Dr says I'm not hypothyroid : I've been unable to... - Thyroid UK

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Dr says I'm not hypothyroid

Beckymarie1986 profile image
42 Replies

I've been unable to get the Dr to believe I'm hypothyroid as my bloods are borderline low normal. Instead,I'm being tested for all these. Can someone explain what they are please and if any of these could affect my thyroid function . Thanks xx

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Beckymarie1986 profile image
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42 Replies
arpinsandie profile image

Hi Becky My doctor too would not diagnose my thyroid condition despite having all symptoms and my mother was a sufferer I kept going back as I too was borderline I'm not medically trained so can't comment on your tests sorry I just wanted to say when it's confusing to you you don't need a GP to deny you the information you deserve and the right diagnosis You are the only one who knows how you feel I knew I have it and kept going back until it was confirmed and it was explained to me. Good luck People on here will boost you no end. Nice to meet you You are in good and likeminded company

Beckymarie1986 profile image
Beckymarie1986 in reply to arpinsandie

My last result off levothyroxine was FT4 10.1 (10-25) and TSH 2.21 (0.4-4).

I have every symptom going and felt better on the levothyroxine. However as my TSH isn't high,they suspect something underlying is causing the FT4 to drop. Only problem is..... they have no idea what is causing it so in the meantime I just have to carry on feeling crap. I don't know why they can't continue treating me with levothyroxine until they find the root of the cause. It wasn't causing me to be over medicated. My results on Levothyroxine were FT4 12.7 (10-25) and TSH 0.77 (0.4-4)

I feel so deflated and fed up. Just palmed off with anti depressants xx

arpinsandie profile image
arpinsandie in reply to Beckymarie1986

And anti depressants are not what you want I was put on Levo 25mcg but after a year was told your fine I too felt really crap so I upped my own dose to 50mcg still feeling rubbbish and hair falling out I truly believe that they have no idea what they are doing mine never show me my results despite my asking I refused antidepressants it's my thyroid Find another GP or keep going back until you are happy with your treatment You don't have to put up with being almée off Gather whatever strength you can make an appointment writing down what you need to say I forget if I don't Good luck

arpinsandie profile image
arpinsandie in reply to arpinsandie

Palmed off lol Stupid phone makes up words !!!

Beckymarie1986 profile image
Beckymarie1986 in reply to arpinsandie

This is what I did today. I wrote all my results down including symptoms of how I felt on and off levothyroxine. I argued the point that he originally put me on levothyroxine and the Endo took me off. He can't do anything until the Endo discharges me back to the Dr. He's convinced it's not the thyroid. I'm so fed up xx

Bluecat101 profile image
Bluecat101 in reply to Beckymarie1986

l do feel for you. this can all get so difficult

Bluecat101 profile image
Bluecat101 in reply to arpinsandie

A friend who needed to up her dose kept putting in prescription request early, and found she was right. Then went to see a different GP and told her they had the wrong figure on her records and could she please put it right. That worked!

Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to Beckymarie1986


They should be considering central hypothyroidism instead of primary hypothyroidism. TSH rises in primary hypothyroidism. In central hypothyroidism TSH remains low-normal and with insufficient TSH to stimulate the thyroid gland FT4 drops.


Beckymarie1986 profile image
Beckymarie1986 in reply to Clutter

I've Googled this before and this is what I think I have. Convincing the Dr is a different story though xx

Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to Beckymarie1986


Show Dr. the NICE CKS link I posted.

SallyB60 profile image
SallyB60 in reply to Clutter

Hello Clutter, this is a helpful article. I notice it mentions cardiovascular problems as a possible complication. I've been having tests to establush why I'm getting shortness of breath including an exercise ecg and angiogram. The conclusion is that I have Inducible Ischaemia but no one has suggested this could be connected to my Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. Do you think it's possible it could be a symptom?

Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to SallyB60


I've just Googled Inducible Ischaemia to find out what it is. I think you should ask your cardiologist whether there might be a connection with Hashimoto's.

SallyB60 profile image
SallyB60 in reply to Clutter

Thank you I will. Just waiting for a follow up appointment.

Mr-Sensible69 profile image
Mr-Sensible69 in reply to Beckymarie1986

Rather similar to my own results Becky, they are now after 4 yrs reluctantly beginning to acknowledge my symptoms are those usually associated with Hypo. Had full range inc vitamins done via BH last year. Vit D borderline deficiency, B12 low in range and magnesium, selenium and zine all in bottom of range. Given my diet, B12 and D should have been upper end of ranges. Folic also has came in borderline. Started Vitamin supplementation end of last year and immediately started to feel miles better. I did take 25mh levo for 9 days in Feb, purchased from internet and came from India, didn't react well to it and I'm still recovering from the bad reaction. Vitamin supplementation didn't solve all the problems, however I would say a 50% improvement in symptoms. My athletic performance was also a lot stronger after I started the supplementation. Bottom line, this website and the local Boots have done me far more good than any GP has. Although a private GP and a sports medicine specialist who's also a GP have both been of view mild hypo is my problem. GPs aren't even interested in what a Professor of Sports Medicine who is also a highly experienced GP had to say about me.

