Back to drawing board: Saw an endo last night and... - Thyroid UK

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Back to drawing board

Mcrawley profile image
13 Replies

Saw an endo last night and he ruled out thyroid issues because my TSH wasn't high enough even though I have most of the symptoms.

He did comment that my FT3 was low but said if their was a problem I would have higher TSH.

He is going to write to my GP to confirm that I do not have a thyroid issue and ask him to carry out Adrenal bloods and auto immune screening as I already have Ulcerated Colitis! Back to the drawing board!!!

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Mcrawley profile image
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13 Replies
greygoose profile image

Do you have copies of those results? If so, post them here and let's have a look. Never trust an endo with a thyroid! They're diabetes experts.

Mcrawley profile image
Mcrawley in reply to greygoose

Thank you, my results are

TSH 1.25 (0.35-4.94

FT4 11.5 (9.0-22.0

FT3 2.87 (2.63-5.70)

Anti thyrog 11 (0-40

Anti thyrope 17 (0-35

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Mcrawley

Your FT3 is very low. And, you don't appear to have Hashi's. So, yes, he should be investigating Central Hypo. No excuses!

The TSH will only rise to reflex the low FT3 is the pituitary and hypothalamus are working perfectly. He needs to brush up on his hormones!

Mcrawley profile image
Mcrawley in reply to greygoose

Thank you so much, for looking at them, I will see if I can convince my GP

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Mcrawley

Well, do do some research first, so that you know what you're talking about. Otherwise, he will just fob you off, because I don't suppose he's ever heard of it!

Mcrawley profile image
Mcrawley in reply to greygoose

Ok, will do, thank you

Anthea55 profile image

Look at this chart from the ThyroidUK website

The middle column relates to you - that endo only knows about the right hand column. You could print that out and show your GP.

Keep fighting!

Mcrawley profile image
Mcrawley in reply to Anthea55

Thank you, just feel exhausted with it all, takes me back to when I was diagnosed with Ukcerated Colitis 24 years ago, my symptoms were so severe I was confined to the house for 6 months Because they diagnosed no less than 4 different conditions, none of them correct. It wasn't until I was so poorly that I was admitted to hospital that they finally diagnosed U/C and the ulcers in my bowel had become septic and my organs were shutting down!! The consultant who had mis diagnosed was the head of Gastro!! Guess nothing has changed!!

greygoose profile image

Just had a look at the post where you give your results, but you don't give the ranges. Could you post them again, with the ranges, because otherwise, they're meaningless.

I agree with RFU, if your FT3 is low, and your TSH is low, then he should be considering Central Hypo, and testing your pituitary. He obviously knows very little about thyroid.

Mcrawley profile image
Mcrawley in reply to greygoose

Thank you, I have posted them again with the ranges.

SlowDragon profile image

As you have gut issues its highly likely you have low vitamins. As I outlined in previous post

Suggest you get these tested - privately if necessary

Medichecks or Blue Horizon

If Vitamin D, folate, B12 or ferritin are too low thyroid hormones can not work

No need to test magnesium unless you do the expensive test

Vast majority benefit from extra magnesium. Try low dose to start with. Calm vitality magnesium powder is cheap and easy to use.

Endocrinologists don't consider gut or vitamin levels, which is astonishing

Come back with new post when you have results

What rubbish! If your free T3 is very low you are hypo and if you have secondary or central hypo your TSH CAN'T rise. You need to find a doctor with a clue.

SlowDragon profile image

As Hippocrates said "all disease begins in the gut"

I would add all vitamin deficiencies start in the gut

Links about low vitamins due to ulcerative colitis

The importance of good levels of vitamin D with colitis



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