I've just started on 10mg of carbimazole and I'm now got a sore throat and m gp said I should go straight to A&E. Or do I ring 111 I'm unsure as I have just started my new job any advice please
Just started on 10mg carbimazole and now suffer... - Thyroid UK
Just started on 10mg carbimazole and now suffering from sore throat but worried

Hi Hayley. Your GP was right to warn you, but the likelihood is, there is nothing to worry about.
I discussed this with my endo last time I saw him (having spent most of last winter with a sore throat ! ), and he said the one to be worried about usually comes with sores in the mouth. If you’ve got anything like this, head for A&E, otherwise maybe start with 111 ?
Thank you, i just feel tired all the time I've got fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue too, just not sure where to start, will I be ok still taking them tab then,
Well, I carried on taking the carbi myself when I had a slight sore throat, but as I have no medical qualifications, could not personally recommend
someone else to do the same. You’re on a pretty low dose - missing or delaying one while you find time to dial 111 shouldn’t be a problem.
Hi hayley95 how are you doing now did you manage to get some bloids sorted last night or fir today?😊
I was also on anti thyroid medicine for graves. I was told (by my endocrinologist) that I only really needed to worry about a sore throat if I felt very unwell with it and also to watch out for mouth ulcers. I work in a school and often get sore throats and so I specifically asked about this issue. I ended up getting my bloods checked as a precaution on only one occasion because a sore throat wasn't getting better after a week or so but my bloods were fine. Always better to be safe than sorry. I'd call 111 if I was concerned.
Hi Hayley when I started carbimazole my Dr was adamant that if I started with sore throat to go straight to a/e its a nasty tablet to be taking.I hope you get sorted x
Hi trophygirl how are you now? X
Hi Rmichelle . thanks for asking ,still a bit weak but OK .I hope ur OK after your great expedition wow u must have been exhausted .by the way were some miles away I'm up in Yorkshire keep well luv xx
Nice to hear from you, yes im afraid im suffering quite bad at moment from overdoing it, trembles, palps etc thyroid swollen, going for new bloods tomorrow and thyroid scan on friday that ive waited 2 months for. Glad you are getting a little better. Yes i bet its cold in yorkshire, im from shropshire area and there has been quite a drop in temperature.xx
Just to say, I have noticed that the hyper symptoms tend to come back if I’m over-tired, over -stressed , or both. Sounds like you’ve been overdoing things !
Yes 3 days last week i was quite busy because felt quite normal- yes feel rotten, breathless, palpy and done alot of walking around on saturday, it didntt hit me until sunday evening and also on titration of carbi now, but bloods done 4 weeks ago at endo appointment showed t3 and t4 hitting quite low levels, so need new bloods tomorrow. Valarian are you on titration dose and how have you felt on it.xx
Hi ive been on carbi for 3 months now with no problems but i was warned a bout a very sore throat, just to be on the safe side go to hospital and get your bloods done a full bloid count as they need to check the white blood cell count- all sounds very serious i lnow but you are not in any immediate danger so dont worry, its just a precaution. Or if they do bloods at your surgery go there tomorrow. Let us know how you go along.x