Beckymarie1986 profile image
Beckymarie1986 in reply to Mr-Sensible69

That's very interesting. I'm intrigued as to what the next set of bloods find. I'm also having a stabbing headache pain behind my right eye daily. It stops me getting on with every day tasks.

I eat a rather healthy diet I think so I wonder what I'm lacking in x

tgirlnc profile image
tgirlnc in reply to Beckymarie1986

Hiya-being in range with symptom is so frustrating.. that said -"Eating well" is often quite subjective. If you start showing thyroid issues, you really should cut out all processed foods, sugar, dairy and gluten...and eat as clean as possible. With thyroid conditions you often need a lot more of certain vitamins and minerals..and despite eating well, you most likely aren't absorbing nutrients as well (common when one has a thyroid condition)..I always feel my best when taking supplements..as well as digestive enzymes and a probiotic.

bluebug profile image

These aren't test results they are just codes on what tests should be done.

Beckymarie1986 profile image
Beckymarie1986 in reply to bluebug

I know that. I was just curious as to what I'm being tested for xx

bluebug profile image
bluebug in reply to Beckymarie1986

Kidney and liver enzymes/proteins - which exact ones no-one can tell

Full blood count - red cells, white cells and number of platelets. This will be used with some of the other tests e.g. ferritin, vitamin B12, folate

Hb1AC - is to see if you have diabetes.

Ferritin - iron stores

Folate -

Vitamin B12

IgA - to see if you have coeliac disease

You are missing vitamin D from that list but you may have had that before.

lc1973 profile image

Hi there

Ferritin, folate and B12 all need to be optimal for thyroid medication to work, i'm not sure how this works if you are not on thyroid medication though. If you google all of the tests your doctor is requesting you will find out more about each one or look up labtests online labtestsonline.org.uk/ which is a good source of information.

Hope this helps a little...

Beckymarie1986 profile image
Beckymarie1986 in reply to lc1973

Thank you very much x

SlowDragon profile image

You also need vitamin D level checked.

If folate, ferritin, B12 or vitamin D are low improving these can help Thyroid issues. But if they are low they can also be indicative of having a thyroid problem

When taking Levo (or our own thyroid) all these four must be at good levels for us to be able to use the thyroid hormones

Have you had thyroid antibodies tested?

Beckymarie1986 profile image
Beckymarie1986 in reply to SlowDragon

Thank you.

Yes I've had the antibodies tests and have never had the results. Always says "still in progress" on the letters xx

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to Beckymarie1986

You are entitled to the results. Ask politely but firmly

Clutter profile image


Electrolytes, creatinine and eGFR are kidney function tests.

Full blood count labtestsonline.org/understa...

Tissue transglutaminase checks whether you have coeliac disease caused by gluten intolerance. You should be eating normal amounts of gluten daily for up to six weeks prior to the coeliac test.

Ferritin is stored iron. When ferritin is low it may indicate iron deficiency anaemia and when it is high it can indicate non-specific inflammation in the the body.

B12 and folate (B9) are essential vitamins. If either are deficient supplementation is required.

Haemoglobin A1C is a diabetes test.

Beckymarie1986 profile image
Beckymarie1986 in reply to Clutter

Thank you for this. Very helpful xx

Beckymarie1986 profile image

Yes this is what I think. The drs don't want to know. Unless my TSH is high then I'm just brushed off and given anti depressants. I'm having bloods done on Monday so will update everyone when I get results. I just feel like nobody understands how I feel and I'm so down and have no enthusiasm for life. This group has been a life saviour. Thanks everybody xx

Beckymarie1986 profile image

I actually have a friend with hashimotos who is very knowledgeable. Il take her with me. Thank you xx

Bluecat101 profile image

l dont know enough to comment on above but am being led a right dance by GP and rotten Endo. l have always been on the lowest T4 or below consistently and l have queried why they do nothing. Arrogant silence. Endo first asked for extended thyroid tests which showed Low Cortisol. Then did this Synacthen test at hospital and said: nothing wrong!! and said wd refer me for ME/Chronic Fatigue - l cdnt speak. Low cortisol refers to Adrenals function - and this is triggered by the Pituitary which triggers the hypothalamus which triggers adrenals. This is another possibility - but far more rare (1 in 500000 maybe) and so not often considered. The Pituitary Foundation are helpful too and full of info. l am left wondering next step as endo wont discuss and refers me back to GP and vice verse - tho l asked for meeting with GP and Practice Mgr. Just fobbed off all round and left seething!

