Help please: Hi I have hypothyroidism and have... - Thyroid UK

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Help please

Andypandy30 profile image
20 Replies

Hi I have hypothyroidism and have been on 75 mg Levo for last 4 weeks . Just finished heavy period lasting almost 2 weeks . Feeling dizzy and unwell and tired and put that down to low iron as I Had ferriton levels checked 4 weeks ago and they were 14? So have had palpitations and not feeling good last couple days Thot I was hyperthyroid so only took 50 mg both days . Felt bit better tday but just started heavy period again after using bathroom . The last episode of this was before Christmas and they put it down to hormone imbalance . Please help im scared to move x

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20 Replies
Jazzw profile image

Are you now taking iron, Andypandy? Sounds grim, you must be feeling rough. We need our ferritin levels to be at least 70 to convert levothyroxine into the active form of the hormone, T3 - so if your ferritin is that low your 50mcg of levo won't be going far. :(

Andypandy30 profile image
Andypandy30 in reply to Jazzw

Hi I just started supplementing yesterday as I was previously on a multivitamin with iron but prob not enough . Please check last posts for results Im almost sure I posted them . I'm laying on sofa with feet up on a cushion as it is helping me with the bleeding . I have had an awful year and anxiety and depression developed from all this mishandling by incompetent doctors . I am sick of it and sick of being sick . I was prescribed galfer one daily at christmas and that's what I'm taking . I had a full blood count done and iron levels came back normal but ferritin is this . Low . I keep asking is this why I'm losing my hair and is the thyroid the reason for anxiety or low iron I don't know anymore . I had a hyper attack before and felt similar to how I felt in last couple days and palpitations did ease and anxiety also even tho it was only 2 days . But I did not expect this bleeding again since I had a very heavy bleed at christmas . I thought I could handle it if it happened again . It's really scary . They gave me transacsemic acid last time but it stoped itself . I am listening to all advise as I want to get better please jazz flower or clutter put it in point form everything I need to do . And to add they said I was ? Perimenpausal i thought that was reason for bleeding just don't know anymore . This is for all who answered x

Andypandy30 profile image
Andypandy30 in reply to Andypandy30

And I see the connection so I need ferritin levels up to get best of levothyroxine . Btw I never had problems with thyroid for ten years until this year and only recently got tested for antibodies as the doc never mentioned them x

Jazzw profile image
Jazzw in reply to Andypandy30

{{gentle hugs}}

I doubt you're overmedicated on 75mcg of levo. I think it's more likely you're very anaemic at the moment. Low ferritin will mean your body is struggling to convert the levo you're taking into T3, the active thyroid hormone that keeps all your cells chugging along.

Low iron/ferritin is a cause of hair loss, so it could well be that. 

Have you been to the doctor with this latest bleeding? I think you may need transaximic acid again (sorry, can't spell that one!)

I'll go and hunt down your blood results - back shortly... :)

Jazzw profile image
Jazzw in reply to Jazzw

Found them! So your TSH was 15 on 50mcg of levo - so 50mcg is definitely not enough for you, and I'd doubt that 75mcg was much better. It's been about a month since your dose was raised to 75mcg? In another couple of weeks, you should ask for another thyroid blood test. As Clutter says, start taking 75mcg again - I don't think it's that causing the palpitations, though if reducing your dose does make those palpitations go away, maybe try increasing by 12.5mcg (do you have 25mcg that you can break in half?) and take 62.5mcg. I think eventually you'll need 100mcg, possibly more, but it's a slow old process finding the right dose and it's best not to rush it.

Your B12 could do with being higher at 300 and something - you could start supplementing B12 now too.

Jazzw profile image
Jazzw in reply to Jazzw

Oh, the other thing - anaemia causes heavy bleeding. Your blood isn't clotting in the way it normally would. I read a brilliant article about how that all worked once, but I bet I can't find it now. Most people think that it's  heavy periods that cause anaemia - but actually, it's often the other way around - the anaemia makes you more prone to bleeding.

I think if your anaemia could be sorted it might fix the bleeding problem (ha ha, in more ways than one  😉). With ferritin as low as yours it might be worth asking the doctor if you could have an iron infusion. 

Andypandy30 profile image
Andypandy30 in reply to Jazzw

Hi jazz thank u so much I also put up another post about vit d testing doc won't do it and how dies it work is it safe to send blood off somewhere ? Haven't a clue . Yes overall scared about bleeding and if it's perimenopausal or thyroid it is not making me feel so good so where do I get an iron infusion . Don't really want to do hospital .and why don't docs recognise the ferriton probl rather than haemoglobin x


I am sorry to hear you are still having so many problems.

Heavy periods can be caused by low thyroid hormone as all endocrine hormones work in negative feedbacks loops, meaning a deficiency in one hormone causes a knock on effect.

Low iron can give you palpitations and make you feel dizzy and unwell, and heavy periods will make things worse. What iron supplements are you taking ? Taking iron with Vit C will enhance absorption of iron.

Low thyroid hormone can also give you palpitations. Reading your previous posts indicates you experienced a hyper- period not long ago. Although a hyper- period might require less thyroid hormone if caused by over medication 75mcg Levo is not a big dose and will take several days to leave your body anyway. It is not good to change your dose randomly.

Anxiety can be caused by low thyroid hormone or adrenal problems caused by the low thyroid hormone. Do you have recent thyroid hormone test results to post complete with ranges (numbers in brackets) for members to comment as you sound under medicated. Once I was optimally medicated on thyroid hormones and got them working well, painful heavy periods improved as did many other health issues.

