Vitamin D Supplements now considered vital in t... - Thyroid UK
Vitamin D Supplements now considered vital in the UK

Took them long enough.
No doubt there will be an out cry in a decade like there was in the 60s/70s so we begin the cycle again.
We are the northern hemisphere country that stopped supplementation in food - sounds about right
The above link takes you to a letter sent out by the CMO of Health back in 2012 about VitD which I have posted from time to time.
So why has it been ignored ?
Thank you Spareribs
Because if you read Pulse articles after the letters were sent out more than once, GPs were arguing they couldn't afford to do the tests let alone pay for any supplements required. There were a minority saying it was a fad.
On BBC news online today a black woman was speaking of the death of her child from vit d deficiency .The baby was taken to the GP many times but died of a heart attack.Rickets has returned to the UK. Most likely amongst the ethnic communities whose dark skin cannot absorb D3 easily from the sun.Of course many cover their bodies so what little sun there is in the UK has no effect. The Indian endo I saw told me that he supplemented vitD
Rickets has been forgotten and GPs seem not to ge aware that it is back .
Is that the Telford lady in the link above? The poor little mite
In this day & age - outrageous!
My GP wouldn't test me (funds I expect) so I bought my own from B'ham NHS lab, my daughter & grand-daughter were deficient - she was very slow to walk & seemed to have leg pain. NHS private testing link
£25 well spent - I avoided bilateral carpal/cubital tunnel ops (£28 now)
Yes my links in my post are the lady in Telford whose baby son died of vitamin D deficiency. Scientists/top doctors have been saying Vitamin D is vital for many years. I'm also on the Thyroid Section on HU and deficiency is rife throughout the population. I take a supplement every day.
In January there was a report of a baby death in France due to a specific vit D supplement about which concerns had been raised.Supplement not used in UK.