WHO IS TAKING levothroxin 100mcg
Levothroxin 100mcg: WHO IS TAKING levothroxin... - Thyroid UK
Levothroxin 100mcg

It would help members to answer if you could enlarge on your question?
Are you taking this dose and still symptomatic ?
Are you not responding well to medications?
You previously posted " Levothyroxine 75mcg."

I was taking Levorthyroxine 75 mcg now taking Levorthyroxine 100 mcg working real good.
I am. I just don't feel well and keep gaining weight.
Hello breez1 , firstly I think you need to post your blood results to see where they are at so that other clever people on here can help you
I used to be on levothyroxine and it never worked for me , I was always tierd lethargic and put more and more weight on .
I'm self medicating on t3 now it's been a hard road and I'm still not there yet but I'm so much better now and also lost the 4 stone in weight .
Of course it could just be that your dose is not high enough as your not on a large amount .
Someone will be along soon that can give you more detailed help ..But until then take care your not alone on this site ..feel free to contact me i can help ..big hugs
Are you self medicating in uk? Where do you get the t3 from?
I am and it has done me the world of good since being on it about 2 years ago. Before this is was on 25 then 50 over a period of a few years. I take at night, not sure if psychological or not but I really used to struggle in the mornings, now I am much better. I wouldn't say I have lost weight as such but my weight used to fluctuate around half a stone within days sometimes, now it is much more stable and I have stayed around the same weight without having to watch my diet as much as used to. Also notices hair is not thinning as much as it used to and I don't have to wear 3 layers to bed!
I hope those who have not had as much success in their journey so far get sorted soon, it took me 5 years and numerous trips to the doctors to be told it was a virus that will go away before I was finally given some blood tests by a locum doctor so I know how crippling this can be an impact your every day life
I have been taking this for the last 15 years
I am.
I was taking that but it has now been increased to 125 mcg. I'm very overweight and just can't motivate myself to diet so I am not sure if the tiredness and other related problems are the result of my thyroid problem or being so fat. I am also suffering from breathlessness on any exercise, even walking so can someone help me to find the energy and motivation to start to diet. Maybe I'm just lazy but I am so unhappy with myself. I am not really coping.
Whatever you do, do NOT start dieting - if, by diet, you mean low calorie. It probably won't help and may make things worse.
By all means, cut out sugar and processed food, but eat plenty of calories in the way of good, clean, fresh food. You need those calories to be able to use the hormone you're taking.
However, if you're already on that type of diet, eating lots of protein, fresh fruit and veg, some fiber, lots of good quality fats, and a decent amount of salt, then the reason you can't lose weight is because either you're not on the right type of thyroid hormone replacement. Or, you're not on enough of it.
If you start your own thread, giving your latest blood test results - with the ranges - people will be able to tell you more about that.
But, it is highly unlikely that your weight-gain is due to what you eat - nothing to do with calories - and probably isn't even 'fat'. Let's know more about you, and we'll see what we can advise.
Sorry Judi I am jumping in here you are not lazy! you just don't have the energy or the motivation because of your low thyroid. I use to beat myself up terrible when I went from a go get and on the move person to someone who kept thinking "what is so difficult about getting out of this chair" I told myself constantly I was lazy! which was not good for me mentally or good for my mitochondria (energy powerhouse cells) to hear this. I had to change all my thinking. I feel we beat ourselves up enough already!
Yes I am 38 yrs old. Was diagnosed about 4 1/2 years ago. I have an irregular cycle the last being 60 days. I'm thin though so I'm lucky not to have gained weight. I'm struggling to conceive also. Been pregnant twice. The last being 2.5 years ago. I'm not getting ivf treatment. Not sure if thyroid anything to do with having a thin womb lining due to 1 and 2 day periods. Feel tired and cold but I just get on with it 😤
Hi, just to confirm that under active thyroid does cause issues with both conceiving and been able to carry a baby, big hugs xxxx
If you've not had a recent blood test make an appointment for a new one. Request a Full Thyroid Function Test (probably wont but ask anyway) i.e. TSH, T4, T3, Free T4, Free T3, antibodies, B12, Vit D, iron, ferritin and folate. They probably wont but ask anyway. The FT3 is particularly important as it informs us if levo is converting properly. If lab wont do it you can get a private one from one of the recommended labs.