I hope you feel better soon



Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and this information is not intended to be a substitute for medical guidance from your own doctor. Please check with your personal physician before applying any of these suggestions.


in reply to


Reading your previous posts you advise a high thyroid antibody indicating Hashimotos. Your hyper moments are most probably when you are experiencing Hashi attacks when large amounts of hormones are suddenly secreted into the blood stream.

Taking optimal thyroid meds will suppress these attacks and eating a gluten free diet will reduce the inflammatory response that your poor body is suffering.

Supplementing selenium will not only help T4 covert to the magical T3 (so helping to alleviate hypothyroid symptoms) but helps to reduce thyroid antibodies as well. I have Hashimotos and supplement 100mcg Selenium daily. 

The Vit C previously suggested by clutter will aid your adrenals which may be compromised and causing all this anxiety. I take 3g daily in a mix with calcium called "calcium ascorbate" which is a gentle non-acidic form and  kinder to delicate tums. Ensure you factor the calcium content into your daily total.


Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and this information is not intended to be a substitute for medical guidance from your own doctor. Please check with your personal physician before applying any of these suggestions.


Andypandy30 profile image
Andypandy30 in reply to

Thank u flower I knew nothing of these things . U are all so helpful . I am on anto anxiety and antideprrssants also as they prob want to keep me calm . But I always feel there's a physical imbalance in the body on the days I feel anxious then I feel depressed because I go round in circles do can I take the supplements with all the other meds safely I am a bit afraid of meds and sensitive to side effects x

Clutter profile image


Low iron can cause heavy periods and palpitations.   Ferritin 14 is very low and you should be supplementing iron with vitamin C.  Make sure to take iron 4 hours away from Levothyroxine.

Palpitations can also be due to too little thyroid hormone as well as over medication.  Unless symptoms have improved on 50mcg it is probably better to go back on 75mcg.


I am not a medical professional and this information is not intended to be a substitute for medical guidance from your own doctor. Please check with your personal physician before applying any of these suggestions.

Andypandy30 profile image
Andypandy30 in reply to Clutter

I think it's the iron clutter I am on galfer one a day supplementing myself as doc keeps saying satisfactory ferritin levels so changing docs as soon as I'm able . As ferritin are my stores does it not make sense after heavy bleeding to supplement even if aemaglobin is fine . I don't understabd y that happens I just know it's hapoening to me xx

Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to Andypandy30


You need to continue supplementing iron with vitC until ferritin is >100.

Andypandy30 profile image
Andypandy30 in reply to Clutter

Ok clutter thank u will I buy iron and vit c and wat brand and start bk on normal thyroxine .as docs won't listen

Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to Andypandy30


Try Ferrous Fumarate and 1,000mcg vitamin C.  Take iron 4 hours away from Levothyroxine.

Andypandy30 profile image
Andypandy30 in reply to Clutter

Thank u clutter and will also try selenium as per flower .

in reply to Andypandy30


Ferritin is the stored iron and a low result indicates you are well on the way to iron deficiency. It is important to raise levels as low ferritin can impair thyroid hormone synthesis by reducing TPO enzymes. 

You need iron to transport oxygen & thyroid hormones around in your blood and activate enzymes for an array of biochemical reactions. 

When levels are low, taking thyroid hormone replacement can make you jittery & anxious but hopefully when levels are higher this will improve. Unfortunately iron can take a while to raise so it is important to take iron supplements with Vit C for better absorbtion.

If you have gut troubles taking iron, post further questions asking members what they supplement. 

I don't know what other meds you are taking but ensure to take thyroid meds at least 4 hours away from iron sups. I take mine first thing in the morning on an empty stomach for maximum absorbtion. 


Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and this information is not intended to be a substitute for medical guidance from your own doctor. Please check with your personal physician before applying any of these suggestions.


Andypandy30 profile image

Thank u for all advise . Well doc receptionist still saying my iron levels were marked as satisfactory !!!!! I really have to be my own advocate here . Iv started on ferrous funerate and have just got vit c so will incorporate that . I have still got bleeding but not as severe as yesterday . The palpitations are not as bad today so I'm still wondering if it was a hyper or my iron doing that . I'm getting bloods done again next week . As receptionist would not listen when I tried to explain my ferritin levels have been consistently low . And I needed iron because of course if doc says satisfactory then that's fine . Well I'm suffering through tgeir total lack of knowledge and if it wasn't for help I receive here I don't know where I'd be . Thank u for all the explaining x

Rebecca01 profile image

Ok you sound like me, I take spa tone iron supplement every day which is much better than tablets and I take B12 and vitamin D everyday .I have also been very poorly and dealt with bad doctoring but I think I am on the other side now .If you are bleeding heavy and often your body will be deplete in some vitamins and minerals . Go to the doctors asked for some blood tests the thing to remember is the doctor will go the tests are in normal range but that could be the lowest that they are happy you are . Get a copy of your tests and go online and find the level of what you have been tested for and if at the lower end supplement .For me I need to be at a higher level to feel well . If you are taking iron you need to take vitamin c with it . I was so poorly I ended up with 3brain scans and several months off work , you are not alone but for me I self medicate as do a lot of people on this site as the doctors don't seem to understand . But I had to wait several months to see a endocrinologist at the hospital who found my vitamin D deficiency apparently the doctors at my surgery couldn't do this  . This may help your periods to settle down if your body is working better but at least if it doesn't you will hopefully start to feel better in yourself .I wish you well .

Andypandy30 profile image

Thanks so much Rebecca my doctors apparently cudnt do it either the vit d . So I'm going to get that done sonewherc and b12 . I'm going to supplement with spa tone also as they keep saying satisfactory but it's not to me .. I will do what I can to get better as im battling to be heard but thank god for this site and people who understand xx

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