How endocrine disruptors, not Gluten, may upset... - Thyroid UK

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How endocrine disruptors, not Gluten, may upset your System and health.

SAMBS profile image
10 Replies

At bottom of this post is a link to an Xpats French newspaper article - written in English - but worth reading and considering.

I have been advocating on TUK for at least a couple of years+ that we think about the chemicals in products we use and processed food we eat - in the home and on our bodies (the skin being the largest human organ) and how ingestion of these probably upsets the endocrine system more than anything - also giving rise to itching, dry skin and thinning hair.

A thyroid condition, before being diagnosed, is likely to make you more susceptible to effects of chemical contaminants. Think about it - no wonder the list of symptoms of Thyroidism grows longer!

I believe, also said so previously, - that not all digestive health problems are down to gluten. despite my own recent endocrine system health problems - yes I can still eat wheat/gluten containing foodstuffs without ill effects, despite that in May this year I had a massive stomach bleed, having vomited blood. Fortunately I collapsed after calling ambulance..

After being operated on by a gastroenterologist in hospital, I was told I'd had a burst ulcer and bleeding varices. Also there was a lot of calcium in my gall bladder, found during or after the endoscopy, not caused by dairy products but the hard water and possibly calcium coated Levothyroxine- the only medicatIon I'd been taking for at least 3 years. Having been put on it in 2003.

There are other complications, noted via TUK, re breakdown of myelin sheath because of or causing lesions on my left leg/foot specifically. I have 2 other Autoimmune conditions - TB since I had that as a baby almost 70 yrs ago - more recently 2 yrs ago told I had Thrombocytopenia as well - boh along with Hashimoto's!

So I have in the last 4 years survived 2 big and sudden haemorrhages and wonder how much chemical ingestIon through beauty and household products as well as eating processed foodstuffs! My dietary intake has obviously changed a lot over the last few years but by then the damage had been done.

I am neither medically or scientificAlly trained/qualified but my own research along with reading packaging labels has given me a lot to think about!.

Remember that decades ago cigarette manufacturers knew they were harmful to health but still continued to produce and market them to the public, adding an addictive ingredient to the natural tobacco plant - Nicotine!

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SAMBS profile image
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10 Replies
avocadopeardrops profile image

Hi Sorry to hear this. You have been through the mill. May I ask if the drs told you what had caused the breakdown of the myelin sheath and what signs and symptoms you had?

I have restless legs syndrome and it is driving me nuts!!!!


Marz profile image
Marz in reply to avocadopeardrops

B12 is closely involved in the maintenance of the myelin sheath I have read :-)

SAMBS profile image
SAMBS in reply to Marz

Hi Marz, my B12 results have always been in range when I've been able to get GP's to include in blood tests. I don't supplement it either. Vit D3 is only daily one I buy/take here with GP approval. The oral liquid monthly dose stopped when I left France - told they don't prescribe that here.

SAMBS profile image
SAMBS in reply to avocadopeardrops

-Avocado..... Drs can't tell me anything about the Thyroid gland, the one gland they don't seem to understand! The information about the myelin sheath breakdown has come from following this Forum and those who have lived with their conditions for many years.

I'm sorry to hear of 'your restless leg' - for me it feels like mini electric shocks, always worse at night when sitting/lying down.

thyr01d profile image
thyr01d in reply to avocadopeardrops

Hi avocadopeardrops, I'm sure Marz will be right yet I also think that in The Vitamin Bible the author states a deficiency that can lead to restless legs syndrome. From memory I think calcium but I could be very wrong. If you would like to know and can't find it online, I'll dig out the book and look for you to see if it is in there.

Treepie profile image

And these products get into the land and the ocean contaminating what we eat. Fish with mercury and micro plastics.

I live in France and have never used sprays for household cleaning for years. I use a baby cream for face mosturiser, shampoo and showering they contains less harmful ingredients. I never use underarm deodorant either don't tint my hair and try to eat a healthy diet.

I also had my gallbladder removed in 2016 down to calcium stones. Now I wonder after reading what you said about hard water I used to drink gallons of the stuff for years.

You have had some very difficult times I don't know the answer your looking for but thank you for a very interesting read and good luck to you.

I was adopted and brought up in a different place to both of my sisters. Since meeting them in my forties into our sixties all three of us have had our gallbladders removed also our thyroids.

SAMBS profile image
SAMBS in reply to

Difficult and frustrating times yes BunnyJ, but fortunately until just b4 the stomach haemorrhage, not felt ill - just got the 3 diff AI conditions.

Interesting what you say about you and your sisters ALL having gallbladders removed! I always drank bottled in France, kept well away from tap water, think I must go back to doing that again here, Hosp put me on Omeprazole to protect digestive system and tummy lining. No talk of having my GB removed either, although I have a cousin who had to have hers out.

I note we are also ALL same generational ages. 1st generation post war babies.

SAMBS profile image
SAMBS in reply to

A PS BunnyJ to my previous reply- in connection with chemical/pharma ingredients.

I now only clean my teeth with bathroom tap cold water, using a normal toothbrush that has squirly rubber and bristles. My teeth are much whiter than when I used toothpaste - no gum bleeding or teeth irritation. Perhaps the water calcium helps make the enamel stronger!

in reply to SAMBS

Interesting about teeth. I do clean mine with the tap water here and a non fluoride toothpaste but they do seem to be yellowish. I think that's just old age. I drink Evian water here I hope that it's doing me good.

I have always tried to keep healthy I just didn't know about the family thing and nobody knew anything about autoimmune back then.

Do you know whats causing your stomach problems?

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