Hi, I,m newish. Been reading lots of posts and gaining a little knowledge along the way. I,m putting my last two results on and would appreciate your take on them. I,be been on medication over 20yrs. Many thanks.
Under active thyroid: Hi, I,m newish. Been... - Thyroid UK
Under active thyroid

Can you zoom in on the image or reupload it? The text is too small to read.
Sorry Clutter but I can,t find how to zoom or make the picture clearer
Then you need to type the results and ranges manually.
b12/folate level-(PK)-no action! B12folate level-(pk)-no action
!serum vitamin B12. 848. Pool/L. 145.oo-569OOpmol/L
Serum folate. >20.0. Ug/L 3.90 -26.80ug/L
Please note new serum folatemethod and change to reference range from 09/11/2016
Plasma parathyroid hormone lev-(pk). 4. Pool/L. 1.10-640pmol/L
! Serum C reactive protein lev-(pk)-no action mil/L<5.00mg/L
See magnesium level-(PK0- no action 0.79. mmol/L. 0.70-1.00mmol/L
Ser TSH lev -(PK) normal-no action 3.22. Mu/L. 0.30-4.70mu/L
Ser ferritin-(PK)-normal-no action. 73. Ug/L
Ferritin and iron stores:
<ug/1complete absence of stored iron
<ug/1indicates depletion
>60 ug/1defitioncy unlikely (chronic disease)
>ug1may indicate overload I per-menopausal woman
.UG/1 May indicate overload in men and post- menopausal women.
Sorry it took so long. Many thanks
TSH 3.22 indicates your thyroid is struggling but NHS won't usually diagnose hypothyroidism until TSH is >4.70. Supplementing 100-200mcg selenium is good thyroid support and may delay progression to hypothyroidism.
B12 is flagged because it is over range but your lab has recommended no action is required. If you are supplementing B12 that will be why it is high.
CRP is flagged but you haven't included the result, you've just put the range <5.0.
Folate, parathyroid hormone, magnesium and ferritin are within range (normal).
Sorry clutter but i can,t find a way to zoom or make the pic clearer
crp result 12. At the moment my health is not good. Excessive sweating, so tired all the time. thyroid feels enlarged. Thank you for your patience.
Crp result 12. At the moment my health is not good. Excessive sweating,so tired all the time. Thyroid feels enlarged. Thank you for your patience.
It would help you to understand more if you also had FT3 - FT4 & Thyroid antibodies TPO & Tg tested to give the complete picture. Also VitD.
How much T4 are you taking ? What other medication ? Supplements ?
Why are you using two names ?
The last test is the only time I,ve ever queried my results. The nurse said she would take a full thyroid blood test. Guess she didn’t. I,m on levothyroxine 100mc. Also Candesartan 8mg, Venlafaxine 37.5mg, Mirtazapine 30gr, Atorvastatin 20mg, Betmiga 25mg, quinine 300mg, Bisacodyl 5mg, Lansoprozal 30mg. Inhaler Fostair 100/6. Sups Vit D3, cranberry triple strength, multivits senior plus, Vit C-1000mg,COD liver oil 1000mg. Maggiejoe
Oh dear that is an awful lot of medication - have you been on them long - ? -not sure what they are allfor but I did notice one is a Statin. Well do ask your Doc to show you the research that says Statins benefit women - because there is none. Also cholesterol does not cause heart attacks. Also a sign of Low Thyroid.
Multi-vitamins rarely give you enough of what you need - and if you increase them then you run the risk of overdosing on certain vitamins. Also if it contains iron then it can prevent absorption of other vitals.
As your TSH is too high for someone on treatment - then I am suspecting your FT4 and FT3 will be LOW in range - hence all the various symptoms you are being treated for individually - when a good dose of T4 could possibly sort you out ...
Maybe you have Hashimotos - so to rule that out you need the anti-bodies tested - TPO & Tg. If your GP will not do all the tests you need - are you able to have them done privately through Thyroid UK - at home !
Like so many people that come to this forum you are being short changed by your Medical Team. Have you checked to see if any of your drugs work against your Levothyroxine ? Do you take them well away from the Levo ? - same with your supplements ?
I would read and read as much as you can on this forum and then start from the beginning .... everyone will be more than happy to help and support .
EDIT: have been checking the meds you are on and wanted to mention that blood pressure can often be due to something else going on in the body - rather it is a symptom rather than a condition/illness in its own right. Low T3 could be the cause - you really need to be obtaining the results mentioned above asap and looking at the bigger thyroid picture. Depression can also be linked to LOW T3 - and T3 is/was often used to treat drug resistant treatment ..... take a look at Kelly Brogan and her website - she talks about healing the gut to heal the mind ....
Maggiejoe I just wanted to say that if you are using an iPhone or iPad to take photos, the way to zoom in/enlarge the subject is to place your middle and forefinger on the centre of your screen and slowly slide them apart until you're at your preferred rate of zoom.