I was diagnosed at aged 29... GP did a good job of making me feel like it was no big deal so I just took my prescription and started on Levothyroxine for my underactive thyroid. Very soon I was on 100 mg which throughout my four pregnancies was increased to 150 mg returning to 100 after giving birth. Currently on 125 mg.
No major issues other than fatigue and low moods which I just soldiered on with. 9 years ago after donating chord blood after giving birth, I was gob smacked to be told I had Hep C. Having never taken drugs of any description to this day it is a mystery as to how I contracted this disease. Thankfully HCV treatment (interferon and ribavirin) although seriously tough to go through was successful. For this I feel very blessed.
Now I am going through the menopause which I am finding the most difficult of all. I am on HRT Tiblone 25mg as I could not tolerate the chills I was suffering. I have now lost 30 - 40 % of my hair, am suffering increased problems with allergies and sinus problems, dry eyes for about 6 years. I also had Bit D supplements as my Fit D was seriously low last year.
Its only now with symptoms particularly hair loss I feel the need to tackle my health head on. I am gathering my research on NDT as an alternative treatment for my thyroid but wonder if thyroid problems are worsened by the menopause? How do I know what issue is causing my hair loss? (thyroid or menopause) What test should I ask my GP to run. I saw an endo consultant 29 years ago. Surely it would be good to have a review?
Any other advice greatly appreciated.....