I'm just wondering if it's possible that by adding T3 to levo may triggering the raise of fT4 and in this way to put me in hyper stage(if I don't reduce the levo) ?
T3 adding to levo may raise fT4 level ??? - Thyroid UK
T3 adding to levo may raise fT4 level ???

I doubt that adding T3 will raise your FT4. After all you aren't taking extra T4. It might raise your FT3 if you have it done. If you develop a fast pulse or higher temp (we are usually low) you would have to drop slightly either T4 or T3.
yep thus just happened to me. 2 weeks ago added 5mcg T3 without reducing Levo. this week I have horrible overmedication symptoms and felt really ill. stopped all for 24 hrs and tomorrow will drop T4 by 12.5mcg to enable continuing T3 (I hope it works (
good luck
I've tried twice adding low dose T3 and felt awful. I'm only on 50mcg Thyroxine. Disappointed at first because was hoping it would suit me and help improve things. Just going to ask for my Thyroxine to be increased instead.

Yes I ve tried it a few times too. I start off feeling better for a week but then it all goes haywire. I have tried several times to raise my Levo but it makes me feel over medicated if I get above 88.
I hope you get on well with your raise. I'm so disappointed that T3 doesn't suit all of us too
Daffers, it's not high T4 that gives you over-medication symptoms. T4 is a storage hormone. But, if the T4 is converting well to T3, then you could have been over-medicated with T3. T4 itself does nothing.
Thanks GG. I was only taking 5mcg T3 per day. Sounds like it's just not for me
Well, could be that the problem was, you weren't taking enough. Symptoms of over and Under can be the same. Did you not have any blood tests done before stopping the T3?
I panicked as usual and gave up. Interesting that symptoms are so similar though. Am going to be brave and try again, and will get bloods done as you suggest if/when I get the symptoms again.
thank you
I was thinking that adding T3 could stimulate somehow the conversion and/or absorption of t4 and in this way triggering the rise of fT4. Sorry for my bad english, I'm not native.
if anything, it may decrease it, if you have a TSH, that is not suppressed. T3 will suppress the TSH and thus, the ft4 levels goes down
Strange, I thought it fT4 goes up
for example..i am on t3, no t4 and i have no ft4 reading at all, TSH is suppressed at 0.003.