hi! i am a 47 year old female, just recently been to the dr as my tongue and left leg started to swell. I was given a full blood test,allergies, blood count etc and was told i am not allergic to anything, but my thyroid was producing enough of the hormone but struggling to do it. They said as it was producing enough this was fine , and then told me that i had the same result in 2015 , which i was not told about! I also suffer with high bp, i was taken off my meds just to see if i had an allergic reaction to them, but my tongue has kept swelling and going down again. does anyone know if this is normal ? i am due another thyroid blood test the 2nd week of august to see if theres any change, im convinced its my thyroid . i just worry with the swelling and scalloped tongue
hi, im new here :) : hi! i am a 47 year old... - Thyroid UK
hi, im new here :)

Well we know your thyroid is likely not "fine" if they looked at your symptoms and not the numbers alone. And often gps observe the so-called "normal" ranges - if you were diagnosed having Hashimoto's these normal ranges they observe (ridiculed here regularly) mean little as we need to be "optimal" not "normal"! When you have your next blood tests have them as early as possible, after fasting (water OK) as this will give the most accurate results. We like to get nutrient levels done here too: by these we mean ferritin, folate, B12 and D3. They often are deficient as we tend to have malabsorption issues and gut problems. PS: i was deemed "sub-clinical Hypothyroid" (i.e. "normal" but on the edge of range) and fought for thyroid hormone ...and got it. The squeaky wheel tends to get the oil 😉

thank you, i will make sure i go as early as possible. it surprised me after going through the checklist how many things i had suffered with over time.... i put on at least a stone in weight in less than a year ,its crazy!
Yes in addition to Rusty64's great advice, make sure when they run your Thyroid that it includes: free t3, free t4, tpoab, tgab. If you're in a country where those labs are nearly impossible you may consider ordering those yourself. There are many companies online that offer self-ordered labs....the best to you; also, at least until you get relief, sleep with your head elevated....
You may find this very interesting! I sure did. Your tongue could likely be showing you your deficiencies in B12, zinc, selenium and folate!! Read on... 😳

This is so interesting..recent gut problems blood in excreta...found as part of nhs general population tests...had endoscopy...sigmoidoscopy..etc.diverticular disease noted....could this be related to thyroid levels..?
Raised blood pressure can be a Hypo symptom. Also if your Iron and Magnesium is low. So do have the B12 - Folate - Ferritin - VitD checked - all need to be OPTIMAL - so do not let your GP say normal - when he means in range ! Always obtain copies of your test results with ranges - they are legally yours. Rarely can you can have all the correct testing for thyroid so if possible do them Privately at home - information below .... Blue Horizon Thyroid 11 covers most things I believe. Swollen scalloped tongue is a thyroid symptom as well as low B12 one. Low Vitamins and minerals go hand in hand with low thyroid - sadly this has passed by the medical profession.
The above link informs you about your entitlement to results
Please scroll down in the above link to read ALL the signs and symptoms of LOW B12
thank you for all your replies, i have the paperwork here for my next bloodtest, it states (B12) B12 and Folate (FER) Ferritin (TSH) TSH with clinical details as scalloped tongue and borderline thyroid tests
So just the TSH being done which is only part of the story. You need the FT4 & FT3 tested along with Thyroid Anti- bodies TPO & Tg.
When testing B12 - Folate should also be tested as they work together in the body. No VitD either. All these are needed for good thyroid function. Did you look at the links I posted above about Private Testing ? That's the only way you eill get the correct testing and find out what is really going on ...
unfortunately i cannot afford to pay out for private testing, not unless i have a word with my dr when i go back, see what they say about the extra tests?