Recent hypothyroid diagnosis! Been experiencing a vibrating like sensation under my feet, in my legs and even my head. Anyone else experienced this? Literally feels like a phone on vibrate sitting under your foot! Anyone think its thyroid related?
Buzzing/vibrating in body come along with hypot... - Thyroid UK
Buzzing/vibrating in body come along with hypothyroidism?

Wow! I thought I WAS GOING CRAZY!! I’m not. It’s happening to you too!! I feel this up around my private area and some parts of my leg and other areas to. I told some of my family they laughed. So I never told anyone again. It’s been 2 yrs since I’ve not told anyone. Plz if you do find out. Let us know plz. I wish you all the best k.
When I developed my thyroid problems many years ago I also had this unsettling experience but in my core. Felt as if I had a mini machine humming away under my ribs. Very odd. Haven’t had it for years and forgot about it until I saw your post.
Do you have any blood test results you could post.
I've experienced this too, though I have felt the vibration more in my upper body and neck. I think it reduced somewhat after I went gluten free, but still get a bit sometimes. As others have said, very difficult to explain to other people! I had a friend describe something similar and she was eventually diagnosed with B12 deficiency, so I think those types of sensation could have various causes.
I would get a B12 test and post results on here. I have had mild symptoms in the past and now make sure my B12 is high (over 1000)
Just had blood result on friday but doctor only told me what my TSH and T4 was. How do i get the rest?
Ask for thyroid antibodies to be tested plus vitamin D, folate, B12 and ferritin
How much Levothyroxine are you on and how long since first diagnosed
Dose should be increased in 25mcg steps until TSH is around one and FT4 towards top of range and FT3 at least half way range
You may be able to view test results online - ring and ask about this. If you can then apply for online access to your account. You may need enhanced access to view blood test results. All GP practices are supposed to offer online access including test results, in reality very few yet have blood test results available online.
If not then ask for print out of recent tests. Pick up in a day or two. They may make a nominal charge for paper.
For full evaluation you ideally need TSH, FT4, FT3, TT4, TPO and TG antibodies, plus vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12 tested
See if you can get thyroid antibodies and vitamin testing from GP. Unlikely to get FT3
Private tests are available
Medichecks Thyroid plus ultra vitamin or Blue Horizon Thyroid plus eleven are the most popular choice. DIY finger prick test or option to pay extra for private blood draw. Both companies often have money off offers.
All thyroid tests should be done as early as possible in morning and fasting and don't take Levo in the 24 hours prior to test, delay and take straight after. This gives highest TSH, lowest FT4 and most consistent results
Link about antibodies
Link about thyroid blood tests
List of hypothyroid symptoms
If you have Hashimoto's (high antibodies) then look at gluten free diet
I was diagnosed 6 weeks ago. TSH was 75 and T4 was 1. They perscribed 50mg levo then upped my dose on friday to 100mg after blood results. Honestly didnt have a clue about all these other things and tests etc. Doctor should have to tell you that
That's quite a jump up from 50mcg to 100mcg in one go. It can be a bit of a shock to the system. If you start to feel a bit jumpy or hyper, you may need to reduce to say 50/100 alternate days.
We usually increase in 25mcg steps. Obviously you are still very under medicated
Good that GP is keen to get you on decent dose ASAP. So often patients are crying out for increase and GP won't agree.
Definitely ask GP to test B12, folate, ferritin and vitamin D. Ideally fairly soon, but it could wait till you are retested in 6 weeks
You must have thyroid antibodies tested.
Medics think them irrelevant as they have no medical treatment for antibodies. But the majority patients have found strictly gluten free diet often helps.
If you get your thyroid and nutrients optimised and the feeling doesn't go away you should consider getting your cortisol levels tested. Unfortunately the only worthwhile test is only available privately, although it can be arranged without the involvement of a doctor.
I'm talking about a saliva cortisol test. They get mentioned fairly frequently on this forum. Do a search for the word "saliva".
I used to have this uncomfortable symptom for years, but it went when pernicious anaemia was diagnosed and treated. This is an autoimmune condition affecting the absorption of B12 from food. B12 (cobalamin) is essential for maintaining the myelin sheath that encloses nerve fibres.
Other PA symptoms I had did not clear up, because I was diagnosed very late and then under-treated - as with hypothyroidism! Serum B12 and folate tests need to be done, but the lab reference ranges are so large that it's a good idea to push each nutrient into the upper part of the range.
Your GP should also do tests for Intrinsic Factor antibodies and Gastric Parietal Cell antibodies, though these tests produce a high proportion of false negative results. For that reason, tests for homocysteine and methylmalonic acid are needed to determine cellular levels of cobalamin, and whether the cobalamin is being metabolised correctly. Almost certainly, you will have to organise these last two tests yourself. The pinned posts on the HU-PAS forum have useful information.
Yes. Me too. I have been having them for over year after stoping my birth control. It’s driving me nuts!
Had the same thing. Vibrating in my neck. Turned out I had parasites in my thyroid. It seemed that every day or so at about the same time the fast vibrations would start (usually in the middle of the night). My naturopath said I'm not the first person he's had in his office with the complaint. He matched up the parasite frequency to his frequency generating machine. He put a small hockey puck looking disk on my throat (it was connected to a small computer) and he left it on my neck for about 30 minutes. The frequency wasn't one I could hear. I was sure it was doing nothing...but after the third session, a week later, the vibrations were gone.