I'm a bit in shock I think. Got my result through yesterday and I've got the double faulty gene.
It's weird to finally have proof of what I've been saying to GPs and endos for the last 23 years - levothyroxine isn't working for me!!
I'm a bit in shock I think. Got my result through yesterday and I've got the double faulty gene.
It's weird to finally have proof of what I've been saying to GPs and endos for the last 23 years - levothyroxine isn't working for me!!
It doesn't mean Levothyroxine isn't working. It may mean that you will feel better with some T3 added to Levothyroxine.
Hi. Yes, I do feel better taking T3 with my thyroxine, though still trying to find the appropriate mix.
I just meant that the GPs and endocrinologists I've seen over the years ignored me when I said I still felt hypo on thyroxine even though they were telling me I was fine. All they ever offered me was a psychiatrist appointment.
Now I have the evidence that I wasn't being a hypochondriac.
I never doubted my endo was wrong and didn't know what he was talking about when he kept telling me "Levothyroxine doesn't do that". Realising he wasn't going to be helpful I self medicated T4+T3. Six months later he agreed my health was much improved and prescribed the T3. I wasn't grateful, I think the help should have been proffered at the time I needed it, not after I fixed myself.
...know how you feel ! If you get a chance to look at your medical records would be interesting. May have you down as TAT (tired all the time) with mental health probs - this, I discovered recently, is me! Not at all pleased I've stopped telling GP practice anything now...little point if they make such judgements & do not believe/understand just how hypothyroidism affects people.
I've got copies of all my records and tests going back to my diagnosis and I'm disgusted by some of the very judgmental comments in there.
it's frustrating to think that there are so many people still being fobbed off by these so-called specialists and having to live a half-life!
Wow! Good for you for keeping strong and getting the results you clearly needed. Did the GP do the gene test for you or was it private?
I hope you start to feel a lot better very soon
Hi. I asked the GP to do the test last February and was still waiting for a response in August so I got it done privately through the link on Thyroid UK.