I have written only one post, but this is a different question. Does anyone else have a hoarse voice? People are always asking me if I have a cold.
Voice Change with thyroid: I have written only... - Thyroid UK
Voice Change with thyroid

Yes, I have had investigations over the past number of weeks sounding as if I was a 100 a day smoker. All my tests are clear and not problems show. So I have been advised to drink more (water ) and not strain my throat. I am sure I didn't strain it but when in company, the more I talk the hoarser my voice gets. It seems it is quite common according to this link:
Do you have nodes on the thyroid ? - could be pressing on the vocal cords ....
How can you find out?
I had nods on my voice box and had them removed. But unfortunatly they forget to tell you they can come back.

Very common.
Some years ago, I remember reading some research about analysing voice as a part of diagnosis. The accumulation of even a small amount of mucin (the gel-like substance that causes the non-pitting oedema of hypothyroidism) causes changes to how the voice sounds.
I imagined every doctor having a voice analyser (surely a mobile phone would have plenty of power to do that?) and diagnosing even during telephone consultations. Obviously my optimism is many years ahead of reality.
It's interesting to here that they now know what causes the symptoms.
And here is an abstract:
J Endocrinol Invest. 2011 Jun;34(6):431-3.
Speech impairment in primary hypothyroidism.
Mohammadzadeh A1, Heydari E, Azizi F.
Author information
1 Endocrine Research Center, Research Institute of Endocrine Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University, (M.C.), Tehran, Iran.
Thyroid hormone deficiency may affect human speech and voice. The aim of this study was to evaluate speech variables in patients with hypothyroidism.
A case control study.
One hundred and twenty patients, 106 women and 14 men with symptoms and signs of thyroid failure; the diagnosis was confirmed by serum T4<4.5 μg/dl and serum TSH>10 mU/l. Eighty-eight normal subjects, 78 women and 10 men, age-, sex-, and smoking status- matched, served as controls.
All symptoms and signs of hypothyroidism were recorded. Serum T4, T3, and TSH concentrations were measured. Speech parameters were analyzed by the Visipitch III system model 3900 and multidimensional voice program software and compared to a group of normal subjects with no thyroid disease.
Mean age was 35.9±11.4 yr. Dryness in larynx and pharynx, dyspnea, and sensation of lump in the throat were reported by 53.49 and 43% of patients, respectively. Fundamental frequency, voice turbulence index, and soft phonation index were significantly different from control values. There was positive correlation between TSH concentration and variation in fundamental frequency and prevalence of voice disorders (37.2±31.2 vs 23.9±25.8 mU/l, p<0.003).
Frequent speech disturbances occur in patients with primary hypothyroidism.
PMID: 21747217
DOI: 10.1007/BF03346708
I e been in that situation a few times and it goes when better medicated.
Yes for sometime now. My voice is hoarse and Ido get lots of sure throats
Yes to sore throats! Before I was diagnosed I kept a packet of eucalyptus lozenges within arms reach all of the time for years. I was so sick of being told that antibiotics will not cure larynxitis - it most certainly did! I had one doctor who would always give me antibiotics and I sort him out every time, I felt like a druggy person. But antibiotics did the trick every time. I was in despair if my doctor was out because my laryngitis would last about 6 weeks.
Wow this is all so true. I agree with Silverfox that I can judge how well medicated I am by my voice or lack of it. lol
I do. I sound like I smoke 50 a day
Yes. The voice thing seems to be part if it. And I'm always clearing my throat. Doctor said it's allergies. I don't think so.
Yes I have a horse voice too. Sometimes worse than others. Mostly if I am talking more.
Me, too, I have a hoarse voice which I have been told sounds quite sexy on the telephone! Unfortunately I can't sing nursery rhymes to my grandchilden with so few notes left in my voicebox
I could have written exactly the same thing. After my TT I can no longer sing. That is very sad for me since my daughter and I used to sing all of the time when we drove in the car, we were very musical. Now very little sound comes out and if I ever got into trouble, I cannot scream nor shout.
Hi, yes it is not uncommon. How I sound can vary daily. I can sound like an old 50 a day smoker or Marilyn Monroe, I prefer Marilyn. Having read the other post I really hope that I get my own voice back once I have been prescribed medication.
I accepted that my changing voice was due to my thyroid issues and carried on as normal. I'd had the scope and been told my larynx was fine. What they didn't tell me was that I should rest my voice when it was hoarse. Looking back I was stupid to carry on with my choir and normal avtivities because now my larynx is damaged. I am attending speech therapy to attempt to encourage my larynx to close properly. My voice has been bad for 10 years and I simply didn't realise the damage I was causing. So I'm saying be careful. I now have to avoid noisy places where you would need to raise your voice to speak, NEVER shout, no singing at all and rest my voice for the best part of the day. There is light at the end of the tunnel but I may never repair the damage I've done. I don't mean to scare you at all, this was my own doing but through ignorance .Good luck.
My voice became extremely hoarse before I was diagnosed .Levo cured that but recently noted occasional hoarsness and othe symptoms returning.Had trial increase fom yesterday.
I had my thyroid removed 16 years ago,and my voice has been hoarse since then.After the op I was tested and told my vocal chords were o.k. and not damaged,but I have no strength in my voice any more and find it hard to talk in a crowded place.I also can't sing very good any more.
