly. I know this will be painful, but I am ready for it. I suspect I need a small dose only, but hey my old GP was bumping me up and up from 1 to 4 grains without checking bloodwork.

LynLyn profile image

Thank you. I know I have gut issues - terrible bloating and food in stools. I’m supplementing folic acid as my folate is low. I have been supplementing other vitamins (D, B and iron) and they seem fine now. I know I need to get into a better routine regarding exercise too. I’m not sure whether to try gf or not. I’ve read on here it helps Hashimoto s and I don’t know what type of underactive thyroid I have. I know my antibodies weren’t high on my last results.

Cup-cake7 profile image

....does it really matter. Sorry if sounds a bit ignorant question,

but i guess that mine may always have been high at night as always been a night bird since a teenager really, or out dancing or running around catching up, or working a shift, burning candle at both ends so to speak

When I had blurry Vision I was in a very stressful workplace tied to a desk that didn't suit me, and bladder reacted similar, I felt it was the high stress factor x

LynLyn profile image

No i suppose it doesn’t! I’m glad the blurry vision has gone off that’s all.

LynLyn profile image

Hi. I was taking 42.5mcg of T3 and had an 18 hour gap between last dose and blood draw. I’ve recently moved on Sunday and I’m due to visit a doctor tomorrow - think I might get bloods done. Should I take my evening dose today? Then that would be 15 hours gap.

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