Does anyone know what's happened to the BTA's website? I've had an appointment at our local hospital forced upon me by my GP's practice in order to take my T3 away and I wanted to print out the BTA's 2016 guidelines re T3 withdrawal (the only good thing they've ever done for hypos). Their website has disappeared and links to it no longer work.
British Thyroid Association: Does anyone know... - Thyroid UK
British Thyroid Association

How bizarre. I've searched and can't find it so you're right.
BTA servers were down earlier in the week but working yesterday. I've just tried and server isn't working again. Try again later or next week.
mfinn If you want the guidelines, I can email them to you if you pm your email address. I have them all saved as PDF.
Thanks TaraJR. I did reply to your email but for some reason you didn't get it. Since I posted I've found the guidelines PDFd on my laptop. Although I couldn't remember saving them I do remember getting together as much material as possible to help me fill in the NHS England consultation form. Of course, whether the doctor I'm being forced to see will take notice of them is another matter.
Website still not available! It won't come up on Google at all - just turns into a BTF search instead.
Did anyone managed to get BTA's website up? I cant find it working... can someone please help me with the link?
There’s still no sign of the British Thyroid Association online. I suspect they’ve taken themselves off because some patients had the temerity to try and contact them about the NHS England consultation regarding the withdrawal of T3. I did email the British Thyroid Foundation, which is the part of BTA supposedly for patients, and asked them if they knew anything but they didn’t reply, it seems they’re only interested if you pay them money upfront. A short time ago when people found out that the BTA/BTF were not going to bother to respond to the NHS England consultation there were some very angry people on the BTF’s Facebook page and shortly after that the BTA did provide a response then promptly disappeared. There’s strength in numbers so I wish the BTF would defy their masters and stand up for all hypothyroid people, not just those happy on T4. If you’re after the BTA 2016 guidelines re T3 withdrawal they can be found on the BTF site under ‘Info’ then Drug and Medicine Availability Updates’.