Muscle fatigue: Does anyone suffer from muscle... - Thyroid UK

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Muscle fatigue

Joanneconnor profile image
25 Replies

Does anyone suffer from muscle fatigue? I have Hashimotos I'm on thyroid s, I have a 3 story house by the time I get to the top my legs hurt and feel very weak, any ideas how to make them better?

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Joanneconnor profile image
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25 Replies
Sewnsew profile image

The muscles in my thighs are very weak and I cannot walk far. I’m seeing Physio at the moment in an effort to improve but it will be a long job. My core muscles are also weak and I find it difficult to turn over in bed.

It makes me wonder why I bothered going to the gym for all those years just to end up like this. Weak and overweight! I do hope though that having been fit and normal weight for most of my life will have had a positive effect over all.

I’m interested to see if anyone can give any further advice re weak muscles.

Joanneconnor profile image
Joanneconnor in reply to Sewnsew

Awwww I know it's awful!

MissFG profile image

Hi Joanne

I commented on your post before. I think your muscle fatigue or weakness could be down to your CTD. It’s very difficult when you have more than one autoimmune disease separating the two as many symptoms overlap. I’ve had chronic fatigue but the muscle weakness I’ve experienced does feel different to my thyroid symptoms and gradually I’m recognising and understanding my body better. Have you see anyone recently about your Thyroid or CTD?

Have you got your appt with rheumatology at Salford Hospital yet? X

Joanneconnor profile image

Yes I only see the Endo every 6 months he's not interested, what's CTD? I have had all sorts of problems, docs don't listen have had to pay private! 😕

MissFG profile image
MissFG in reply to Joanneconnor

You said you have Connective Tissue Disease which is probably the cause of your muscle weakness.

Have you made any progress getting a more specific diagnosis? Have you seen a rheumatologist yet?

Joanneconnor profile image
Joanneconnor in reply to MissFG

Yes I went about a few weeks ag, it’s not shulmans I didn’t like the specialist Dr Herrickni think, very old school head teacher like, didn’t listen!!! She sending me for MRI

Joanneconnor profile image
Joanneconnor in reply to Joanneconnor

Herrick sorry

shaws profile image

If you've not had a recent blood test I'd think you may not be on sufficient dose of ThyroidS. I shall give you a link which may be helpful:

Joanneconnor profile image
Joanneconnor in reply to shaws

Had a look at this link, I might try to log it

cjrsquared profile image

Just a thought, weak muscles on exercise especially leg muscles can be a sign of anaemia. Have you had a recent check of haemoglobin and ferritin? If not worth checking.

Joanneconnor profile image
Joanneconnor in reply to cjrsquared

No I will head back the docs with a full list thsnjs

crimple profile image

Need to get you Iron, ferritin, folate, B12 and Vit D3 levels checked. They need to be at the top of the ranges for most people with thyroid issues and it is especially important if you Hashimoto's, positive antibody results.

madge1979 profile image

I agree with Crimple .. Also , B2 B6 B1 Magnesium D3 Can all be beneficial with muscle pain and weakness ...

please google all of the above in relation to the Thyroid 🦋 to see the association

and also a lesser known thing called Regular L Carnitine

( please Google it to see the benefits in relation to the

Thyroid )

I was practically on my knees when I was diagnosed 2 years ago with Graves’ disease and now I am Euthyroid .. normal

Pains ...gone And ONLY because of taking vitamins minerals and nutrients ... After Carbimazole first ... to bring down the Thyroid hormones

It works and keeps many of us in remission ... the out of kilter Thyroid leaves us all in need of replacements .

Good luck


MarthaF profile image

I have weak muscles as well, find it distressing that my thighs in particular but also my arms are weak. Interesting to read the above and also wonder if adrenals involved too.

Joanneconnor profile image
Joanneconnor in reply to MarthaF

I did have high cortisol but have since fixed that

WildDeer profile image

The thing that has most helped me with my leg symptoms of burning/aching/weakness is Myofascial Massage, which addresses the interaction between the connective tissue network in our bodies, and the muscular system.

Practitioners are a rare breed but you may be lucky to have one within reach.

KathyN profile image

I have had real problems with weak legs also to a lesser extent weak arms. For me it is definitely caused by being under medicated. My Endo suggested to keep my tsh suppressed to stop this but I actually find that as long as it is just under 1 the weakness disappears. This advise was completely life changing for me as I was really struggling. I know now that if any slight weakness returns that a reall slight increase in levo resolves it.

Wolfiesmom08 profile image
Wolfiesmom08 in reply to KathyN

I tend to agree with this. I have muscle weakness in my legs and I'm slowly raises my mess and lowering my TSH it's getting better. My TSH was 1.5 or so last labs so I raised my Ned's and I felt the difference right away. I do labs again in a couple weeks and today I'm noticing the weakness returning so it must be time to raise again.

samaja profile image

You might also need a bit more testosterone and/or balancing of your sex hormones as these also influence muscles.

Joanneconnor profile image
Joanneconnor in reply to samaja

Tried testosterone it just made me really angry

KathyN profile image
KathyN in reply to samaja

The Endo who recommended this is a thyroid specialist (on the thyroid uk list) and described leg weakness or pain as a common Problem when under medicaticated. I can't tell you how much this information has helped me.

Joanneconnor profile image

They always hurt I was over medicated then under medicated, I have recently upped it as my last tsh was 2.5 but my t3 is way over range and still climbing

Joanneconnor profile image

I had my antibodies tested and they came back negative, the doc said it was because there's no thyroid left to be attacked anymore, is this right????

puffyface profile image

Hi Joanne,

I haven't had time to read the replies to your post properly..need to sleep..but your question caught my eye. I have very sore calf muscles a lot of the time..brought on I suspect by my auto immune issues. Somebody recommended MegaMag Muscleze by NutriAdvanced to me. I drink it every day morning and afternoon and I would definitely say that my legs are less painful. Maybe I have a magnesium deficiency, and thats why it's helping..but worth a shot. I bought it from amazon. Sorry to be so brief, but just wanted to send this to you in case it helps.

Joanneconnor profile image

Just had a little look at that, it has a lot of things in it that would help I'm sure thanks

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