Does anyone take Levothyroxine & HRT ?? - Thyroid UK

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Does anyone take Levothyroxine & HRT ??

Suzzieboo profile image
20 Replies

Hi Ladies

Just wondering if any of you have had problems with taking HRT & Thyroid meds I read somewhere you shouldn't really put them together!

Any advise would be greatly appreciated x

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Suzzieboo profile image
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20 Replies
cjrsquared profile image

I have been taking HRT for 4 months. I was resistant for a long while but I have found it very helpful. I was waking up at night and having to change the sheets as I had sweated so much. I no longer have this and sleep better than before and therefore I am not as tired in the day. I am also self treating with T3 with my levothyroxine and it has become much easier to distinguish over stimulation from too much t3 and gauge my dose. I take my t3 and t4 on waking with nothing to eat or drink except water for an hour and I take the HRT before I go to bed. I also take b vitamins and selenium early evening.

If your symptoms are really impacting on your life it might be worth trying, in an ideal world I would like bio identical hormones but unfortunately can't afford the private route.

Good luck.

Suzzieboo profile image
Suzzieboo in reply to cjrsquared

Thank you for sharing your experience with me.

I was peri menopause for couple yrs & took oesteocare but then read that these shop bought vitamins absorb your thyroxine. I've since had a total hysterectomy & my menopausal symptoms are hitting me like a steam train.

I was hoping to go natural remedies but can't seem to get help from anybody who would know how they react with my meds!

I'm so confused to what to do but don't just want to take HRT in desperation.

You mentioned bio identical hormones can you tell me abit more pls

Are they a more natural approach & how did you find out about them ???

Sorry to be so intrusive but very now had 4wks of no sleep😒

Karen09 profile image

Tibolone (Livial) is a different type of HRT. I wouldn't want to be without it. No problems with my T4 tablets as well. Keeps the body going with hormones that don't interfere with breast or uterus tissue. It is used widely for over 30 years. Frequently prescribed when women have had problems and could be susceptible to breast cancer and other female conditions due to hereditary history or medical problems.

Suzzieboo profile image
Suzzieboo in reply to Karen09

Hi Karen,

Sounds good stuff

Is Tibolone a natural alternative ?

Also I've had a hysterectomy so I think I may just need oestrogen HRT as everything was taken away!

Is this available on NHS or did u go private ?

Very interested,any info would be appreciated😍

Karen09 profile image
Karen09 in reply to Suzzieboo

Hi Suzzieboo,

Google Tibolone:

I've put days into researching it. Can tell you how it factored into the million woman hrt trial and all the background, but it takes a little reading to understand.

See, Tibolone for years has been given by physicians to women who are at risk from problems or are having female problems with menopause and heavy perimenopausal bleeding, etc.

So, studies of HRT in general, that include Tibolone, when it is used over vast sweeps of women, tend to be harder to place into uncontested stats because the majority of the women who may have a problem that comes up during the wide sweeping assessments in many cases, had an underlying situation before they were given Tibolone, or were already prone to cancer in their family history.

But if you take all that away, it is the safest and least interfering HRT available. It is in a class all by itself. It is different from all other forms of HRT.

" tibolone has been described as a "selective tissue estrogenic activity regulator" (STEAR),[15] and also as a "selective estrogen enzyme modulator" (SEEM).[16]"

Many women in their 70's and 80's on forum sites where they talk about HRT swear by it and swear they would never come off it. They keep using it to keep their bodies strong and libido going well.

It is synthetic. I'm very happy on it and it keeps bones strong and my hair is good, nails grow faster than I can keep up with them, etc.

Suzzieboo profile image
Suzzieboo in reply to Karen09

Thanx Karen

I did Google Tibolone & will certainly consider it,if I decide to go down the synthetic HRT but I was hoping for something more natural to try.

I just feel with all my other meds being synthetic a natural HRT would be my first choice but I won't rule out anything at the moment.

Hope you don't mind me asking but how long have you been on it?

Had any side effects at all???

How long b4 it actually kicked in & u felt the benefits?

Sorry ro be a pest this is a huge thing for me.

Karen09 profile image
Karen09 in reply to Suzzieboo

I've been taking it since before menopause, so I never really went through a menopause.. thankfully!

Well over 5 years now. No bad effects at all. I feel a bit androgynous at times, but that is hardly a bad thing. ;)

I was put on Tibolone because my periods were becoming too heavy. It was fortunate in hindsight because without an underlying problem, I might not have known about it or started it early, when it is best to start it if you intend to take it throughout your life.

It had an immediate effect for me, because it stops you from having periods.

mabilsmee123 profile image

I am on both and would be interested to know if this is the case.

Suzzieboo profile image
Suzzieboo in reply to mabilsmee123

U on both HRT & Levothyroxine ?