I had tt in 1988 and my voice is also constantly hoarse. People often have difficulty hearing or understanding me! I used to do a lot of public speaking in my job! It makes me feel embarrassed a lot of the time! This is a fantastic source of information! Such a comfort to hear others speak of such things
I can also relate to this my voice feels strained and I can become hoarse. When I had a partial thyroidectomy back in 1973 I remember being taken to have my vocal chords checked after the op and was told all was ok. It's only since RAI treatment 5 years ago and becoming hypothyroid that I've noticed problems.
I think being optimally medicated is maybe the answer.
Yes me too. Its much better when I am my medication is on track and I am not stressed. The doctor sent me to a voice clinic - which did help as it taught me how not to strain my voice. I have nodules but they are not pressing. Lots of water. I had to stop giving presentations as I just croaked. Meditation / mantras has helped me - both in terms of voice and being more calm. Hope you find something that works for you
My voice has gone hoarse almost in a 'pixelated' way. My tongue is slightly larger too and now my tongue looks like it's been cut round it's edge with a frilly pastry cutter as my tongue is always pushing onto my teeth! Apparently these are yet more side effects of Hypothyroidism (don't know if this is also the case in Hypert.)
that's me Desperado12 but as yet undiagnosed, having been passed off with Fibro, CFS, all in my head etc 12 years ago or more. My voice /throat has been the most recent thing to go but saying that it has been getting like that for well over a year. Sometimes I can't be bothered to tell my GP 'the latest thing' as no faith left in the health people really. Makes me sad that my singing voice has well and truly bit the dust but even my speaking voice is desappearing fast.
Good to know I'm not alone - it helps a lot.
My voice goes husky I can also hear a clicking sensation when I experience a rush of burning. After talking l quickly lose my voice
My voice went very peculiar - hoarse deep and monotonous until I ended up sounding like a darlek! It is all ok now since treatment.
I found that when I was NOT dosed optimally my voice sounded like I was smoking six pack . And I never smoke .
i have Graves' disease I had noticed before diagnosis , that my tongue was healthy looking but was scalloped round the edges .. also my voice changed .. and became shaky ..it kind of vibrated actually. all of this stopped when i became Euthyroid.. but if i get anxious for any reason .. i feel it happening slightly.
i think when properly medicated and in balance .. it stops.
Yes, hoarse voice has been on the list of symptoms of hypothyroidism for decades, its in most of the medical textbooks as a symptom.
My voice gets rough w
My voice gets rough when I eat the wrong foods for the thyroid. I find eating a "clean" diet where elimination process is efficient and glutens (dairy products and wheat) and allergens are not taken in, helps the thyroid function better.
Take 5,000 Vit D, K2, 10,000 Vit A these are very helpful. Drink your 8 glasses of water a day at least and keep sugars (use Stevie instead with no fructose or other sugars labeled under other names in it) & baked goods out of your diet helps keep immunity and hormones in good balance.
Hoarseness and voice changes are extremely common symptoms of hypothyroidism. No need for testing at all. There's no strain -- it's hypothyroidism!
When cells of the body don't get adequate active thyroid hormone (T3), then dysfunction occurs. That dysfunction is can be caused any and everywhere throughout the body. It just takes time for them to manifest.
Many don't realize that thyroid hormone needs to be adjusted for life's stresses. Sometimes you need more than what you're currently taking. If you know a stressful situation is coming up, get prepared it by taking more thyroid hormone and supplementing with that which helps relieve oxidative stress in the body. These can be a great boost to your thyroid hormone.
It's not the throat that is causing the problem, It's hypothyroidism and a testament that you're not getting enough T3 into all the cells of your body.
It takes time to get this right. And you have to stay on it, as sometimes it is a moving target. Conventional doctors know nothing of this. This is why it's so difficult dealing with them. They never want to adjust dose unless it's downward!
So... no worries. Look at the degree of hoarseness as a way to check your progress or lack thereof.
Hope this helps!
I am getting croaky and even losing my voice,, but am putting it down to emotional things. My thyroid seems to also be linked to emotional trauma somehow too. still real numbers and bloods though..
for me it is a sign I am low in thyroid hormone and goes away when I am optimal....
Yes, my voice is so scratchy & raspy. It always bothers me but doesn't bother my Dr.
Yes! Voice much lower and hoarser. The saddest thing is since being diagnosed 17 years ago, I haven't been able to sing properly, apart from in a croak and used to be in a choir. Plus can't hit notes in tune anymore. Devasting...
The pitch of my voice is lower and what comes out of my mouth when I sing is not the pitch I have inside my head. I find it very difficult to find a correct range for my voice when I sing.
I did have this in the past. Since being better medicated, supplementing, and changing diet it has gone away. I was worried that my voice would have changed forever. I also had fullness in my throat and difficulty swallowing back then, those symptoms have also subsided and I feel like it's related.
An article in Daily Mail yesterday suggested a link between a hoarse throat and thyroid cancer. I shall scan and put up a new article later today.
Thank you so much for this post and explanations. Having been in a choir at school I had been searching for a choir close to me that I could join and I found one. It was devastating when I went for a try out and the choirmaster had difficulty finding my range and finally settled for Alto!
I used to sing First soprano and had a wide range also. (I did not join the choir)
I have the same problem as Malancy, when I try to sing I aim for what my head feels is my normal pitch which I can no longer reach. This is really disappointing because before RAI I could virtually sing the piano.
Has anyone been able to reverse or resolve issue with their voice?
Will a voice coach help?
I have the same problem but with coughing up mucus,feels like my lungs have methol in them but was told they were clear. Also causes my throat to burn a little at times.I think doctors don't know a lot about this disease so they just come up with causes.I was told I have allergies also.