Beckymarie1986 profile image
Beckymarie1986 in reply to Bluecat101

This is the same as me. I also have low cortisol but on the following blood test,it was "normal" at 288,was previously 191. They put on my letter that it's possible I have "sick euthyroid" or "hypothalamic effect"

having more bloods on Monday and being referred to an eye doctor as I have constant stabbing headache behind my right eye. I think I have a pituitary tumour xx

Bluecat101 profile image
Bluecat101 in reply to Beckymarie1986

I wondered if you may be similar. GPs only do basic Thyroid test and Endo originally asked for one including Cortisol and gp cut in and repeated it as she obviously didnt believe it and was lower 2nd time - first time in 40 years of complaining being over-tired all time. Dont think l ever had that test before and it shd be about 455. Hospital did that other test and said 'nothing wrong'. Neither (pleasant) Endo nor gp will comment on first Cortisol test. l spoke to Pituitary Foundation (which appears above Thyroid uk) they have bril phone lines and an Endo Nurse. Guy l spoke to so helpful - had pituitary adenoma @ 14 - said l DO have a Pituitary problem with all other symptoms.

Bluecat101 profile image
Bluecat101 in reply to Beckymarie1986

Looking again at your reply, l dont think 288 is right. Also Labs in different Health areas have different scales!

Beckymarie1986 profile image
Beckymarie1986 in reply to Bluecat101

Yes I thought it should be in the 400-500 range at least

humanbean profile image
humanbean in reply to Bluecat101

I would never accept a diagnosis of ME/CFS, I would do everything humanly possible to avoid it. Once you have that on your records you will never get your thyroid tested or treated, and they will never test for anaemia or anything like that. They will just blame everything on CFS, tell you your health problems are all in your head, and send you away, probably with a prescription for anti-depressants.

Bluecat101 profile image
Bluecat101 in reply to humanbean

l said straight out 'its total rubbish' as all my previous symptoms wd show, like extreme PMT all my life and every worst symptom you can think of. and bad facial hair since 17 not rid by electrolysis. l wrote GP via Practice Manager and its a fob off again - she refers me back to hospital says its nothing do with her and Hospital refers back to GP. PALS were helpful (Complaints dept) and suggested asking Second Opinion - but then thats a cop-out for all. l have long considered Medics think they are treating us for nothing, whilst paid astonishing high salaries - and we paid for their training in the past. Cant afford Private at £200 a go + bloods + drugs - old friend from working in hospitals said: these days Mediciine is a BUSINESS!

Bluecat101 profile image

Do you know l noted that as soon as l saw it - hadnt been aware of the 2 categories. Thank you

Beckymarie1986 profile image

I have pcos too. I took metformin to regulate my periods and help me fall pregnant. I then got gestational diabetes in both pregnancies and had to take metformin again. Not currently on it though xx

Beckymarie1986 profile image

I just rung the Dr's and all my bloods have come back normal so does this mean it's not secondary hypothyroidism? Also,I'm going to have to self medicate as Dr says there is nothing wrong with me.

Beckymarie1986 profile image

Could anybody inbox some sites I can get levothyroxine from please?x

zapp2it profile image

Hi, I've always had low normal thyroid and been extremely skinny. I'm 51, and last time I had my saliva and blood progesterone and estrogens measured I was super high estrodials, low progesterone. My periods were irregular then, had started normalising til 3 or 4 months ago. I had only ovulated once in the last 6 or 9 months or so though.

Now, I haven't had a period for 3 or 4 months, had my progesterone and estrogens measured, and have zilch, meaning I went through menopause and out the other end in 3 months!

My thyroid T3 and 4 are dead middle for once but I can't stop putting on weight, unlocked when it was low!

My tertiary hair has been disappearing for the last 4 years, even when my estrogens was through the roof. I haven't underarm or leg hair and only a little pubic hair left.

I have ME/ CFS, possible lupus, am bedridden mainly, but improving.

I kept pushing for Addison's testing but the docs said no way, that only happens to one in a million etc ( so, ummm, why not me?)

Just looking for opinions, but please excuse me and thanks in advance as typing is extremely difficult and may take me weeks to reply-all sorry!

Thanks so much if you're listening, J

ITYFIALMCTT profile image

zapp2it Very few people will see your comment on this thread as it's several months old - it will be more likely to attract members' comments if you make your own separate post by doing a copy/paste.

It would also help enormously if you post the results of any blood tests (with their reference ranges) there. Include any vitamin and mineral tests that you've had, mention any supplements that you take and their dosages.

There are quite a few discussions lately about people with Addison's or adrenal insufficiency and the various testing they've been through.

See you on your own post :)

zapp2it profile image
zapp2it in reply to ITYFIALMCTT

Thanks so much. It's after midnight here, so I'll try tomorrow. Thanks again for answering me, and wishing you well, J

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