The test should be the earliest possible and fast (you can drink water). Leave around 24 hours since your last dose and the test and take it afterwards. Always get a print-out of your results, with the ranges, and post if you have a query.
Been on Levothyroxine since a partial ( near all Thyroidectomy) 23 years ago.
Not really had a problem with it,and as I was diagonosed with autoimmune haemolytic anaemia some 13 years later,followed by PBC it would be hard to differentiate what symptoms come from what.
If you get or are due a blood test follow this procedure:-
Request a Full Thyroid Function Test (probably wont but ask anyway) i.e. TSH, T4, T3, Free T4, Free T3, antibodies, B12, Vit D, iron, ferritin and folate. They probably wont but ask anyway. The FT3 is particularly important as it informs us if levo is converting properly. If lab wont do it you can get a private one from one of the recommended labs.
The test should be the earliest possible and fast (you can drink water). Leave around 24 hours since your last dose and the test and take it afterwards. Always get a print-out of your results, with the ranges, and post if you have a query.
Yes I am also on prednisolone for pmr
I am plus another 50mcg, so that makes 150mcg in total and am gaining weight at the rate of knots, even though I train real hard, dry skin and constipated amongst other symptoms! But I think my endo may recommend I lower to 125mcg next week, as well, it's all about those little TSH numbers on a piece of paper, not about how a person actually feels right?!
I used to be 150mcg and thought this was about right for me and about 3 yrs ago my code was lowered to 125mcg even though I complained. I have since slowly and fit no reason been putting on weight and BP has gone high. BUT it's nothing to do with my dosage as long as the blood tests say I'm fine. I AM NOT AVERAGE when will doctors treat symptoms and not just rely on blood tests
They've no right adjusting our hormones just because the TSH falls in a certain place. See my response to Jeremy above and get a new blood test if you've not had a recent one and post recents. TSH is highest first thing.
Read my response to Jeremy above and post your results. Early morning helps TSH to be high as it reduces throughout the day which may result in an unwanted reduction in meds. If you aren't on an optimum of levothyroxine or other thyroid hormones exercising reduces T3 and as it is the Active Hormone required in all of our receptor cells you may inadvertently not have sufficient to raise your metabolism.
I had been on 100mg for about 10 years but began to feel very unwell first bloods said within range 4 months later increase by 50mg to 150mg all good after that .
I take 125mcg per day. Started 24 years ago after my son was born. Luckily my Doctor at that time recognised the symptoms and I was diagnosed very quickly. Yes there was weight gain. My new Doctor has sent me on every slimming course possible. No weight loss. So I eat healthily and exercise sensibly.
You may need a slight increase in your thyroid hormones which will raise metabolism. Some doctors adjust doses according to the TSH which is highest in the morning if you get an early appointment, fast also but you can drink water. Leave about 24 hours between your dose and blood test and take levo afterwards.
I was, why
I've been on it for fifteen years, and only recently had a trial of adding in T3. It made a difference.
I am. No weight issues. I am also gluten free and supplement with high dose vit b12 and a good multi-vit which includes selenium.
Wombletor, may I ask which brand of levothyroxine you take in the morning and which brand of multi-vit? Thanks.
I will check the brand and get back to you, but tbh I never look at the brand. I take Tesco own brand multi vit for hair skin and nails at the moment, there's a good dose of selenium in it (I've just had a baby) I use BetterYou vit b12 and vitD3 spray. I eat really well too, no processed foods, no sugar, limited alcohol. I'm sure it all goes towards feeling well.
Me too. Take it about an hour before I get up. Don't have loads of energy or motivation but still manage to do as much as I can. Been on it for about 12 years after having both my babies close together. Was on a higher dose, now down to 100. Fortunately haven't suffered from too much weight gain but eat sensibly and in moderation. Yoga is also good and taking the right supplements and less sugar and gluten, more fruit veg and fish.
I'm taking 125
Hi , I am on 100 mg but Saturday and Sunday i have to take an extra 25mg. What ever you do do not diet unless you have spoken to your Dr as your hormon levels will change which means your dosage of medication will also change. I have had an underactive thyroid since i was 17 and now i am 44. When your dosage is sorted your feel much better in your self.