You had any side effects & if u don't mind me asking which HRT u taking?

mabilsmee123 profile image

Been on levo couple of years and hrt pills maybe a year.Hrt didn't help so it was doubled,no good so am now for past month on hrt patch and nothing changed.Past 2 months however anytime I sit to relax I fall asleep quite deeply day or night sometimes sleeping away the evening till I go to all this time I wake up absolutely soaked through at around 3am and then when alarm goes off at 6.30 .regardless of what time I go to bed.i was on ellestse duet 1mg then onto the 2mg but did nothing,feeling the same on this patch.due back at docs next week.Sorry not much help,i do run on......

Suzzieboo profile image
Suzzieboo in reply to mabilsmee123

Oh that's not good,keep positive & going back to the Dr until they find you the correct medication.Hopefully your next visit to the Dr will be a successful one.

Best wishes

Joburton profile image

I've been on Tibolone for the last 5 years since a total hysterectomy - I had endometriosis so needed to discourage a hormonal 'cycle' so this was the best replacement for me. I haven't noticed any problems combining with Levo; I have been on an increasing dose since September last year.

I do however take my Levo first thing in the morning, then my hrt and blood pressure meds just before bed.

lolajone profile image

Having been told by both gp and endo that a lot of my symptoms are due to menopause I am giving hrt a trial. I have been on evorel sequi patches for 3 weeks. I have been sleeping better because I'm not waking up feeling burning hot however I am beyond exhausted. My eyelids are so swollen I feel like my head is sliding into my eyes. So disappointed can't function like this

Suzzieboo profile image
Suzzieboo in reply to lolajone

Lolajone hi,

Sounds like the patches aren't for you.

Even though they have gave you more respite from the sweats, you can't then feel like a zombie!

What made you decide on patches rather than tablets?

I only ask as I'm having to make these decision soon as I may just melt into a puddle or freeze all my family in the process😁

Did you consider a more natural approach again I only ask as I am trying to gather up as much information from everyone before I make my mind of which route to take.

I know it's probably going to a while to a just to what ever I try.

Best Wishes

lolajone profile image
lolajone in reply to Suzzieboo

I went for patches rather pills as I don't react well to some fillers. I tried natural progesterone cream which seemed to have no effect at all, certainly didn't help with the night-time burns.

Hi Suzzie,

Yes I take HRT and Levothyroxine.

When oestrogen is taken transdermally ( skin patches or gel) it doesn't tend to interfere with Levothyroxine.

When oestrogen is taken orally ( pill form) it tends to bind with thyroid receptors so an increase in levothyroxine may be necessary.

If on pill form HRT you could always take it a night and then take levo in the morning, keeping them well away from each other.

I have been taking Oestrogen only ( no ovaries or uterus so don't need progesterone)

For 6 years with levothyroxibe and haven't encountered any problems. I used a transdermal skin patch .

Suzzieboo profile image
Suzzieboo in reply to

Thank you Joesmum,

Could I ask which transdermal patch you were recommended to take & why?

I'm just so confused about everything at the moment & still trying to recover from my hysterectomy.(4weeks postop)

Even though my operation did make my symptoms hundred times worse I was already in the peri menopause & not taking anything for it as I just thought I'd muddle through it.My Dr wasn't interested in anything other than HRT,when I suggested alternatives she said I would have to try them for myself & proceded to print out a NHS coy of the menopause & HRT.

She never discussed it after that one visit that was back in September 2014.

So I've just been plodding on & putting up with things since then.

Thank you appreciate your help. X

in reply to Suzzieboo

Have you just had a hysterectomy or did you have your ovaries removed too?

Suzzieboo profile image
Suzzieboo in reply to

Everything has been removed -uterus,cervix,Fallopian tubes & ovaries!

I have a 10cm + bikini line cut... Not that I ever wear a bikini 😁

Goodness you had the lot removed!

My op was done by keyhole surgery! I have no scars and I still have my cervix.

You were plunged into surgical menopause and should have been put on ERT immediately! That's estrogen replacement therapy.

Forgive me but you have been very badly advised.

What was her reason for not doing this?

As you have no uterus you don't need progesterone.

I am on EVOREL Patches 50mcgs.

I was 46 when I had my op and have been fine since. If you have had no form of ERT I'm staggered at how you are coping. Surgical menopause is VERY different to a natural menopause. It's far more aggressive and the symptoms can be absolutely horrific.

Post menopause women's ovaries still produce a small amount of oestrogen to protect their bones. You have NO oestrogen other than the tiny amount that your own fat cells are producing.

Could I suggest that you visit your GP and ask for patches. They may start you on a lower dosage such as 25mcgs for a month and then raise you to 50mcgs. You need at least 50mcgs for bone protection. It also cones in 75 and 100 mcg strengths but you may not need to go that high.


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