Hi, I am hypothyroid and hypoadrendal. I have had back and neck issues for 25 years since accidents. Since then I have had much chiropractic and physio treatment, often to no avail. My misalignment is stemming from upper neck c1 atlas and treatment struggles to hold so I am back to square one. I have had a lot of pain and discomfort most of my life,unable to do so much.
I read that hypothyroidism symptoms can be muscular and joint related and I wondered if this could be the reason why I am not healing after so long? Currently I am paying for Nucca chiropractic and its not working out well.
I know it's a long shot but I wonder if anyone can throw any light on this for me? This is a lonely road and I'm wondering if I should stop back treatment until I'm in a better place with thyroid.
Thanks for reading.