My daughter has so many symptoms but because of her age doctor does not want to medicate. We have argued and she has agreed to put her on a trial for 2 months of levo at 25mg but said she is not happy to carry it on and would send her to see someone else. I asked for t3 test and got told no..Could anyone help me with her results so I have some knowledge on my side when we go back. Next month. She has not noticed any difference since being on the meds. I have included her results. Thanks a worried mum.
Need advice for 14yr old daughter: My daughter... - Thyroid UK
Need advice for 14yr old daughter

As she is a child she will be treated differently and will need to see a specialist anyway, plus some GPs are terrible at treating hypothyroid patients even if they are adults. (Yours clearly is if they haven't noticed the Free T4 is below the reference range.)
For a start if you read up - if you haven't done already - on the thyroid on You can then ask the specialist why treating a child differs from treating an adult as you know in adults x, y and z .e.g treatment should be so that the TSH Is 1 or below, and Free T4 is in the upper quarter of the reference range plus you know adults can happy take doses like 200mcg of per day. (If they ask you were the information comes from mention Thyroid Uk - a thyroid support group recommended by NHS Choices.) Also worth mentioning to them who of your daughter's other close blood relations have hypothyroidism.
In regards to Free T3 - it is rarely tested for by the NHS as for some reason it has been decided by labs and endos that it is a test that only need to be done in special circumstances with rules made up by the doctor and lab. In your case when you see the specialist point out that the Free T4 is below the reference range and ask whether your daughter will be making sufficient Free T3, the active hormone as you are worried about her growth, moods, energy levels etc.
Thank you, I have told them that we have thyroid issues on both sides of the family, both her nans and their siblings, aunts and uncles. On her other result which I couldn't post which was done in march was
T4 13.7
TSH 4.38
Ferritin 33
MCH 26 range (27.00-32.00)
Doctor said they weren't important. So glad I found this site. So many notes to take down. Thank you.
GP is full of it.
Your daughter may have iron deficiency anaemia and/or a vitamin B12/folate issue as well.
Do you have results from a full blood count? If so post them.
sorry for long list but wasn't sure which bit was needed. really appreciate your help.
haemoglobin estimation 146 (115-165)
total white cell count 9.27 (4-11)
platelet count 258 (150-450)
RBC 5.62 (3.80-5.80)
Haematocrit 0.454 (0.37-0.47)
MCV 81 (76-98)
MCH 26 (27-32)
MCHC 322 (300-360)
neutrophil count 4.58 (2-7)
lymphocyte count 3.72 (1-4)
monocyte count 0.52 (0.10-1.30)
eosinophil count 0.35 (0.00-0.80)
basophil count 0.1 (0.00-0.10)
MCH is too low. Indicates an issue with iron.
You haven't put a range for ferritin and anyway different doctors have a different idea on what is an OK level of ferritin.
Ask the specialist if your daughter's ferritin level is OK due to the low MCH.
Hi sorry I put it on the previous post my mistake. It was 33 (15-300)
Problem with ferritin is there are not lots of studies which says what level is good and so there is no agreement amongst doctors.
So my own GP things a level over 30 is good. My ex-useless GP practice didn't care as long as you were on the range and the range for the lab that tested me on the NHS started at 7. (And yes I felt terrible.) Other research i've read plus health/sports professionals state that ferritin needs to be over 50, or for optimal health with healthy nails, skin and hair around 70-80.
See what the specialist says and after that take steps to increase your daughters iron levels.