Thyroid med can help in weight lose?
May my doc start med.he isn't pay attention to my problem.i am hvng many problems with weight gain.but doc said 4.9 TSH is satisfactory
I am feeling vy hot and suffocate
Plz help
Thyroid med can help in weight lose?
May my doc start med.he isn't pay attention to my problem.i am hvng many problems with weight gain.but doc said 4.9 TSH is satisfactory
I am feeling vy hot and suffocate
Plz help
He's totally wrong, but I don't know how you'll convince him of that. Are you in the UK? The NHS likes the TSH to go up to 10 before they diagnose. What's the range for the TSH? Did he test anything else?
I am frm pakistan.and range is 2-4.2
All friends rply to my peoblem
OK, so he's of the opinion that just a little bit over-range is ok. Well, he's wrong. But, as I said, I don't know how you can convince him. You'll have to insist that he takes your symptoms into consideration.