I was diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism 20 years ago, and put on Neo-Mercazole for 2 years. Luckily, I had a very fantastic GP who advised me to exercise to avoid weight gain, and he checked my levels every months. I came off medication in 1996. Been fine until this year, when my weight dropped drastically, my muscles ached and my heart was racing like mad, making it impossible for me to exercise. Cut a long story short, I have been diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism again, however, levels are not as bad as they were in 1996. The GP I am seeing this time is just interested in drug treatment, and his suggestion to "fix this problem" is to remove my thyroid. Noone is even interested in why we attract this again, however, severe stress is most often the cause. I am really glad that we do have the internet, for compared to 20 years ago, I can now go on forums and share experiences, google information about side effects of medication and look at alternative options. So far I have been given so many useful information, and I am also seeing an Acupuncturist & Chinese Medicine Practitioner. The herbs he gave me have really calmed down the heart rate, and I feel more peaceful (within 3 days). I also benefit from the Acupuncture treatments. I am a retired Naturopath, so I am aware that Thyroid dysfunction severely effects your tissue mineral levels in your body. So I have send away for a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis and once I know the levels I can balance my tissue minerals.
Is this all going to fix the problem? I really don't know! I have the medication in my draw but have not yet touched these, as I am seriously too concerned about side effects. I will give it my best shot to go drug free; it is scary at times, and I have cried many tears. However, now I am really focused on my healing rather than on my thyroid problem.