I've been on 100mg for several years. My levels haven't changed enough apparently to be increased. I've learned to look after myself as far as weight and exercise are concerned, not rely on the GP or medication
I was on 100mcg but was still very tired and TSH stuck at 2.6. I badgered my GP to increase to 125mcg, and after finding out my ferritin level was extremely low was also put on iron tablets. My Vit B levels were also on the low side too so I take a suppement for that too. My latest test results show my TSH has dropped to 0.6 and I feel so much better. Your best bet is to get blood tests done and supplement appropraiately. Bear in mind that multi vits have a very low amount of each vitamin and mineral, highly unlikely to help. I take seperate B12, iron, Selenium and a good pro biotic supplement plus magensium oil spray. Good luck x ps; I also take my levo at night and all my vits first thing in the morning. I have been lucky and never had any weight issues..I am a big believer in everything in moderation'. I had a test for gluten intolerance and it came back negative so I haven't altered my diet at all. Just try and include more iron and vit c.
Hi. I have been on Levi for several years and finally last year after getting similar labs on my tsh and t3 levels being at low end of normal, talked my doctor into prescribing armor thyroid as I did not feel that Levi was converting properly. Had all the classic symptoms, dry skin, hair loss, not able to lose weight, tired, weak, lethargic. Labs also showed anemia due to B12 deficiency. New doctor prescribed Levi again but in 125 mg. along with levothyinine. Also getting B12 injections at maximum dose once a month. Been on this regimen for 2 months now and don't see any improvement.
You mentioned that you take your thyroid meds at night. I don't take any other meds in the morning. I take blood thinner, diabetes, cholesterol, antipsychotic, sleeping aid, at bedtime. I take all vitamins, similar to what you're taking in the morning.
Should I take thyroid meds at night?
I am been on it for a few years now
I have been on 100 mg for ten years after RAI the last two years I have felt really ill, after joining this forum in November 2015 I was advised to increase to 125 mg which I have been on the last three weeks. I am seeing an endocrinologist on the 19th February and I am going to ask for T3 as well. I too put three stone in weight on and have all the other symptoms, fatigue, depression, joint aches and pains, dry skin, constipation, lack of concentration, migraines the lot, but slowly I am self medicating on B12 B complex Vitamin K2, D3, and I have also introduced Aloe Vera tablets which help maintain your digestive system especially if you suffer from indigestion or heartburn (I've been prescribed Omeprizole for the past ten years, which isn't good for you, so I'm slowly weaning myself off).
I think it's going to be a slow process but I'm sticking with it. I would advise that you stand firm where your Doctor is concerned as the majority just fib you off, or try to.
Good luck
I am and have for 15 years no real problems at present on 150.
Was diagnosed with PMR in Aug 15 like another lady that has replied to post.
Symptoms are very much the same so difficult to say what is what .
Their is so much evidence that once you have one Auto immune illness you will go onto develop more.
I have been on 100 mcg for almost 4 years. Last year I was also sent by an endo on a chronic fatigue management course, after which I did a mindfulness course.
Where Can I get details of these private labs and likely cost?
I was diagnosed in January 2012 aged 39 with an underactive thyroid after going to my usless doctor with symptom after symptom. Mood swings, headaches, crying for no reason, stiff joints, earache, depression, weight gain (2st). Finally after two years he gave me a full blood screen (in the process trying to put me on a guilt trip about how much they cost the NHS). Hence I have paid my taxes for 26yrs..! Low and behold it came back that I had an underactive thyroid like my older sister.
I am now on 100mg of Levothyroxine. I have a new set of doctors at the practice since his retirement and they don't seem interested in my thyroid or the fact that I have put yet another stone on (now 13 and 5,2"). I just get snide remarks about my weight gain. I walk all day at work and I don't drive. I get up at 6.45am and I don't sit down all day until about 6pm. I am never told my results for my thyroid tests so wouldn't know if they were good or bad. I still have severe aching and stiffness in my joints, tiredness, weightgain, migranes. I feel old before my time and I have just turned 43. I wish I had a dedicated endocrinologist to help me but I have never had it suggested to me. I didn't even know they existed until I read this site.